Hi, It's Robin Meyerson


I'm a Jewish mom with five kids ages 17 to three. I'm blessed to live in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona where I take care of my family, work part time and am involved in many community projects.


I'm writing to tell you about a unique program that will help you prepare for Elul.


Being a Jewish woman is more than Jewish rituals - it's about living life to the fullest. I try to maximize all areas of my life; family, health, finances, avodas Hashem, relationships and more. If I let any area slide it's hard to have life balance. As Jewish women we juggle so much! We need to be the strength of our homes and communities.


I have taken several Torah classes in order to build a strong foundation for my family and community. Two years ago a friend recommended the personal development classes offered by Rabbi Aryeh Nivin. I was intrigued that he trained more than 3,000 women worldwide in how to have more joy and vitality in their lives.


I've heard that women all over the world feel deeply and increasingly unsatisfied with their lives. Why? I consider myself a happy person and am certainly grateful for all I have. Maybe I could learn to maximize my life's happiness. Rabbi Nivin's program showed me how.


Rabbi Nivin taught me that you don't want to let life just "happen". You want to have a vision for the year.


You want to go into Rosh Hashanah with written goals on how to live the life you always wanted to live. Rabbi Nivin makes it easy for people to join the program by offering 5 classes for $1 in time for Elul. You can go into Rosh Hashanah prepared as a Jewish woman. Check out testimonials, rabbinic endorsements and details at www.newchabura.com. During these 60 minute classes by phone or webinar, you'll discover:


  • What your unique life purpose is and why you must live it to create the life you were born to live
  • How to have life balance with G-d, interpersonal relationships, family, career, community
  • Learn tools to transcend your greatest flaws
  • Live with increased energy and vitality


If you'd like to get a taste of what the material is about, click here for a free E-book: Revealing Your Soul. The first class starts the week of August 17. Call (02) 580-6406 (Israel) or (646) 863-4123 (USA) or email [email protected]. There are separate men's and women's options available.


I hope you will join the Chabura. It's one of the best programs I have ever done.




Robin Davina Meyerson

Chabura Member Since 5774


P.S. This year, my husband and I celebrate 25 years of marriage and I really can't express how grateful I am to Rabbi Nivin and all members of the chabura whose insights into living a meaningful and uplifting life have enhanced my life!