
Montreal Anash Info Email Service
Dear community member,
It is already five years since we built a brand new mikva at our shul that has been serving many people in the area. Despite the increasing expenses it is being maintained at the highest level of cleanliness and comfort.
We would therefore like to give you the opportunity to have the זכות of one month's operation of the Mikva for a donation of $360 (payable over the year). You can sponsor one month in the name of anyone you wish to honor or in the memory of a loved one.
We also must build a new בור מי גשמים, and a monthly sponsorship would help towards that also. As we daven every shabbos ומי שנותנים נר למאור..... הקב״ה ישלם שכרם ... וישלח ברכה והצלחה בכל מעשה ידיהם. May you have all the blessings that everyone davens for every shabbos.
Please contact Rabbi Meir Man  514-831-5296 or email our shul at  [email protected].
Thank you very much in advance.

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