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Hey Everyone... How was your week??? I just returned from my trip to southeastern US for my EPIC run series! I had a BLAST!!! And I was SHOCKED my body kept running day after day after day! I am writing a race report that outlines my pre/post race rituals which got me through all 7 marathons (my fastest was day 5) so I will send that out in next week's newsletter. In the meantime, here is a link to all 7 race reports for those interested...

Other than that I got back on my bike after an entire year off. I am doing a bike streak where I have to ride at least 30 mins a day. In our I HEART BEING FIT group we are all picking a healthy streak to do for the last 10 days of the month so join us there and share what your streak is!

I am looking for sponsors for my 2016 season now! Currently I am doing 3 70.3 races, one Ironman, and several races in-between such as the Horestooth Half, Triple By-Pass, and the Horsetooth 10K Swim. Here are the details on the  SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES for your biz or cause. 

I am  grateful for my hubby who drove me safely and patiently from CO to WV to VA to TN to NC to SC to GA to AL and back to CO with a smile on his face!!

Hope you are doing LOTS of things that you love this week!

Happy Hump Day!!

See you next week!!
Kirsten :)

PS...If you don't want to get my newsletter, you can unsubscribe at the bottom! No hard feelings ;)
EASY Vegan Meals...

I find people (me included) make eating much more complicated than it needs to be. I had a hard time eating raw one day a week because I thought I had to make a fancy raw meal 3 times a day. Then I was too busy to make snacks so I would buy expensive raw snacks in between. My raw day ended up being too expensive and time consuming to maintain!!

What I forgot is that FRUIT is raw. Fruit is vegan. Fruit is simple. Fruit is fast. And fruit is inexpensive. 

Fruit is loaded with nutrients, water, and fiber so it's great for breakfast to start your day off with a BANG or as a pick-me-up mid-day instead of processed sugar of coffee!!

Here are 2 videos I made on why I eat fruit for a meal or snack...

Fruit for Breakfast
Fruit for Breakfast

Fruit for Snack
Fruit for Snack

A great book that explains the science and details behind eating fruit for breakfast is SKINNY BITCH. this is where I first got the idea to eat fruit for an entire meal and have recommended it WITH SUCCESS to many people who don't like breakfast, don't have time for breakfast, aren't hungry in the mornings, or have no energy throughout the day. 

Follow me on Periscope @throwtogethervegan for more easy vegan meals and snacks!

Workout of the Week...SWIM!!

Each week I will feature a swim, bike, run, strength, core, or flexibility workout.

Training for an IM

IM in swimming terms stands for Individual Medley. It's a combination of all 4 competitive strokes in swimming, Butterfly, Backstroke, Breastroke, and Freestyle. Next month I am doing a Masters (old people) swim meet and signed up to swim the 400 IM. That means I have to do 100 meters of each stroke (4 lengths of the pool) all in a row. As a triathlete, I mostly swim freestyle, so I have started training this week for the IM.

Here is the IM training workout I did this week...

100 kick each stroke w fins
100 drill each stroke w fins
200 breastroke kick w board
100 fly TT (time fast as you can)
100 easy recovery kick w board
100 back TT
100 easy recovery kick w board
100 breast TT
100 easy recovery kick w board
100 free TT
Repeat WU nice and easy for recovery set
100 fly TT
50 easy recovery kick w board
100 back TT
50 easy recovery kick w board
100 breast TT
50 easy recovery kick w board
100 free TT
Half of the WU set
50 free
Total 3,800

If you don't have time to do that much, you can cut the warm up and recovery set in half making it 2,800 total.

For more instructional videos on how to swim all four strokes join our I HEART SWIMMING group!

Baby Steps...Advocacy

I became a vegetarian when I was eight years old. I didn't want to eat animals and didn't feel like that's what they were here on this earth for.

But I didn't know any other vegetarians and never developed a voice to speak out about it. I just did my part and believed that was enough.

As I get older and search for and discover what I am most passionate about in my life, I am realizing I want to speak out for animal rights and be an advocate and a voice for those who can't speak for themselves. I follow a lot of great activists on social media and will repost the milder posts in hopes that people will see them and realize how cruel and unnecessary eating meat is.

Sometimes I see more hard core posts and in my head I scream "hell yeah" and I "like" or even "comment" on the post but I don't share it. Why? I don't know but it got me thinking about it on my run last night.

Kirsten McCay-Smith