Nov. 20,2015

Extension in Currituck evaluates the needs of our county annually and plans programs and educational efforts based on university research to meet those needs. Help us ensure our efforts are relevant and impactful by participating in our brief needs assessment. 
Read more .   
Currituck 4-H will be holding a Christmas Craft workshop for youth between the ages of 5 and 8 on  December 21st .  This is a great opportunity for young children to make some special holiday gift items for family and friends.  Pre-registration is required.
It's almost time for your turkey to make it's big debut! Safe defrosting and cooking methods are a must. Never thaw your bird on the counter or you could be inviting unwanted guests in the form of harmful bacteria. Start your preparations to ensure that your holiday bird is ready for the big day!
Currituck Extension is very excited to welcome our newest staff member, Sarah Watts.  Sarah will be serving as our Agricultural Technician. She will be the staff liaison for the Extension  Master Gardener volunteers and provide public horticulture education programs.
NC Cooperative Extension - Currituck County Center
120 Community Way
Barco, NC 27917
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