Week 10, Fall 2015
UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center
Mon-Thurs: 8am-9pm. Fri: 8am-4:30pm
Finals Week schedule: M-F 8am-4:30pm*
*daily hours subject to change please check our website
"Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away
Apply for the LGBT Resource Center Internship Program for 2016-2017 school year!
We are currently hiring eight undergraduate interns!
LGBT Resource Center Interns will develop skills and competency in the following areas:
- Making referrals to campus and community resources
- Group Facilitation
- Event planning and management
- Self-reflection and identity development
- Office Administration
- Program Development and Evaluation
- Ability to understand the connections between theory and praxis
- Community building
- Social Justice
During the course of the internship, students receive:
- Mentoring and supervision from professional staff
- Leadership Development opportunities
- Social Justice Education
Applications due January 19th at 4pm
24 Hour Study Jam
December 6th at 6pm to December 7th at 6pm
LGBT Resource Center
Looking for a place to study? Join us for our quarterly 24 Hour Study Jam. We'll have plenty of coffee and snacks.
Winter QCamp January 6th, 2016 | 5-7pm LGBT Resource Center
Join us for our quarterly QCamp! Come to learn about different events and opportunities happening next quarter and reconnect with community. We'll also be enjoying snacks and working on Vision Boards for 2016. |
LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program
Is your organization or group interested in partnering with the UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center? Need a meeting space? Looking for leadership opportunities? Check out our Affiliate Program!
The UC San Diego LGBT Resource Center Affiliate Program has a variety of perks and opportunities for your organization. Check out our website for the application and more details.
"Indecent" at the La Jolla Playhouse
Nov. 13th - Dec. 10th, 2015
This powerful play explores themes of love, religion, truth, loyalty, loss, and the value of the written word.
About 100 years ago, there was a Jewish play called
God of Vengeance, a controversial play emerged. In that play, the romance between two young Jewish women is a beautiful and sacred thing, practically a pathway to redemption.
Indecent is a play about
God of Vengeance, about the reception to it, about how it changed over time when it was translated from the original Yiddish into English, about those who loved the play and those who loathed it, and about idealism, and the pain of crushed dreams and lives lost.
The set is minimalist, the cast small, but the story conveyed is incredibly vivid, and the emotions evoked intense. It's well-worth seeing.
For more information or to buy tickets, go
"Inocente" Short Film Screening Dec. 3rd, 215 Dinner: 5:15 pm | Film: 5:30 pm (42 mins in length) UCSD Medical Education Telemedicine Building
UCSD SOM hosts a screening of the powerful Academy Award winning documentary about a teenage girl's journey in San Diego. She is homeless and undocumented, but following her dream to be an artist.
Inocente, the subject of the film, will be present for discussion and has been asked to bring some of her art.
This event is hosted by UCSD Yellow Academic Community and Latino Medical Association to raise awareness about homelessness and undocumented individuals in our community. They encourage donations to Monarch, a K-12 school exclusively for families affected by homelessness, where Inocente discovered her talent for art in an after school program. However, this is a free event.
RSVP here. Trailer available here. For questions, contact Sunny Smith at sdsmith@ucsd.edu.
Winter Q-Class List
Every quarter, the LGBT Resource Center complies a list of LGBT-related courses that will be offered. The Winter 2016 Q-Class course list is now available for your perusal as you sign up for classes. Check it out here
Intern Queer Student Action Project
This is a call-out for contributions to my program "I AM: Queer Femme of Color Realness," a collection of different items all showcasing the different ways queer femme of color survive, thrive, and live their unapologetically queer femme lifestyles. Whether it be through a story you wrote documenting coming to your femme identity, an article of clothing where you feel your most femme, or a napkin with that perfect, ass-kickin', hella rad shade of lipstick kiss print on it, this is a collection of how different the queer femme identity is to everyone.
This is open to undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, and community members who identify as queer femmes of color.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact shiyloh, the Audre Lorde Programming and Facilitation Intern at
. The google form for the collection can be found here. Digital submissions (such as for art or photographs or other means) can also be submitted to ucsdfemmesofcolour@gmail.com.
Office hours at the Center:
Career Meet-Ups
Wednesdays, 2:30-3:30pm
LGBT Resource Center
Sonia Honne-Gonzalez, the Career Services Center Liaison to the Campus Community Centers, will be at the LGBT Resource center on Wednesdays to offer career advice. Come in and connect with Sonia regarding career readiness, job search strategies, professional development, professional planning, and/or resume review!
Campus Community Centers' events...
Critical Gender Studies Office Hours
Dec. 2nd, 2015 | 1-3pm
Cross-Cultural Center
If you're interested in taking Critical Gender Studies (CGS) classes, but don't know where to start, or you've been meaning to talk to someone about exploring a major or minor in CGS, or otherwise want to talk someone from the CGS department, stop by Critical Gender Studies Office hours at the Cross Cultural Center.
Pathway to Student Affairs Dec. 2nd, 2015 | 12-1pm Cross Cultural Center, Library
There's no major in Student Affairs or Student Life, so how to people end up working there? This panel will bring speakers from different fields in Student Affairs on campus to talk about their experiences and how they ended up in these careers. Panelist are Malou Amparo (International House), Windi Sasaki (Housing and Dinig), Violeta Gonzales (Cross Cultural Center) and Willie Blackmon (Communication & Leadership Program).
Treat Yo Self WELL: DIY Spa Crafting Dec. 2nd, 2015 | 5-6:30pm Women's Center
Take a break from studying and come to the Women's Center for FREE food and DIY spa crafts.
Arts & Crafts Event
Dec. 3rd, 2015 | 12-3pm
Cross Cultural Center ArtSpace
Come to de-stress or take a break from work or school. Take home what you create, whether it is a picture frame, wooden box, canvas, etc.
All supplies are provided! All are welcome!
Ugly Sweater MANIA! Dec. 4th, 2015 | 10am-2pm Black Resource Center Family Room
Come out to the BRC on the last Friday of the quarter in your ugly sweaters and enjoy some hot chocolate with your pals!
Black Student Leadership Council Study Jam
Dec. 6th, 2015 | 7-11pm
Black Resource Center
Join the Black Student Leadership Council for a study jam in preparation for Finals Week as we strive for Black Excellence!
Food will be provided!
Campus events and resources... |
BSU Bonfire Dec. 5th, 2015 La Jolla Shores
Come out to the Black Student Union's Bonfire! This is a chance to de-stress before finals and build community amongst each other. Along with the letters there will be Bonfire Letters that can be written to anyone in the black community. Bonfire letters are letters of appreciation and support. At the bonfire, everyone will receive letters from their friends so we would appreciate if you try to write letters to as many people as possible. Even for those people you don't know that well, we encourage you to send a note attempting to connect with them as this is a community building event. The letters will be confidential, they are only for the eyes of the person you are writing to.
The link to fill out those letters is here.
MEDS Conference Jan. 30th, 2016 | 8am-5pm Telemedicine Building, UCSD Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy
MEDS (Medical Education for Diverse Students) is a pre-med/pre-pharmacy conference for underrepresented minority and first-generation student from UCSD and local community college. MEDS covers all components of the application process and provides a hands-on look behind the scenes at UC San Diego Schools or Medicine and Pharmacy, See the schedule at meds.ucsd.edu.
Pre-meds register at regonline.com/meds2016premed. Pre-pharms register at regonline.com/med2016prepharm. Early access code: REGMEDS2016. This will be open mid-November.
For questions, email meds@ucsd.edu. |
BSU Speak Up reporting project
Have you ever experienced microaggressions, discrimination, or even blatant racism within the UCSD community? Black Student Union wants to make sure your experiences never go unnoticed. Here is a Google Form for students to submit incidents that happen to them at UCSD. This is so that BSU can keep track of them and take these into account when advocating for students. This is not a replacement for OPHD (Office of Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination), but a supplement.
Submit at tinyurl.com/BlackatUCSD or click here. |
CAPS ADVANCE Workshop Series
ADVANCE is a three part psycho-educational workshop series that can be conceptualized as a "Peak Performance Personal Training Program" that focuses on creating a foundation of strategies aimed at helping students improve academic success and overall student wellness
To sign up for ADVANCE, visit the CAPS website here |
African-American Studies Minor Upcoming Courses
For students who are interested in the intersection of history, culture, and the African American experience, the African American Studies Minor could be a perfect fit.
The African American Studies Minor has a list of courses that will be coming up in the Winter and Spring that could count toward the minor, including but not limited to CGS 150: "Visuality, Sexuality and Race" and ETHN 183: "Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Class."
For further information, check out the website. |
CARE at SARC Violence Prevention Initiative
CARE at SARC (Sexual Assault Resource Center) is developing a campus wide violence prevention initiative and wants student input. Are you interested in sharing your thoughts and suggestions about how students engage with the issue of preventing sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking? If so, join one of the focus groups.
Snacks will be provided.
To sign up, click here.
last week at the Center...
If you would like to submit relevant news or events to be featured in the newsletter, please email rainbow@ucsd.edu or submit it through the portal on our website, lgbt.ucsd.edu. The portal can be found here.
California Alliance Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Apps Deadline: Jan 4th, 2016
The California Alliance Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is now accepting applications for the 2016-2017 academic year. It is an initiative to increase diversity among STEM graduate students, postdocs, and faculty. These are postdoctoral awards for up to two years, with annual stipends from $55K to $70K per year in the mathematical, physical and computer sciences, chemistry, and engineering.
For more info, click here.
Applications for 2016 YPC Academy Deadline: Dec. 31st, 2015
The Center at Hillcrest's YPC Academy program is accepting applications for 2016. The Academy exists to help expand the ranks of young LGBT leaders ready to serve our community through board service for a variety of agencies, not-for-profit organizations and government commissions. The 2016 class will consist of 20 candidates ages 21-40. An information session will be held at The Center on Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 6pm.
More information here.
Service-Learning Abroad with One Heart Source Deadline: Dec. 4th, 2015
One Heart Source (OHS) is an entrepreneurial non-profit organization that designs and catalyzes education programs that empower vulnerable people and communities with choice and opportunity. The organization's model of international mentorship connects university students to vulnerable youth and communities across cultural, social, and economic boundaries. They are currently offering programs in Jamaica and South Africa.
Applications here. |
Healing Yoga for Trans Folks and Friends
Saturdays | 10:45am
3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 92103
This class is free and open to Trans folks and allies. Class begins at 10:45 and is taught by Christine Taylor, who has generously donated her time. Healing Yoga teachings are derived from the self-empowering practices of yoga, utilizing a wide range of tools to help enhance well-being and health. For more information contact Connor Maddocks at trans@thecentersd.org.
Annual Wreath Auction via The Center at Hillcrest Dec. 7th, 2015 Martini's Above Fourth Table + Stage
We need wreaths of all shapes, sizes and colors, so create your spectacular artificial wreath and see it auctioned live on stage. Proceeds from the event benefit the Queen Eddie Conlon Youth Fund, which provides grants for youth scholarships, school supplies and housing.
Questions? Contact johnson@thecentersd.org.
Weekly Serenity Yoga
Wednesdays, 4:30-5:45pm
Joyce Beers Community Center
3009 Vermont Ave. #A211
Free weekly yoga for those living with HIV or living in Sobriety.
Please contact
Mj.Metz@hotmail.com for more information
SF State Univesity Sexuality Studies Department MA
The San Francicso State Sexuality Studies Department encourages students to apply for a masters. They seek applicants with some familiarity with sexuality studies as an academic field of study; an interest in sexuality as it intersects with race, gender, class, and other social differences and identities; and a commitment to sexuality studies as a means of understanding and challenging social inequalities and promoting social justice.
HIV Discussion Group Thursdays, 6-8pm Mercy Gardens 540 Lewis Street San Diego, CA 92103
An ongoing education and social support group for HIV-positive men who have sex with men. Learn to be positive about being HIV-positive. Be empowered, share, and grow with other men who can relate to your journey.
Topics include living with HIV,
healthy relationships, sexual health, self esteem, normalizing conversations about sex, and self-disclosure (telling family, friends, and partners).
Call for Articles: Outside the Gender Box Deadline: Jan. 1st, 2016
SUNY Press is collecting articles for a new anthology,Outside the Gender Box, which will be the first anthology to focus on the experiences of trans and non-binary gender students, staff, and faculty. Articles should be 5,000-7,500 words and can be research or first-person narrative.
Formatting guidelines are here. Finished articles should be sent to genny@umass.edu.
Young Women's Discussion Group Dec. 15th | 7pm-8:15pm 3909 Centre Street, San Diego, CA 92103
This group is aimed at young women ages 18-30. We will discuss issues relevant such as politics, academics, careers, relationships, social media, pop culture, activism and ways to be involved in the LGBT community. We hope to provide a safe and comfortable place to meet and share experiences as members of the LGBT community.
It meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month in The LGBT Center's library.
New Free App to Find LGBT Roommates: TUTUroomii
A San Diego team recently launched a new iOS app called TUTUroomii. This app is designed to help LGBTQ+ young people and allies find ideal roommates in their own community. This app is available in the App Store.
For questions, check out tuturoomii.com or email us at contactus@tuturoomii.com.
Survey of LGBTQ Military Personnel
A doctoral student at the University of Oklahoma is writing a dissertation on the identity process of LGBTQ people who have served in the U.S. military. They're interested in reaching LGBTQ U.S. military personnel, and heterosexual/cisgender personnel who had a personal or professional relationship with an LGBTQ military service person (someone to whom an LGBTQ service member disclosed their sexual or gender identity).
Contact Bobbi Van Gilder at bobbi.vangilder@ou.edu or at (562) 714-5405. |
Nominate 2016 LGBT History Month Icons
Nominated LGBT Icons may be living or dead, national or international, and are selected based on one or more of the following criteria: a) They have distinguished themselves in their field of endeavor, b) the nominee is a national hero, and c) they have made a significant contribution to LGBT civil rights
Submit your nominee here. |
Lesbian Body Image Survey
The Department of Psychology at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville is doing a study on lesbian attitudes & feelings about your own body,gender identity and gender expression. Lesbians over 18 are eligible and $50 Amazon gift cards will be raffled for participants. The survey should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.
The survey is available