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Your monthly news & updates
January 2016
Nudes in the News
On December 27, a boat that was taking on water during a yacht race in Australia came in towards shore calling for rescue. When all were safe and things settled down, they - and the media - were amused to note that it was people at a nude beach who had come to the rescue. 

Streak Back to the 70's
Live in the WV area? Join Avalon Resort for a trip back to the '70's! Relive the humor of Blazing Saddles or that funky beat of Stayin' Alive. Let your hair down and boogie all weekend long. And, yes, streaking will be highly encouraged.

Interested in Joining our Board?
AANR-East is always looking for new, energetic, nudists with good ideas and fresh perspectives to join our board of directors. Interested? Contact Gloria Waryas at It's a great way to help be the change you want to see in the world. 
Nudist Appointed Bishop in UK

The Church of England recently appointed its first naturist Bishop. Archdeacon Karen Gorham was raised in a naturist family and wrote a defense of naturism several years ago. Great to see more nudists publicly embrace nudism and promote it to a curious public.

Nudist Blood Drive in FL 
Will you be snowbirding in sunny Florida this January? Well if you are, the AANR home office will be hosting a blood drive on January 29, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the AANR office in Kissimmee, Florida. AANR invites everyone in the area to stop by, donate, and meet its staff.
Sleeping Nude is Catching On

Most of our readers likely know this, but it seems like the rest of the world may be catching on: it's healthier to sleep nude. A number of articles have run in major magazines and networks that are now promoting this. Huh. We coulda told them! 


January's Quote
"To see you naked is to recall the Earth."
~Frederico Garcia Lorca
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