Jan - March
1Q  2015
2015 began without missing a step!  
Human Trafficking opens doors to SA ministry in the Church
Unite Wear White - CCAHT

January is human trafficking awareness month and it brought many open doors and new volunteers to FMM's work - can I get a witness, praise the Lord!!  FMM had the privilege of displaying and speaking about s*xual addiction and the desperate need to get informed and plant support groups.  


Early in January, Chattanooga's Unite Wear White event was packed with supporters and later at Orlando's 7th annual Lake Eola Awareness event thousands came to honor many who have fought this fight for years.  I had the privilege of speaking in the Men's tent casting vision of freedom and service to make a difference in our generation.  FMM is grateful for the open doors within the HT movement that embraces this call to ministry.  


7th Annual Awareness Day GOHTTF


We've always said...


S*x Trafficking is a 
Supply and Demand issue.
February continued with invitations to HT movements in Atlanta and Birmingham. FMM is grateful to the Lord for His faithfulness to open doors of collaboration.  


As we wrap up the first quarter of 2015, FMM's focus is intently on writing the curriculum for our buyers school that will "strengthen participants abilities to make healthier choices by means other than commercial s*x".  This is a vital part of the school's mission and we are privileged to be at the table.                                     
Please pray for us. 

Mar 17 - First Georgia HTTF Partner meeting
Thank you for your interest in bringing FMM's Core Issue Addiction Recovery training to  address s*xual addiction in your community and for planting L.I.F.E. Recovery Groups that uncover and bring healing to the core issues that drive the addictive condition. 

May God richly bless our efforts to glorify His great name!
Core Issue Addiction Recovery Training 
April 24-25 in central Florida!!
$49 Registration

                                     Click here for more information.   CIAR April 24-25
In This Issue
HUGE Praises!!
  • Year end giving was over $5,000 PRAISE YOU LORD!!
  • 2014 total giving was $30,000 for the first time ever!!
  • We purchased the Camtasia 8 video editing software for $300
  • Major $$$ was donated for website revision!!
  • Glory, hallelujah Nicole Wrage has joined our team as our very own Fundraising and Website Coordinator!!  Thank you, JESUS!!
Prayer Requests
  • Please ask the Lord to prompt hearts for increased monthly partners
  • Consistent mileage reimbursement to SM
  • Wisdom and focus as E4HI -Buyers' School curriculum is developed and completed by 3Q
  • Increased collaboration with Human Trafficking movements across the country
  • To present E4HI at Nat'l conference -Nov in DC 
    • $1,000 travel expenses for DC trip
  • Collaborative Partnerships with... 

    • Prison Fellowship
    • L.I.F.E. Recovery International
    • Shared Hope International
    • New Light Nepal
    • Hope and Help International
    • Disha Foundation
  • Please pray for replacement tenant after one graduates and moves out in May. 

Thank you for your prayers and financial support!

May the Lord exceedingly bless your generosity toward this call to ministry. - Phil. 4:19
Adding to our number...

Recently we conducted a survey of past training participants to develop further areas of ministry to meet their needs.

We give glory to God for fruit (John 15:16) and announce from 4 FMM's CIAR trainings in 2014 there have been  9 new L.I.F.E. Recovery Groups  started!  

Survey results presented honest obstacles to starting groups as well as areas of further training.  We are grateful for the heart of CIAR participants to minister to this great need in their communities.  Please join us in prayer over their fruitful endeavors to plant and sustain their L.I.F.E. Recovery Groups.  Glory to God, He is faithful!
Growing thru Volunteers Glory to God!
Meet Amy, FMM Prayer Coordinator
Amy became FMM's prayer coordinator in the fall of 2014 after a ""random" meeting (nothing is random with God!).  Amy helps to keep the main thing the main thing... nothing happens without inviting God into a situation. Amy shares how serving is helping her too.  "I volunteered because I wanted to learn more about the ministry.  Sending out the ministry's prayer requests and praises has helped me gain confidence. Writing letters is something I've been uncomfortable with yet I'm amazed that I've been able to do it each week with very little effort.  I have felt peaceful and confident from the beginning."  

Meet Nicole, FMM Fundraising and Website Coordinator 
Nicole came by FMM's table at an event in early January and she has been a rock star ever since!!  I love it when God knits family together.  Nicole shares, "I had an instant connection with Sue/FMM, it's obvious, look at my purpose statement,  Empowering others with practical applications to overcoming addictions, hangups, habits and fears that cause barriers to intimate relationships  with God, self, others and creation .  See what I mean??  I'd been seeking and praying for opportunities to take action for my purpose and God's answer includes FMM! God has equipped me with the resources of time, money and lessons from life experiences and I'm grateful for His timing in planting me here for such a time as this.  I work and give in worship to God, and all the honor belongs to Him!"
Demand Reduction (DR) Progress
Crafting Education for Healthy Intimacy Skills - E4HI

January provided an opportunity to officially launch our Buyers' School strategy  in Orlando.  

This E4HI presentation is designed to inform community leaders of the basis on which our strategy is built.  

Materials are presented by Sue Moore, S.A.S.  and Rachel Russell, LMHC highlighting  research best practices and suggested improvements which frame our position toward s*xual addiction and s*xual offender treatment, evidence based practices and trauma model addiction recovery (which includes the incorporation of faith based curriculum) to treat persons prosecuted for the purchase of adult commercial s*x and/or other related charges. 


Please email us if you are interested in bringing this presentation to your community leadership.

Answered Prayers - Volunteers!
Board of Directors - Prayer Coordinator - Fundraising Coordinator - Website Coordinator...
FMM Training

In God's time...
As FMM serves the Lord in its eighth year of ministry, He calls the faithful to be His hands and feet. 

Our Board of Directors, Advisory Board and vital coordinators, all bring passion and skills to join the Lord's vision to free the captives, speak about s*xual addiction and plant support groups. 

We have amazing front row seats to watch what only the Almighty can do. WON'T YOU JOIN US!  " For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him"- Isaiah 64:4. 
Worshipers in Spirit and Truth
In closing, for years I've asked the Lord to help me walk in the "fullness of joy" that Christ speaks about when we are His.  I am a believer. It's mine.  I am His.  Yet I have to be honest, sometimes stuff hinders and I'm walking IN the cloud instead of on top of it seeing things from God's perspective. Certainly, I know God's presence is in and around me and His presence is especially poignant when meditating on His character and His word. Then there are also times when it seems all too apparent that I'm on planet Earth with major crisis and evil and mayhem abounding. 

Thankfully, His Spirit reminds us that "in this world you will have trouble" and His soothing Remedy is at hand... "Be of good cheer (be confident) I have overcome the world".  Whew!  Thank you!   Are you wondering about the connection to spirit and truth?   Here, it is... Whether ISIS, the selfish nature of mankind or death I, and perhaps like you, cry out, "Lord, I need Your presence"!  WE NEED Your presence!  How do I worship when darkness is all I see?  

There it started - revelation came.  The story of the woman at the well and Jesus telling her that she worships what she does not know.  That true worshipers worship in spirit and truth. Okay, a nugget... dig!  What did You mean, exactly, Lord?? Then there I went, the geek in me was loosed again, and I became absorbed in Word Studies to better understand what I'd read before but now from this perspective.  

Spirit [G4151] - breath, breathe, principle of life. (My definition- Source of life.)
Truth [G225] - true, truth, reality; unveiled reality lying at the basis of and AGREEING with the experience...  

Now that wouldn't necessarily knock your socks off unless you and I have talked about glory [G1391] doxa (or you've attended CIAR training).  Worshiping in spirit and truth ties with glory, and I get quite excited about doxa... really, really cool, well deep says it better.  Here's what Spiros' Word  Study says about glory/opinion:

Glory [G1391] doxa - to be thought of, appearance, recognition, reputation; *The doxa of man is human opinion and is shifty, uncertain and often based on error, and its pursuit for its own safety is unworthy.  But there is the glory of God which must be absolutely true and changeless.  God's opinion marks the true value of things AS THEY APPEAR TO THE ETERNAL MIND, and God's favorable opinion is true glory.  (Zodhiates, The Complete Word Study Dictionary, New Testament, AMG International)  Emphasis mine.


ISIS, evil, selfishness, adultery, mayhem, sickness, suffering, darkness.... is what we see from this angle.  Worshiping God as the Source of life and agreeing with the experience as He sees it (unveiled reality) gives Him praise for working where we cannot see fully  Thus the adage, calculate on God, He's working all things out for our good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (reconciling man to God).  God hasn't stopped working even if self-vindication abounds.  He would do infinitely more if we would invite Him into every situation, "Thy kingdom (dominion/rule) come, Thy will be done...".  Won't you invite Him into how you see things?  This change of perspective ought to bring us to praise Him in all things.  His view is much better than ours - knowing the end from the beginning.


Great to be here, honored to work alongside you in His harvest.

Standing firm, confident in Him!



Sue Moore S.A.S. 
Forgiven Much Ministries, Inc.
L.I.F.E. Recovery Model Author / Instructor