A weekly newsletter about letting the workplace speak
Issue 32/Volume 2                www.VisualWorkplace.com                 August 12, 2015
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Visual Thinking Inc.

Upcoming Events

Friday, August 14
  12:00 - 1:30pm

Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth

As the end of our Summer Series, we present a case study, full of ideas and examples of
visuality in action.

$75 per Group
Visual Workplace in
Nairobi, Kenya
September 10, 2015
Click for Registration Information
Did You Know...

 Each of our eyelashes has a "life span" of approximately five months.

Thought for the Week
Visual problem-solving shares weak standards openly so that all can participate in identifying causes and developing solutions. Consider laying out the problem in a large and open format, posted directly in the area where the problem exists. this can go a long way toward ensuring wide ownership of, and interest in, detailed causes and solutions that last.
And the Visual Fail Prize Goes To...
Have you seen a Visual Fail that made you laugh?  Send the image to [email protected],
and we'll put it here and credit you with the funny find!
Visual Poem/Puzzle
Visual Radio:  Cultural Transformation:
    How Visuality Does It
Listen to Gwendolyn this 
Thursday at 10am (Pacific) on
This Week's Episode
Cultural Transformation: How Visuality Does It
Lean is capable of improving the operational profile of nearly every company--and fast! But we ask: When lean turn-arounds are so rapid, can the culture be transformed as well? While it's possible, for most companies it is unlikely. And while many techniques impact cultural change, none in the view of your host and visual expert, Gwendolyn Galsworth, is more powerful than the visual workplace in transforming a work culture completely and sustainably. This week Gwendolyn describes: how visuality does it. Tune in and hear how and why her visual approach engenders fierce commitment and very personal expression. Learn exactly how visuality can create connectivity in an enterprise, even tough ones. Understand the power of margin--that slightest bit of internal personal space that can and does liberate our human potential and trigger a spirited, engaged and unified workforce. Learn for yourself, why she says: visuality doesn't just support an aligned work culture. It creates it. 
Feature Article
5S Audit Renovation:
You Can Do It/We Can Help!
by Gwendolyn Galsworth, PhD

Our series on adjusting or tweaking your 5S continues --this time with reflections on the 5S-Audit.

The Five Tweaks. Though I cannot promise the following five tweaks will resurrect a stalled 5S or its audit, they can re-invigorate most 5S models and make them more engaging.

Tweak 1/Audit for Principles. Audit for the extent to which 5S principles are in place, not whether 5S tasks have been done. This is where you, associates, the work area, and the company will gain tremendous improvement leverage
Tweak 2/Teach the Principles. To benefit from auditing for principles, you will have to learn them yourself-so you can teach them to your value-add associates. I count some 25 principles in the core set. Do you know what they are? Better find out, quick.

Visual Tricks and Treats
Great signs, clever visual devices, artistic or humorous graffiti. If you find one to share, send the image to [email protected]