Fuyang Van Plan-

As part of Madison Adoption Associates' One-to-One Partnership Agreement with Fuyang Social Welfare Institute, we are always concerned with the health and education of the children.

Our Executive Director, Aleda Madison, was in Fuyang last week visiting the children.  At this visit, we learned of a great need to help these children because there is not any group transportation to take the children to school or medical appointments.  Though they are receiving loving care, we feel that each child deserves an education!  Likewise, the ability to take several children to medical appointments at a time will allow children to receive necessary life saving care, as well as speeding up their path to a permanent family!  

Fuyang cares for many wonderful babies that Aleda met, a s well as many waiting little ones who are in the LWB Healing H ome in Hefei! These children deserve the best care, the best educ ation, and to be in loving homes as soon as possible. Thus, MAA feels compelled to intervene on behalf of these kids!  

You may remember that with your help and the assistance of our friends at Love Without Boundaries, MAA purchased a 12 passenger van for Huainan SWI in 2013.  With that donation, the children are now able to attend school.

Seeing the huge difference this donation made, MAA has committed to purchasing a van for the Fuyang Social Welfare Institute, and WE ARE HUMBLY ASKING FOR YOUR HELP!

We are setting a fundraising goal of $20,000We ask for your help in supporting this new Van Plan by sending a check or clicking the PayPal Donate button below! All donations are tax-deductible and 100% of all donations will go toward this project.  If you can, please consider being a part of this critical project that will directly help children lead better, healthier, happier lives!
                            Send your tax deductible donation to:
Madison Adoption Associates
1009 Woodstream Drive
Wilmington, DE 19810
                      OR make a donation using PayPal:
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Thank you!

The children of Huainan SWI are traveling to school with the help of your generous contribution.
Let's make it happen for Fuyang!