The Psychoanalytic Center of California
is pleased to present

The 6th Annual Wilfred Bion Conference

Catastrophic Change and Transformation
in the Psychoanalytic Process

  Saturday, December 5, 2015
8:30 am to 4 pm
New Center for Psychoanalysis Auditorium
2014 Sawtelle Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90025 


  Professor Didier Houzel
French Psychoanalytic Association

Program Description 
In the morning paper, The Emergence of the Concept of Catastrophic Change, Professor Houzel will explore how Bion's concept of Catastrophic Change, which is central in his theory of the psychoanalytic process, seems to find roots in his early traumatic experiences both in childhood and in the First World War. After a theoretical account of this concept, Professor Houzel will share clinical examples of catastrophic changes in the psychoanalysis of a neurotic patient. He will also suggest a link between Bion's concept of Catastrophic Change and the so-called Catastrophe Theory developed by the French mathematician RenĂ© Thom. 
In the afternoon, Professor Houzel will present his paper, Orientability and Non-orientability: The Models of Psychic Spaces in Bion's and Meltzer's Work. Bion's book, Transformations (1965), is devoted to the study of the transformations of the psychic space all along the psychoanalytic process. Bion defines psychic spaces as the places where partial objects used to be, that is as a psychic transformation of the absence of a libidinal object or a "non-realization." The main reference used by Bion here is a topological one. Meltzer (1975), on the other hand, uses a geometrical reference when he defines the dimensionality of the psychic space in his study of child autism. Professor Houzel suggests that the topological concept of orientability and non-orientability can be applied to what Meltzer has described as a bi-dimensional space, which can be understood as resulting from a kind of boomerang effect twisting the psychic space on itself and confusing the internal and the external spaces. He will illustrate this hypothesis with clinical material.

Program Schedule
8:30 am    
Registration and continental breakfast
9 am
Welcome, Dr. Jennifer Kunst, CE Chair
9:15 am
Morning paper, Dr. Didier Houzel
10:30 am
Coffee Break
10:45 am
Audience discussion

Noon-1:30 pm
Lunch break

1:30 pm
Afternoon paper, Dr. Didier Houzel
2:45 pm
Audience discussion
4 pm
Closing remarks and adjourn

Professor Didier Houzel is a training and supervising analyst and also a child analyst at the French Psychoanalytic Association. He was analysed first by Daniel Widlöcher, then by Nicole Berry. He is Emeritus Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the University of Caen (Normandy, France). He was the winner of the Frances Tustin Memorial Prize in 2002. He is Chief Editor of a French review devoted to Child Psychoanalysis: Journal de la psychanalyse de l'enfant. He has worked with several post-Kleinian psychoanalysts: James Gammill in Paris, Donald Meltzer in London, and Frances Tustin in Amersham. In collaboration with Didier Anzieu he edited papers on psychic envelopes. He has also edited several psychoanalytical articles on autism and childhood psychoses. He is President of the
French Federation for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy affiliated to the
European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (EFPP).
MD's, Psychologists, LCSW's, MFT's, Registered Nurses, and other learners interested in developing psychoanalytic understanding.  
Course Objectives
At the end of this activity, participants will be able to:
  1. Describe Bion's concept of catastrophic change and apply it to an individual psychoanalytic case.
  2. Discriminate between topological and geometric references in psychic space during the psychoanalytic process.
  3. Apply the concept of bi-dimensional space to a psychoanalytic case.
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General Admission: $165
$ 150 pre-registration by
November 27, 2015
Cash or Check

Candidates: $110
$95 pre-registration by
November 27, 2015
Cash or Check

Full-time students
with valid ID: $50

We can now receive payment by credit card on-site!
$5 transaction fee
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Registration, 8:30 am
Conference , 9 am to 4 pm
New Center for Psychoanalysis Auditorium
2014 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025

CE Committee

Jennifer Kunst, PhD (chair); Persila Conversano, PsyD; Chris Minnick, MD; Susan Mitchell, PhD; Theodore Mitrani, PhD; Honey Pietruska, PsyD; and Ellyn Singer, PsyD.  None of the planners and presenters of this CME program have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.  


PCC Executive Committee

Leigh Tobias, PhD, President

Jennifer Langham, President-Elect 

Janis Goldman, PhD, Secretary-Treasurer   


The PCC Clinic

PCC offers referral for low cost psychoanalysis and reduced cost psychoanalytic psychotherapy provided by PCC candidates in training. For information and referral call (310)208-1053 .   



Continuing Education








This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the IMQ and the CMA's CME accreditation  standards through the PCC. The PCC is accredited by the Institute for Medical Quality/California Medical Association (IMQ/CMA) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The PCC takes responsibility for the content, quality and scientific integrity of this CME activity.


The PCC designates this educational activity for a maximum of 5.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. This credit may also be applied to the CMA Certification in Continuing Medical Education. 

Psychologists may apply hours in attendance at this CME accredited live activity toward their continuing education requirement for licensure. 

This course meets the qualifications for up to 5.0 hours of continuing education as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (Provider # PCE1355) for those holding MFT or LCSW licenses. This course is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (Provider #CEP6003) for up to 5.0 contact hours. 
*Note:  Participants of all professional disciplines should only claim continuing education hours/credit commensurate with their actual participation in this activity.


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