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Hilchos Berachos 53 (page 169)
מסעיף כו עד סימן נד אמצע סעיף ג וכן מי שלא היה

Davening from a Siddur
Reciting Hallel After Yishtabach
Reciting "Rebbe Chanania ben Akashia" After Studying Torah

Davening from a siddur
It is recommended that everyone daven from a siddur. A siddur helps with proper pronunciation and aids with kavanah. It is also advisable to follow chazaras hashatz in the siddur. Davening from a siddur is even more important for the chazan, given his responsibility and its pressures. It is inappropriate to use a siddur or other sefarim that were produced in a forbidden manner (e.g. through Shabbos desecration). The writing (or printing) of a sefer has an influence on the reader. The shaliach tzibur is called chazan from the Aramaic word to 'see,' since he is responsible to oversee the operations of the shul.
( סימ ן נג, ס"ק פז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 97-98)
Reciting Hallel after Yishtabach
It is forbidden to speak between Yishtabach and the beracha of Yotzer Or. Doing so allows the klipos that were banished by pesukei d'zimra to return and suppress the tefillos from rising before Hashem. It is permissible to interrupt if necessary for a mitzva or communal need. For example, it is permissible for someone davening alone near a minyan to recite Hallel along with them if he will not have an opportunity to recite it with a minyan later. This is considered a ' mitzva need,' since it is proper to recite Hallel with a minyan. Likewise, there is a custom based on the Arizal to recite the kapitel Shir Hama'alos Mima'makim during the Aseres Yemei Teshuva.
( סימן נד, סעיף א וס"ק ד-ו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 5)
Reciting "Rebbe Chanania ben Akashia" after studying Torah
Kaddish may be recited after completing Shemoneh Esrei, the public readings of Tanach and the study of certain sections of the Oral Torah. Sometimes the full kaddish is recited and other times half kaddish; sometimes it is recited by the chazan and sometimes by mourners. Kaddish D'rabonon (named so because it includes a special prayer for those who study Torah) is recited after studying the Oral Torah. Some poskim stipulate that it is recited only after studying the aggadic sections of the Torah. For this reason, the passage of " Amar Rebbe Elazar" is added after the recitation of Pitom Haketores following Shacharis and after Bameh Madlikin during Kabalas Shabbos. Likewise, the passage "Rebbe Chanania ben Akashia" is added after Torah discourses to permit the recitation of kaddish.
( סימן נד, סעיף ג וס"ק ח-ט; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 8-9)

  • A person cannot be removed from his position as an officer of the community based on rumors of misconduct. He can only be removed based on the testimony of witnesses.
  • If someone died after serving in a prestigious and honorable communal post, his sons are entitled to 'inherit' the position if they are capable. They have precedence even over more qualified candidates.
  • Someone who sued another Jew in a court that does not abide by Torah law (without the consent of a Rov) is disqualified from serving as a chazan on the Yamim Noraim as long as he hasn't done teshuva.



  • Why Birchos Kriyas Shema start with an invitation to bless Hashem (Barechu)

  • Barechu is the beginning of Birchos Kriyas Shema

  • Which passages are considered a davar shebekedusha

PLEASE NOTE: The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.