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October 28, 2015
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TBC Events / TBC Calendar
Need to schedule (or change or cancel) a TBC Event? Kindly fill out the TBC Calendar Request Form.
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Phone: 203 544-8695
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Office Manager: Kim O'Rielly
Education Manager: Jennifer Haynos
Facility Use/Rental: Kim O'Rielly 


President, Dina Gumins

Sisterhood President, Margaret Mazer Ogdon 


Chailites News Item Submissions   

Please note that events and news for
Chailites should be submitted to by
Sunday at 4:00 pm to appear on Wednesday.

(Dates and times are also on the TBC website calendar.)   
  • Thursday, October 29, 4:20 pm: Religious School in Session 
  • Friday, October 30, 7:30 pm: Shabbat Service
  • Saturday, October 31, 9:30 am: Torah Study.  This week: Vayerra!
  • Sunday, November 1, 9:30 am: Religious School in Session
  • Sunday, November 1, 6:00 pm: Sisterhood Dinner
  • Wednesday, November 4, 4:20 pm: Religious School in Session
  • Wednesday, November 4, 7:30 pm: Sisterhood Book Group-"A Bride for One Night"
  • Thursday, November 5, 4:20 pm: Religious School in Session
Successful Stop Hunger Now Meal Packing Event
 More Contributions Needed!

Woo Hoo!! 165,000 Meals Packaged on Saturday!! The Greater Wilton Community came together with Stop Hunger Now last Saturday, October 24, to package 165,000 meals that will feed 452 children over the next year. 750 volunteers including 90 from TBC worked together to accomplish this Tikkun Olam effort. The day was filled with fun and meaning. Thanks to all who volunteered and provided financial support. We are still short of TBC's financial commitment, so it is not too late to support this great effort by contributing via the online form.   MORE PICTURES HERE! 
2015-2016 Adult Education Events

November 15, 2015
Judaism and Christianity in the tumultuous first century.  Rev. Dr. K. Jason Coker, the pastor at Wilton Baptist Church
January 31, 2016 Program on Antisemitism
February 7, 2016 Climbing Your Family Tree.  Rabbi Bearman on how to begin tracing your family's history
March 9, 2016 Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents: when is it a problem.  Dr Aaron Krasner
April 3. 2016 NYC museum trip, sponsored by Our Crowd
May 1, 2016

Multi Generational program for Yom Hashohah based on John Freund's memoir.  John was born in Ceske Budejovice, the source of TBC's Holocaust Torah
Presentation on Jewish holidays
Bring a Friend to TBC Family Shabbat Service Next Week, November 6! 

Bring your family and friends to our TBC Family Shabbat Service, next Friday, November 6! We will start with a kid-friendly pre-neg Pizza and veggies at 6 pm followed by the service at 6:30 pm. At 7:15 pm Birthday Celebration and Oneg!
Torah Study!

TBC Torah Study takes place most Saturday mornings at 9:30 am. Sessions are led by the Rabbi and lay leadership. Come engage in thoughtful, educational and fun learning sessions with fellow TBC members. The schedule for the remainder of the calendar year includes  all Saturdays from now through December 19th . Each week's Torah portion with commentaries is available online at:
- Sisterhood News -
Hands On! Sisterhood Membership Dinner: Sunday, November 1, 6:00 pm

Sisterhood members or new TBC members are treated to a catered supper with favors. Take some time to hang out with your Temple friends and have a girls' night out. Irresistible raffle items will be available! RSVP by Oct 28th:
SHOP SMART TO DO GOOD! Sisterhood Fundraiser: Saturday, November 14
  • A special all-day shopping event hosted by Lord & Taylor in Stamford in support of local non-profit organizations
  • The Shop Smart, Do Good event day features the best discounts of the season, local entertainment,  gifts with purchase and fun activities.
  • Each ticket is priced at $5.00 and is used when you shop at Lord and Taylor on    Nov 14, 2015. ( You may pre shop for a week before, put items on hold and pick up    your items on Nov 14th.)    
  • You receive in each ticket book: 
      -TWO (2) 25% off single-item coupons to be used on regular-priced or sale items (Each savings book has two of these, buy more books at $5 each to get more 25% off coupons for your purchases)*
      -ONE (1) 15% off savings pass that can be used throughout the day on all purchases, including cosmetics and fragrances*
Extra savings apply when opening (15%) or using (10%) a Lord & Taylor credit card*
            *Some exclusions apply. (See your savings ticket book for details)
Tickets may be purchased at the Sisterhood Dinner, Book Group and by  contacting Gladys O'Neil at

Men's Club Happenings

From Jeff Spector: First, a big thank you to the men who helped take down the sukkah on Columbus Day weekend. You are troopers. Second, we will be hosting a get together next month on Sunday, November 15th (9:30-11:00 am). The meeting will be a three-parter.  Part 1 will be the election of officers.  Part 2 will be a fascinating (hopefully!) discussion of two articles about being a man in our society, "When is it OK for a Man to be Aggressive" and "2 Massive Confessions About So-Called Alpha Males (as written by one)".  As we get closer to the meeting, I will send the articles to all.  Part 3 will be a discussion about specific agendas for future meetings.  Looking forward to see all of our male congregants, both young and old.  Contact Jeff Spector with any questions at or 203-956-6367.
Inscribe Your Leaf on the Tree of Life Today!

Whether you celebrate a birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding, anniversary or other special event, inscribing th
e event on the leaves of the Tree of Life will ensure your memories shine brightly at Temple B'Nai Chaim for years to come.

It's easy to order - just fill out the Tree of Life order form. Each leaf costs $300 and will be engraved upon receipt of the completed order form and full payment. Your leaf will be placed on the tree within 6-8 weeks after the order is placed. Examples of leaves may be seen here.  Contact if you have any questions. 

Yahrzeits, October 30-November 5, 2015
(See also the Monthly Yahrzeit List
on the TBC Website.)  
Edythe R. Braunstein Friday 10/30/2015 mother of Wendy Nadel
Jerry Shapiro Friday 10/30/2015 uncle of Jon Sobel
Janet Down Sunday 11/1/2015 sister-in-law of Ronnie Ross
Laura Deutsch Monday 11/2/2015 Cousin of Michele Bender
Esther Greenberg Tuesday 11/3/2015 mother of Iris Busch
Harry Kulawitz Tuesday 11/3/2015 grandfather of Harvey Kulawitz
Aaron Lipsky Thursday 11/5/2015 father of Ann Paul