  • Update on October 13 Board of Supervisors Meeting
  •    Notice of Important Meeting October 27, 7 PM
Success! Avila's Area Plan to be Updated
BOS Mtg  10 13 15
Photo credit: Debora Humphreys
Nearly 60 "Concerned Citizens" sporting blue shirts and holding "Safety First for Avila" and "Keep Wild Cherry Canyon Wild" signs were rewarded with a 5-0 vote. The SLO Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to direct Planning & Building to make updating the San Luis Bay Area Plan a priority. Updating will cost about $750,000 and take 2-3 years locally, plus 1-2 years at the Coastal Commission.
Another big win is the authorization of the Avila Beach Drive Traffic Program which will investigate:
-       The current and historical Level of Service on the road
-       All language in the Local Coastal Program created as a result of Ordinance 2702 in 1995 (including why the second week in May was selected and whether or not this is a feasible/appropriate standard)
-       Coastal dependent and Coastal related uses
Jim Hartig made the request and the Board voted 5-0 to do the traffic study. This investigation will take place using the Resource Management System and potentially involve an outside consultant. The cost is difficult to estimate at this time, but staff should be able to get this program back in front of the Board within 9 months. Likely results include a two-part report that will go to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors:
-       Planning items: Area Plan language, environmental issues, etc.
-       Public Works items: Traffic counts, circulation issues, etc.
Also, this process will likely involve a referral to AVAC, the Harbor District, PG&E and the Coastal Commission. The investigation will dovetail with the traffic section of the San Luis Bay Area Plan update and EIR.
Concerned Citizens for Avila gathered over 800 signatures on the petition requesting the revision of the master plan and Martin Suits presented these to the Board of Supervisors at the meeting. Our supervisor Adam Hill spoke in support of both the update and the traffic study.
It was a great day for Avila!

Chevron Resort at Avila Point Meeting October 27

Your input is needed! County Planning is hosting a "scoping" meeting regarding the proposed Avila Point project on Tuesday, October 27, at 7:00 pm, at the Avila Beach Community Center. County Planning is requesting public input on what should be included in the Environmental Impact report.
(Information is available from Ryan Hostetter at County Planning:  [email protected] .)
Please see the project application and initial study on the AVAC website under Current Issues. (
-       Avila Point overlooks and is 50% larger than the existing community of Avila Beach.
-       The site gainfully supported past oil processing.
-       Without a zoning change, current General Plan standards specific to the site assure against heavy industry. Greenhouses and energy produced by solar or wind could be possible.
Project Information:
-       Project applications include amendment of the General Plan to change zoning to Recreation. This would enable a resort and/or uses such as an event facility.
-       Other project applications are for a specific plan and vesting subdivision map. These would facilitate phased development.
-       Approval of the proposed vesting map could lock in requirements in effect at this time, including evaluation of traffic impacts based on the second weekday in May.
-       The proposed resort basically would be self-contained with restaurants, shops and more. Proposed are: Parking at a lot fronting Avila Beach Drive at Cave Landing Road; 232 units for hotel and vacation rental with 268,200 sq.ft.; 4,000 sq.ft. for retail; 20,000 sq.ft. of various uses which could include 10 multi-family residences, a desalination plant or wastewater facility; 2,000 sq.ft. for gatehouse.
-       Soils are contaminated from past oil industry uses. In addition to significant truck trips related to resort construction, site remediation is estimated to involve 140 daily one-way truck trips for 340 days.
Status: Although the Board of Supervisors already authorized the optional processing of the rezoning application, rezoning has not been approved. The Board must approve the proposed rezoning, which would amend the General Plan, before the proposed specific plan and subdivision map can be considered for approval.