October 2015


Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for this year's volunteer recognition celebration!  We would like your feedback even if you did not attend this year's celebration.  Please take a few minutes to answer this short online survey so we can make next year's event even better!


2015 Volunteer Recognition Survey

Liz Chapline and Marie Shea Honored with the Lori Kleiman Award at this Year's Volunteer Recognition Celebration
Lori Kleiman was one of RMHI's highly valued and very special volunteers dating back to our opening in 1982. She was valued for her dedication to the RMHI mission, her hard work, her generosity with her time and talent, her creativity and energy and, most of all, her compassion. Since her passing, the Ronald McDonald House recognizes volunteers that most exemplify her dedication and values with this special award.
Liz Chapli ne came to the House in January of 2014.  She serves as a Guest Services Volunteer and mentor at our Limestone location on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings.  She is known to be very conscientious, dependable and will stay after her shift when necessary. She is always on the go and looking for extra projects to help with. Thank you Liz!
  Marie Shea has been volunteering for over 9 years and is continually increasing her support by representing the House in a variety of ways.  She serves as a Guest Services Volunteer and mentor at both Limestone and Riley and delivers coffee and RMH information with the C3 Coffee Cart at Riley.  She most recently contributed her story to the volunteer tribute video, "I Volunteer at the Ronald House, B'Cause..." created by B105.7 radio.  Congratulations, Marie! 
Congratulations to the Following Honorees

The following volunteers were recognized at this year's volunteer recognition for length of service. 
One Year Anniversaries
Pam Baker
Josh Baranski
Joe Bateson
Kelsey Berggren
Christina Bryant
Caleb Bullock
Liz Chapline
Amy Cosgrove
Emily Crane
Michael Craney
Madisen Deal
Steve Deal
Linda Downey
Laurie Eagan
Linda Fogle
Lydia Gill
Lisa Glavan
Jeremy Guilloty
Paige Hannum
Sydney Harper
Kim Hooper
Brent Jackson
Zach Jones
Kim Karmenzind
Jessica Kartawich
Dan King
Daniel Kinsey
Jerry Knoop
Karen Kostaroff
Mary Krause
Amber Lee
Mallory McGinnis
Paige Mocek
Arooj Mohammed
Paige Morrison
Eric Noe
Roshni Patel

Katie Patterson
Betsy Robbins
Sherry Roberts
Brooke Robinson
Jana Schlosser
Kendal Singh
Elena Smith
Sydney Stewart
Bianca Suarez
Brenda True
Gary True
Deborah Warsaw
Roz Webb
Teresa West
Derek Williams
Hayley Williams
Russell Williams
Charlene Wilson
Ivy Wright

Five Year Anniversaries
Brandt Atkins
Phil Berg
Allan Bowers
James Dunn
Cyd Hahn
Vikki Hall
Jay Kirkpatrick
Phil Kostaroff
Pam Lawlis
Ron Lenz
Karen McGugin
Michael Miller
Stephan Mitchell

Allen Oberlin
Michael Rhinaman
Maddie Rhinesmith
Bob Skorjanc
Stacey Sterrett
Douglas Stewart

Ten Year Anniversaries
Linda Duke
Rick Giesel
Curt Hidde
Chris Lake  
Thomas Maxwell
Nicole McKinney
Carolyn McMahon
Bonnie Morrison  
Lisa Neice
Kara Snyder
Vickie Tipton  
Fifteen Year Anniversaries
Ted Burger
Tom Marcum 
Bonnie Molloy
Shirley Yegerlehner
Twenty Year Anniversaries
Lisa Hull
Twenty Five Year Anniversaries
Jean Buehner
Kevin Buehner 
Woody Hurst
Karen Lewandowski 
Bob Schofield
Donna Schofield 
Thirty Five Year Anniversaries
Karen Campbell
Chuck Richmond
President's Services Awards
This national award was established in 2003 as a way to thank and honor American's who by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service.
(For recording 100 to 249 hours of service in 2014)
Harold Aron
Juanna Brennan
Liz Chapline
Karen Devansky
Emily Duhn
Linda Duke
Theresa Errard
Bert Harvey 
Ernie Harvey
Terri Hawkins
Curt Hidde
Lisa Hull
Woody Hurst
Rega Kowalski
Karen Lewandowski 
Alexandra Makris
Stephan Mitchell
Dale Roberts
Mercedes Roots
Lane Sims
Marge Vogel
Shirley Yegerlehner 

(For recording 250 to 499 hours of service in 2014)
Emily Crane
Paige Hannum
Nancy Iles
Cara Kowal

(For recording 500 plus hours of service in 2014)
Karen McGugin
Michael Rhinaman 
Linda Satterfield
Haley Williams
Helping Hands Awards
This award recognizes individuals, organizations and businesses who have responded to the needs of our families through their generous donation of their time, talent and treasure.
McDonald's® of Central Indiana
NextGear Capital
South Central Indiana Corvette Club


Welcome Marco Ray, Assistant Guest Services Manager


We are happy to welcome Marco Ray to the RMHI team as Assistant Guest Services Manager on Thursdays and Fridays at our Limestone location.  Marco is a former English teacher at Roncalli High School.  He and his family have first hand experience with the RMHI because they stayed here between December 2013 and January 2014 while his daughter Audrey was in Riley Hospital.  Marco also serves as a Guest Services Volunteer on Monday and Wednesday afternoons at the RMH at Riley.  Welcome Marco! 

Welcome Fall Interns
Once again, we are so fortunate to have talented interns donating their time and talent to the House.  Please join us in welcoming our fall interns.
Hannah Gish is part of IUPUI's Sam H. Jones Scholarship program and is working with Mary Friend in Volunteer Resources for the whole school year. She is a junior, studying Communications and Events Management.
Liz Jansen comes to us from Butler University where she is a junior studying Marketing and Strategic Communications.  Liz is working with Kelly Thien on communications and marketing projects.
Sarah Pelko is a senior at Butler University studying Strategic Communications and Critical Communication Media Studies. She is also working with Kelly Thien on communications and marketing projects.
Taylor Rich is a junior at IUPUI studying Nonprofit Management focusing on Communication and Event Management.  She is working with Pam Anderson on special events.
Kailey Vernon who is also part of IUPUI's Sam H. Jones Scholarship program is working with Rhonda Hainer in Guest Services at the RMHI at Riley for the school year.  Kailey is a junior studying Psychology.   
Lilly Day of Service
The RMHI hosted 30 Eli Lilly employees for Lilly's Global Day of Service. There was a great deal of teamwork required to host such a large and enthusiastic group.  Thank you to our Master Gardeners,  Steve Luedeman, Carolyn McMahon, Cathy Plump and Roz Webb for leading the group with the outdoor gardening projects;  Leah Shubert and Shirley Yegerlehner for coordinating the efforts in the library; and  Connie Cripe, Beth Johnson and  Rega Kowalski for their hard work with the group organizing the basement.  
Mission Moment

I would like to thank all the people that have been so kind to my daughter and me.  We drove almost 4 hours for my daughter to be seen here at Riley Hospital.  We didn't know where we were going to spend the night and I was terrified just thinking about it.  I'm not familiar with the area.  What you guys do is amazing and I will always thank you for giving my daughter and I a safe place to stay.
Thank you so much.  God bless you always,
Alma and Lailah Arreola
Look Who Was Caught Rolling Out The Red Carpet  
Rhonda Hainer, Guest Services Manager at the RMHI at Riley, caught Guest Services Volunteer Karen McGugin demonstrating friendliness, compassion, respect and dignity to others.   
Rhonda wrote; "Karen has demonstrated empathetic listening and compassion to our families especially to families in bereavement.  Her caring and kind presence helps families feel comfortable sharing their grief and pain.  I have observed Karen in action as well as over heard her through my office door and am impressed with her depth of compassion and concern.  She is an asset to our team."
Thank you, Karen! 

Congratulations, Karen!  Your name was drawn this month in our Red Carpet Award drawing and your Crew's Carwash pass is in the mail.

Remember if you catch a volunteer or staff member rolling out the red carpet and demonstrating excellent customer service, please submit a nomination using the form below listing the criteria. Printed copies of this form are also available in the front office at both Limestone and Riley.  Each month, all nominations are eligible for a random drawing for a Crew's Carwash pass.

Please click on the following link for the nomination form:

Operations Update - Limestone  
  • Whenever possible, please make sure the greeter desk is covered.
  • Remember to check the communications binder for updates.
  • We now have two PlayStation 4s for the game room that can be signed out.  Please check the communication binder for details.
  • Any self-referrals for a baby that is in Methodist Hospital MUST be approved through Methodist Hospital social workers.  This is regardless of where the family lives. If the referral is received from the social worker, they can just be added to the list.  Please see the manager on duty or the communications binder with any questions.
  • The Cash Receipt Journal has been updated so please make sure you are recording information in the correct columns.

Thank You

  • Thank you to Bryce Nelson, Rebecka Masih and Michaela McDonald for helping represent the House at the IUPUI Fall Involvement Expo.
  • Thank you Bob Schofield and Harold Aron for providing 1,000 lanyards.  The orange pass attached to the lanyards helps us identify those who have been registered with us at the RMH at Riley. 
RMHI at Riley Reflections from Rhonda

A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in an approach or underlying assumption. Our paradigm is the way we assume things are. It is what we believe is truth based on our backgrounds, teachings, environmental influences and our experiences.

Steven Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, describes a time he experienced a shift in his paradigm. He was sitting in the subway when a man and his three sons came in. The boys were out of control running around and bothering people. The man sat there in a daze saying nothing. Finally Mr. Covey said to the man, "Can you please get your kids under control!" The man sat up and said apologetically, "We just came from the hospital where their mother died about an hour ago. My sons don't know how to react and I don't either."

In that moment Steven Covey's paradigm shifted. Suddenly he saw things differently. Because he saw differently, he thought differently and he felt differently, he behaved differently. His irritation vanished. Feelings of sympathy and compassion flowed freely.

We never know the battles people are facing when they come through our doors at the Ronald McDonald House. Everyday is a new opportunity to shift our paradigms and widen our hearts.

Updated Volunteer Schedule


Please click on the link below for the updated volunteer schedules:


October Guest Services Schedule


Happy Birthday!
Please join us in celebrating the following RMHI birthdays: 
Chris Baire
Donna Schofield
Lisa Tiffany
Dennis Porter
Jeff Chamness
Jesamyn Sparks
Al Barnes

Peg Strodtbeck
Bob Skorjanc
Alexandra Makris
Alia McCord
Jana Schlosser
Cara Kowal

Kylie Kovach
David Milsho
Micki Siner
Ernie Harvey
Norm Cochran
Jane McClure
Bobbie Ozogar

Upcoming Events


Visit our website or watch for details in future editions of this newsletter for these events that involve our volunteers.

(* Denotes a third-party event where RMHI is the beneficiary of community events organized by individuals, local organizations, schools or businesses.)


Taste...Journeys to the Wine Regions of Italy

November 6 


Holiday Meal at Riley Hospital

November 20 from 2 - 6 p.m.


Thanksgiving Meal at RMH

Limestone donated by Scotty Wise, owner Scotty's Brewhouse restaurants

November 26


Decorating Day at Limestone

November 28

Winter Wonderland Holiday Open House

December 1


Holiday Meal at Riley Hospital

December 18 from 2 - 6 p.m.


Santa Shop

December 18-25


Substitute List
Please call these volunteers if you need a substitute.

  • Lori Ball: (317) 371-9150 (Not available on Tues., Wed. or Thurs.)
  • Jennifer Cannady: [email protected] (Weekend only)
  • Craig Ito: [email protected] (Weekdays 9 a.m. - 12 noon) 
  • Rega Kowalski: (317) 241-1566
  • Mercedes Roots: (317) 356-9002 (Afternoons)
  • Paula Swift: (317) 797-1398 (3:30-9:30 p.m. and Weekends)
  • Marge Vogel: [email protected]
If you would like to add your name to this list, please contact Mary Friend at [email protected] or at (317) 267-0605, ext. 225.
Please remember to notify the manager on duty for last minute shift cancellations, and if you know your conflict in advance, notify Mary Friend.  Also let us know if you are able to find a substitute so we can update the schedule.  Be sure to notify Mary or the manager on duty directly rather than through your shift mates. 
  Thank you!

Our Mission

To provide a supportive home-away-from-home for families of children receiving medical care at Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health and other area hospitals. 

Our Vision

Nurturing a community where children and their families embrace life and healing with a sense of hope, enthusiasm, courage and joy.


Our Values


  • Innovation: We aim for continuous improvement to provide the highest level of comfort and care for our families.
  • Compassion: We seek to listen, understand and serve.
  • Accountability: We strive for the highest level of integrity and transparency with all of our partners and stakeholders.
  • Respect: We treat all people with dignity, compassion and respect.
  • Excellence: We embrace our mission and passionately commit to creating the best home-away-from-home for our families.

Ronald McDonald House of Indiana
435 Limestone St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Newsletter Editor:
Mary Friend, CVA
Volunteer Resources Manager
Direct Line:
317.267.0605 x225