October 2015

Newsletter archive now on the archiveHelp Desk!
No more searching for that back issue of the Center Stage Software newsletter that talked about that one thing you need to know right now.

We've created an archive on the Help Desk with links to all the newsletters we've issued since 2011. They are organized by year, with all the articles listed, and have links to the newsletters and to the articles, themselves.

Here's a link to the main Newsletter Archive page

Speaking of the newsletter!
Since we started the newsletter in May 2011, the newsletter has been viewed a whopping 8,086 times!

Let us give your new  demoexecutive a Wintix demo
Does your organization have a new executive director, box office manager or audience services manager?  If so, the new person on board might be concerned about your current ticketing software. Your organization has probably been contacted by competitors in the market place. Before you sign a contract with another ticketing company, please give us a call or email us your concerns.  We find that many of our clients are only using about 15 to 20% of the features in Wintix and Webtix and many of the features you may want are in the program.

We can schedule a 15 minute executive demo to show you what our software and support services can do that you might never have imagined.
Please update your Wintix on a regular basis!update
It is crucial that you update Wintix on all workstations at least once a month.
  • Make updating a recurring event on your calendar.
  • To update Wintix, go to Help | About Wintix and click the "Download update" button.
Contact Us

Center Stage Software

1191 Luxton St.

Seaside, California 93955






Need help 24/7?

Go to the Help Desk 

Center Stage Software
Thirty wonderful years!thirtyyrscenterstage 
First things first!! We want to thank all of our clients over the past 30 years for choosing Center Stage as your choice in ticketing and box office software.

Thirty years in the software business is a very long time. We've seen many software and ticketing companies come and go, but we're still here!

When we first started business in October of 1985 as Center Stage Ticketing, our community needed some place to go to find out about what was happening in the performing arts. Read more...

Thirty years ago...whatthingscost
The cost of living in 1985
gallon of gas $1.09
Movie Ticket $2.75
US Postage Stamp 22 cents
Bacon per pound $1.65
Rib Eye Steak Lb $3.89
Average cost of a new house $89,330
Average Income per year $22,100
Average new car $9,005
Cost of a gallon of gas $1.09

Technology in 1985
Microsoft releases  the  first version of Windows , Windows 1.0.

 The first portable CD player comes out

 The first domain names are registered
This low tech, but very important, innovation:
The plastic thingy that saves hot pizza from the top of the box was invented by Carmela Vitale (patent #4,498,586)
Link your Webtix page to your Facebook pagefacebook

Did you know you can seamlessly sell tickets in Webtix through Facebook? It's really easy to link your Webtix event page to an event on your Facebook page! Now you can harness the power of social media to sell tickets and spread the word.

Thirty years ago, the internet barely existed. Now, you can use the latest technology to increase sales.

Read the full instructions on how to add a Facebook event and link it to your Webtix site.

Check out how it looks on our Facebook page.
Was a credit card not approve but charged anyway?card
There might have been a break in the communication between your computer and may have received the communication to charge the card, but your ISP may have had a slight interruption so that could not communicate back to Wintix on your computer in time. So basically, there may have been a time out.

Learn how to find the transaction and what to do.