Canadian Central

System News

CUSOURCE® launches updated course that highlights the credit union difference with a refreshed look and feel
Yesterday, on International Credit Union Day, our professional development and education arm, CUSOURCE, re-launched the eLearning course, Overview of the Credit Union System.

CUSOURCE Credit Union Knowledge Network 
This 20-30 minute course provides an overview of the rich history of the Canadian credit union system, and can be used to help orient employees to the breadth, scope and span of our system. It also provides an overview of the local, regional, and national structure and the nine foundational credit union operating principles.

"Many credit unions use this course when they hire new employees. We are pleased to provide a refreshed look and feel to the course - a look and feel that we believe better matches the vibrant and changing credit union industry," said Korinne Collins, Vice President, Professional Development and Education. 

To see a course description and pricing information, please visit our Learning Gateway portal.  

Overview of the Credit Union System course
Should you have any questions about CUSOURCE professional development, please contact us at:
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® CUSOURCE and CUSOURCE & Design are registered trade-marks owned by Credit Union Central of Canada.
HANDS & GLOBE Design is a registered certification mark owned by the
World Council of Credit Unions, used under license.
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