Local Actions
CA Only
Special Message: Taking Over KPFK, for LA, Houston, DC and Berkeley Only
Smart Meter Saga
Smart Phones Not So Smart After All
Cell Towers Losing Power
EMFs Meet Big Brother
EMFs Etc.
EHS Anyone?
We're Not Lying, We're Just Advertising :))
Cancer Schmancer
Geoengineering and Us
Reality Check
Local Actions
CA Only
AB57 - The CA Bill to Fast Track All Cell Tower Applications HEARING MOVED TO JULY 15TH 9:30AM IN SACRAMENTO - Please Come If You Can or Please Send a Comment if You Can't Go.
The deadline to get in your comments and group's opposition to the committee analyst is now next Wed at 5pm. Please send all comments to:
brian.weinberger@sen.ca.gov AND
Taking Over KPFK LA, Houston, DC and Berkeley Only
I recommend that the EMF Health Problems and Surveillance Group elect as many members as possible to the KPFK Local Station Board in order to mandate programming about EMF-induced health problems and Electronic Surveillance.
The local boards set the policies, by laws and programming for the station. This could include mandating the station carry a minimum amount of programming on EMF health problems and Surveillance.
The EMF Health Problems and Surveillance Group has the opportunity to elect several members to the board, depending on the size of the voter turnout. It will take about 150 voters to elect each board member if this election follows the same pattern as the last one. If we partner with similarly minded organizations, whose issues are also avoided by KPFK, we can potentially elect even more to the board.
Board members should expect to attend one local, three-hour meeting each month.
Please join KPFK so that you can vote in the election this fall, and consider running for the board. Please pass the word along to your like minded friends.
Smart Meter Saga