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Community Information Service
November 18, 2015 / No:854


Turkish Restaurant Targeted, Owner Shot by Racists

Following ISIS terror attacks in Paris last Friday, in which 132 were killed, violent extremists in the French nationalist movement took to the streets. The most recent attack occurred against a Turkish Restaurant, as three gunmen waving French flags from a vehicle, stopped in front, as one jumped out and shot the owner, a French-born Turkish man aged 30. French social media outlets celebrated, "a Turkish shitskin has been shot."

Afterwards, one of the gunmen was either killed by law enforcement or committed suicide, while the other two were apprehended after a manhunt.

ATAA expresses urgency and concern regarding anti-immigrant and anti-diversity violent extremism arising from the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris. ATAA commends French law enforcement and French intelligence agencies for apprehending the assailants swiftly to stop this hate crime from escalating.

ATAA expresses speedy recovery to the Turkish restaurant owner who is recovering in stable condition.
ATAA, representing over 60 local chapters and 500,000 Turkish Americans throughout the United States, serves locally and in Washington DC to empower the Turkish American community through civic engagement, and to support strong US-Turkish relations through education and advocacy.  Established in 1979, ATAA is the largest, democratically elected Turkish American membership organization in the United States.  As a non-faith based organization, ATAA is open to people of diverse backgrounds.  The ATAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed under the laws of the District of Columbia. To learn more about ATAA, please visit

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