How to Take Care of Your Lawn in the Fall
October 2015

The days are cooler, the leaves are changing, fall is in full swing! It's the perfect time to grow new grass and thicken the turf you already have by building a deep root system in your lawn!
Fall Fertilization

Have you thought about your fall lawn fertilization?  Often this final, important step in the care of your lawn is forgotten.  Fertilizing in the fall is a critical part of your lawn renovation and enables the lawn to 
survive  through the winter. 
The best time to apply a fall fertilizer is October into early November.  As the days get cooler, the grass will start storing the nutrients the fertilizer provides.  The benefits of fertilizing your lawn in the fall include increased and deeper root growth, a richer, darker-green color into late fall, a pleasant tan - (instead of white grass leaves) - in the dead of winter, an earlier spring green-up in the spring and much less disease and drought issues next year. 
Winter Survival Fall Fertilizer  is the perfect fall feeding formula for your lawn.  It contains humates which feed and stimulate beneficial soil microbes, loosening heavy, hard packed soils so air, water, and the nutrients from Winter Survival move deep down into the root zone.  
In some states, there are regulations concerning how late fertilizer can be applied in the fall. Check with your town to determine the final date allowed for fall fertilization and don't miss it!

It's Not Too Late to Seed Your Lawn!

Fall is officially here!  

The days are getting shorter and cooler.  Many home lawns suffered damage this year and they are in need of repair. It is not too late to seed this fall with our   Fall Magic  grass seed mixture. It is specially formulated for mid and late fall seeding success.  

If you would like more seeding and watering tips click here!

Do You Want to Fertilize Organically?

young-boys-soccer.jpg Organic fertilizers are another option for your fall fertilization.  Our Black Beauty Organic Lawn Fertilizer  and  Natural Beauty Organic Lawn Fertilizer   
contain beneficial "food grade" 100% organic nutrients to help your lawn survive the winter months.  These organic products will improve the health of your soil and repair the damage done to your grass over the summer.  

Mag-I-Cal   should also be applied to deliver soluble calcium immediately to the grass plant roots.  Mag-I-Cal rapidly balances your soils pH. When the soil pH is in balance you get the full benefit of the lawn fertilizer you spread.  If your lawn soil is acidic you could be wasting up to 70% of the fertilizer/food your spreading because the grasses in your lawn can't extract the food from the soil. Mag-I-Cal works faster than regular lime. One bag is equivalent to up to ten bags of old fashion lime stone products.

Prevent Thatch Build Up

Excessive Thatch
Thatch is a layer of dead and living shoots, stems, and roots that develops between the grass and the soil surface.  Thatch build up begins when turf produces organic debris faster than it can be broken down. 
 How do I Prevent this?
 1.   Choose a turf grass type (family) that doesn't produce as much thatch.  Perennial Ryegrass and Tall Fescues are primarily bunch- type grasses that spread through tillering, not rhizomes and do not produce significant thatch build up.  Kentucky Bluegrasses tend to produce thatch, because it does spread through rhizomes, but this isn't a problem when the soil that the lawn is grown in is well managed and healthy.  

 2.  Balance your pH and increase microbial activity.  Thatch accumulates when soil conditions don't have enough thatch-decomposing organisms. Acidic soils inhibit these microorganisms, resulting in rapid thatch build up. Soils that contain large amounts of clay or sand may contain low populations of soil microorganisms that decompose thatch. Compacted soils and soils with poor structure also contain low microbial activity and are subject to thatch build up.  When you spread Mag-I-Cal and Love Your Lawn - Love Your Soil, you encourage the soil microbes to break down thatch through a natural process of decay.  Healthy, loose soil will only have a minimal thatch layer at the base of the lawn.
 If your pH is low, apply Mag-I-Cal to raise it. If you have compacted soil, apply  Love Your Lawn-Love Your Soil to rejuvenate the soil microbes so they will help keep that thatch layer from building as they help to loosen the soil. 

For more information, how-to videos and informative articles visit  jonathangreen.c om
and  Follow  us on Facebook, Twitter and our other social media sites listed below for even more daily lawn and garden tips.  
Jonathan Green

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