It's September
Liberty Yoga Logo
at Liberty Yoga!

September is here! It's another season and opportunity to start anew!
With the new season comes a new schedule at Liberty Yoga. Enjoy more classes, longer classes and fun and variety in your practice with Hot Vinyasa, Rock Your Asana and a specialty class called MELT. 

Bike to the Bay is coming on September 20,2014! Please donate today for the cause and for Christine's ride. If everyone gives even just $10 we can meet our goal of $600! We are at $410 right now. Click here to make a pledge! Our team of 2- Bill Flannagan and I, will ride 75 miles to the beach! 
To donate Please Click here!

Read on for more great happenings at Liberty Yoga!
Christine and Erin 
MELT Class has begun!
Thanks to those of you who made MELT class happen! Classes will run in 10 week sessions with 12 weeks to use them. There is still time to sign up! 
Classes begin September 3.
They are 
1 hour  every Wednesday 
at 11:45 and 7pm.
Sign up today at the studio for the package or you may come to class as a drop in. (See prices below)

The MELT Method� 
with Monique Claudio  
is a self-treatment technique that helps people get out and stay out of chronic pain in just ten minutes a day. By learning how to MELT, you can learn to actively partake in decreasing stuck stress daily so it doesn't accumulate and cause symptoms that sap your vitality and energy.

MELT at Liberty Yoga:
Wednesdays at 11:45am
Wednesdays at 7pm

10 Class Packs (12 week exp.)
$140 / pack (non-member)
$120 / pack (member-Autorenew)
Drop in
$18 (non-member)
$15 (member- AutoRenew) 

Please purchase at the studio

NEW Fall Classes: 
1. Rock Your Asana!

This class will be held at 7pm on Monday nights. Enjoy a fun and playful class with rockin' music, flow and adventure! Come and enjoy a practice that will "Rock Your Asana" and help you to learn to fly with moves powered by the anatomical principles of Core Strength Vinyasa. 

2. Hot Vinyasa!

This class will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30pm. Enjoy a flow Vinyasa class in a hot room (90-100)!
Yoga Teacher Training
w/ Elizabeth Gehrt  
200hr Yoga Teacher Training is happening at Liberty Yoga!!
Our Tuesday class with Susan Smith is FULL.
we are adding a second class on Thursday nights taught by Elizabeth Gehrt
Are you interested in being a Yoga teacher or just deepening your practice and understanding of Yoga?
After clicking the link above, click on the top tab that says YTT 2014-2015. Scroll down to find the YTT for Liberty Yoga.
  • Who teaches each class?

Go to Liberty Yoga's Mindbody site.  Never been to that site? You will need to create a login based on the email address you gave us.


  • I am new to Yoga. What class is best for me?

It can be difficult to assess this without seeing you.  


If you are generally fit and work during the day: Try 5:30 pm Monday and Wednesday Vinyasa Fundamentals.   


If you're retired OR a beginner who wants to work out at 10 am or 7 pm: Try any Therapeutic class.  Try Therapeutic Fundamentals if you are available T/Th/F at 10 am.  


Come on in! An instructor can only accurately assess you after you try a class.   

  • I have an injury. Which class is best?

Has your doctor approved you for exercise? If so: Therapeutic yoga. Make sure you tell your instructor about any surgeries and injuries.



Liberty Yoga's
   Bike to the Bay
(only 75 miles)
Saturday Sept. 20

Please click below to donate to our Liberty yoga team and the MS fund raising cause! Thanks!! 
When you go to the Bike to the Bay website, click "Donate" and then search for Liberty Yoga. 
Click here to Join our Team & /or make a donation!! 

Pose of the Month

Your Yoga practice is a balance between Sukha and Sthira - ease and softness balanced by steady firmness. This month practice softening like butter (butterasana) in your poses to help find that place of release in your body and mind! Ahhhh - Melt like Buttah!
t Liberty Yoga Logo
1 Liberty Plaza Kirkwood Highway
Newark, DE (near Perkins and Outback)
Christine: 302-367-5074
Erin: 302-300-0977
Are you a brand NEW student and you have never been to the studio before??
Come & give it a try with a Groupon  Have you already used a Groupon to try some classes and would like to continue to come?
Take advantage of our
NEW Student only-  Monthly Unlimited AutoRenew Special
A 12 month contract on AutoRenew (your card will automatically be charged each month)
$85 for the first 3 months and
$99 for the remaining 9 months!
Please ask Erin or Christine at the studio!
  Fall Schedule 
September 2nd - December 31
7:30am- Vinyasa Essentials (VE)
10am- Therapeutic    (Th)
5:30pm- Vinyasa Fundamentals (Fun) 
7 pm - Therapeutic
7pm- *NEW - Rock Your Asana - A Fly Vinyasa yoga class with Rockin' music and an energizing flow!
7:30- Fly Vinyasa (Fly)
10am- Therapeutic 
10 am - Therapeutic Fundamentals
5:30 pm - Vinyasa Essentials  
5:30pm- *NEW - Hot Vinyasa 
7pm- Therapeutic
(7pm- YTT)

 7:30am- Vinyasa Essentials   
10am- Therapeutic    
11:45 am - MELT
5:30 pm Vinyasa Fundamentals
7 pm - FLY Vinyasa
7 pm - MELT
7:30am- Fly Vinyasa  
10am- Restorative (R)
10am- Therapeutic / Fundamentals  
5:30pm - Vinyasa Essentials
5:30pm- *NEW- Hot Vinyasa 
7pm- Restorative

8:30am- Therapeutic  
10am- Therapeutic/ Fundamentals  
5:30pm- Prenatal (P)

8:30am- FLY Vinyasa (In the studio) 
10am- Therapeutic 

Workshops are usually held on the weekends
Know Your Classes:
The Therapeutic Family Tree

We are often asked about the different classes in the Therapeutic category at Liberty Yoga. All the therapeutic type classes are designed to promote healing but what's the difference between them?  

The classes called Therapeutic (Th) include a variety of focuses, often tailored to those who come that day, with stretching, strengthening, laughing and stress relief.  The main focus is posture and classes are relatively vigorous but do not require flexibility and modifications are easily made. Students should be able to get up and down off the floor.

Therapeutic Fundamentals (Th/Fun) is a chair yoga class that is less vigorous and that focuses on basic principles.  It is appropriate for people who cannot do the regular therapeutic class.  Some examples are: if you cannot get easily up and down from the floor, if you have a medical condition that limits your mobility or stamina, if your wrists or shoulders are injured or weak, or if you are brand new to yoga.

The Restorative (R) class is available to all levels from beginner to advanced.  I don't recommend it for pregnant women or for people who cannot get up and down off the floor easily.  It includes a warm up and yoga poses that activate the parasympathetic nervous system. These poses can sometimes be challenging but are often deeply relaxing and will promote healing. This is particularly good for people with chronic fatigue or lymes disease, who are working on a pranayama (breathing) and meditation practice, who are recovering from illness (ex: cancer, thyroid or adrenal issues), or who have a great deal of stress in their jobs or life.

The MELT class is new and will focus on pain relief through acupressure techniques that are quite simple and designed to open the channels of fluid flow in the tissue that connects your muscles to the skin.  Even though is is simple and gentle, it can really help. It is not yoga. 

 Prenatal yoga (P).  This class is appropriate for anyone who is pregnant. Pregnant yoginis may also come to other classes at Liberty Yoga.  Therapeutic yoga can be a nice overlap and with a few modifications some pregnant yoginis can do vinyasa flow.  No hot yoga, please.  :) 
The Vinyasa Flock!
Vinyasa is a flow class.The term vinyāsa may be broken down into its Sanskritic roots to decode its meaning. Nyasa denotes "to place" vi denotes "in a special way". It also means 1)the linking of body movement with breath; and 2) a specific sequence of breath-synchronized movements used to transition between postures. 
Here are the different types of Vinyasa we offer at Liberty Yoga:

Vinyasa Fundamentals
is a flow class for all levels, especially beginners, designed to teach the basics of alignment, poses (asanas), names and yogic principles like breathing, mindfulness and body awareness.

Vinyasa Essentials is a flow class assisting students in proper breathing and alignment in the poses including sun salutations, standing postures, balance, seated postures and restorative poses at the end.  
Fly Vinyasa is a vigorous flow class incorporating the anatomical principles of Core Strength Vinyasa to help students to work from their deep core line for a strong, powerful, effective and safe practice.

Rock Your Asana is a fun, playful and vigorous Fly Vinyasa class with Rockin' music, flow and adventure! Learn to fly with lift and power and intention with these fun moves incorporating strength and balance.
Hot Vinyasa
is a series of flow vinyasa moves executed in a hot room (90-100 degrees). This class is for all levels who enjoy yoga in a heated environment. A heated room warms the body so your muscles can be more flexible. It flushes impurities out of the body through the skin.
Be sure to hydrate before, during and after class and listen to your body.

Upcoming Workshops:
 No Workshops Scheduled

Arm Balance with Christy
Saturday 10/11, 2-4pm

Pilates w/ Kim
Meditation w/ Ellen

Thank you from Liberty Yoga!
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