August 2015  
2015 National Philanthropy Day Winners Announced
To be honored Friday, November 6, 2015

We are pleased to announce the 2015 National Philanthropy Day award winners. We received a fantastic amount of diverse and highly qualified applications for each and every category, and are looking forward to honoring the following outstanding volunteers, professionals, and youth in philanthropy from our Tulsa community at our NPD awards luncheon on Friday, November 6!


Outstanding Philanthropist: Kayla & Scott Vaughn

Kayla Vaughn graduated from Skiatook High School and Belmont University in Nashville, TN with a degree in Music Business. After college she returned to Tulsa and worked for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, and married husband Scott Vaughn. She has been active in Tulsa's Young Professionals and has served on the boards of Emergency Infant Services and the Tulsa Ballet. She is the current chairperson for the 2015 capital campaign for the Tulsa Ballet to raise funds for the building of a ballet school in Broken Arrow, set to break ground this summer. Kayla and Scott are parents to Benjamin, age 4. 

Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser: Isaac Rocha

Isaac Rocha received his Bachelors of Science in Management and Marketing from Oklahoma State University. Professionally, he works as the Community Relations & Development Officer at Bama Companies, where he strategically helps align philanthropic giving, government affairs, inclusion initiatives, and community impact. Isaac has been involved with several nonprofit organizations, and currently serves on the boards of the Oklahoma State Chamber, Tulsa Regional Chamber, and Workforce Tulsa and serves on advisory boards of the YWCA-Tulsa. Isaac recently graduated from the prestigious XXVIII Leadership Oklahoma class and has been recognized for his community achievements by numerous organizations including Journal Record, Achievers under 40, Tulsa Business & Legal News, and many more. 

Outstanding Fundraising Professional: Lucky Lamons

Prior to joining the Foundation for Tulsa Schools in 2010, Lucky Lamons worked for the Tulsa Police Department for 21 years. Lucky then represented the Tulsa region for four terms as a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives. Throughout this time, he also served on numerous community boards and groups, and completed both Leadership Tulsa and Leadership Oklahoma. He holds a bachelor's degree from Cameron University, and three master's degrees, in criminal justice from Northeastern State University and in public administration and human relations from the University of Oklahoma. As the President and CEO of the Foundation of Tulsa Schools, Lucky has raised $8 million in just five years, and has steadily increased the organization's financial impact on and strategic alignment with Tulsa Public Schools. He continues to serve on several community advisory boards. 

Outstanding Diversity & Inclusion in Philanthropy: Hannibal Johnson & Tulsa Advocates for the Rights of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, Inc. (TARC)

Hannibal Johnson is a graduate of Harvard Law School and The University of Arkansas. Johnson is an attorney, author, and independent consultant specializing in diversity & inclusion/cultural competence issues and nonprofit governance. Johnson has also served as an adjunct professor at The University of Tulsa College of Law, Oklahoma State University, and the University of Oklahoma. He is past president of Leadership Tulsa, the Metropolitan Tulsa Urban League and the Northeast Oklahoma Black Lawyers Association. His further nonprofit involvement is extremely vast, having served on boards for organizations such as Planned Parenthood of Arkansas, The Community Leadership Association, The Rotary Club of Tulsa, Foundation for Tulsa Schools, and many, many more.


For more than 63 years, Tulsa Advocates for the Rights of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, Inc. (TARC) has advocated for and supported children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families to get the help they need to have a high quality of life. TARC was founded in 1952 by a group of passionate and concerned parents who wanted to advocate for education and other support services for their children with developmental disabilities. Today, TARC continues to fight for the rights and full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities and is the only organization in Oklahoma dedicated solely to providing advocacy and support for people with developmental disabilities and their families. 

Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy: Keith Boyd

Ten-year-old Keith Boyd, CEO of Keith's Ice Cold Beverages, LLC, was born with nonverbal cerebral palsy and relies on a power wheelchair for mobility. Keith attended Little Light House in Tulsa from birth to age six, where he was assisted in receiving the technology he uses to communicate. In the summer of 2012, his entrepreneurial spirit lead him to have a lemonade stand in order to raise money for a toy. After exceeding his goal, he donated his excess earnings back to Little Light House. With the help of his Thrive15 mentor and a sponsorship from Chick-fil-A Eastside Market in Tulsa, Keith's Ice Cold Lemonade Stand later raised $140,000 for his alma mater. Since, Keith and his parents have developed and began manufacturing a private label lemonade, now being sold in Tulsa and Northwest Arkansas, with a portion of sales from each bottle going to The Keith Boyd Foundation to support Keith's mission to help other kids with special needs gain access to the tools they need to have a voice.


Spirit of Philanthropy Honorees:

David & Tracy Kyle; Assistance League of Tulsa



Charles Strauser; Emeka Nnaka

Volunteer Fundraisers


Steffanie Bonner; Doug Thomas

Fundraising Professionals

Marlin Lavanhar; Tulsa's Young Professionals

Diversity & Inclusion in Philanthropy


Anna Bebermeyer; Jennelle Jacobs

Youth in Philanthropy




August Breakfast Meeting
Bring Your CEO/Executive Director and/or Board President to Breakfast
Stephen Pidgeon

Don't miss bringing your CEO/Executive Director or Board President to AFP of Eastern Oklahoma's only breakfast of 2015! Spend your morning with the international fundraising professional, Stephen Pidgeon, visiting us in Tulsa from the UK in partnership with Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits. He is a proud fundraiser for over 30 years, he teaches and speaks at conferences throughout the world and works with nonprofits to creatively develop strategy that helps to raise millions.

Thursday, August 20, 2015
Tulsa Garden Center
2435 South Peoria
Register here.
Members: $40.00
Guests: $50.00
Last day to register is Monday, August 17th
If you have any questions, please contact Margaret Wish, Chapter Administrator.

In conjunction with the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits Speaker Series


Save the Date: National Philanthropy Day 2015
Half-Day Fundraising Conference & Awards Luncheon
Tom Ahern
Friday, November 6, 2015

Southern Hills Country Club
Tulsa, OK

Featuring Nationally-Acclaimed Fundraising Expert Tom Ahern

Tom Ahern is author of several wonderful books on how to get and keep donors, and is one of the world's leading experts on donor communications. Tom is in demand as a communications trainer, traveling internationally to present his workshops. He has recently been a featured presenter at conferences in New Zealand, the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, and Italy as well as across North America. He's written numerous cases for successful fundraising campaigns, totaling more than $1.5 billion in fundraising goals. Recent clients include the Animal Rescue League of Boston, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Houston Grand Opera, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, National Parks Conservation Association, Princeton University, Save the Children, Texas Parks & Recreation Foundation, University of Chicago, Volunteers of America, and many smaller nonprofits. 
Registration opens September 1.

August Webinar
Win Win Win: Build Deeper Relationships with Your Corporate Partners Through Cause Marketing
By Tania LIttle, CRRE
Learn how cause marketing can help mobilize community and build new opportunities to deepen your relationships with your corporate partners. Using case studies we'll explore why this tool is relevant as part of your fundraising strategy and how to create a win-win-win relationship for your organization, your partner and your mission.
Learning objectives: At the conclusion of this session, participants will:
-Define cause marketing including the size of the market and why it is a valid marketing tool.
-Understand the steps to integrate cause marketing into your fundraising program.
-How to identify prospects that are using Cause Marketing.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Tulsa Area United Way-Bailey Room
1430 S. Boulder Ave., Tulsa, OK
Register here.
Members: Free
Guests: $20.00
Brown Bag Lunch-bring your own
Please contact Krisann Diaz, Webconference Chair, with any questions.


AFP Eastern OK's Presenting Business Partner


CFRE Review Course
AFP's revised CFRE Review Course offers development professionals an opportunity to review the main components of a complete fundraising program based on fundraising experience at the five-year level. This two-day, intensive program provides an overview of skills, techniques and program information needed to pass the CFRE exam, or simply master the art of fundraising. Modules offered in this course include a basic review of philanthropy; marketing and communications skills; gift solicitation and closing techniques; volunteer management; building a comprehensive development program and so much more!
NEW THIS YEAR-AFP Eastern Oklahoma is proud to be the only facilitator for CFRE Course Review in our region, and this year will open the "virtual door" to participants outside of Northeastern Oklahoma. This year's two-day course review will be offered online through web-conferencing to AFP members and non-members residing outside of the AFP Eastern Oklahoma service area. Simply sign up for the course review as a virtual participant to take advantage of this option. The deadline for signing up as a virtual participant is Friday, October 2, 2015.
And to our "locals," please don't fret! We have a special surprise for you as well! All AFP Eastern Oklahoma members who complete this year's CFRE Course Review will be entered to win a drawing of two $500 scholarships to help offset the cost of your training and to put toward your CFRE exam fee. We will draw for the scholarships at the close of the course review on Saturday, October 17.
Add to these announcements a completely refreshed course format, computer lab with complimentary laptop & smartboard use, and energized CFRE volunteer leadership, and this year's course review is sure to be one of our best ever!

Friday, October 16, 2015: Noon to 5:00p.m. (lunch provided)
Saturday, October 17, 2015: 900a.m.-5:00p.m. (breakfast & lunch provided)
YWCA Tulsa Multicultural Center
1845 East 17th Street, Tulsa, OK 74112
Register here.
Members: Free
Guests: $390.00
Please contact Lindsay Jordan, MNM, CFRE, Webconference Chair, with any questions.
Will you say YES when you receive a call from the AFP Foundation asking you to donate to the Be the Cause campaign? Our support provides the highest quality of educational programs such as our free webinars. Part of every gift will come to our chapter for our outstanding programs such as Stephen Pidgeon's presentation at our chapter's breakfast on August 20th.
If you make your gift or pledge before September 10th, your name will be included in our prize drawing for gift certificates and more! You can donated online  here!
Thank you,
Gerri Inman, JD and Tish Stuart, CFRE- Be the Cause Chairs
President's Column
Tom Taylor II


Dear AFP of Eastern Oklahoma Chapter Professionals and Friends:


I hope by now everyone has seen the email invitation to our first ever "Bring Your Executive Director/CEO or Board President to Breakfast" coming up this month on Thursday, August 20th from 7:30 a.m. until 9 a.m. at the Tulsa Garden Center.  We are featuring a dynamic, international speaker, Stephen Pidgeon, from the UK in partnership with the Oklahoma Center for Non-Profits. He is talking about loving your donors to death from a Board or Executive level.  He will be featured for a more in-depth 4 hour development level presentation hosted by OCNP at OSU Tulsa from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. that same day. Registration information has come out in email, and will so again as well as in this newsletter, so please register now so not to miss this exciting opportunity for the seasoned development professionals, executives, or Board members alike for the Tulsa and Bartlesville areas.  I am so excited about the slate of NPD and SOP winners announced as well as for the NPD conference featuring Tom Ahern. Please join me and our AFP Board for these stellar opportunities to help further our careers and network with one another! Are you interested in AFP Board service per chance?  Please let myself or Tish Stuart know your interest by our Sept. AFP Board meeting as we get our slate ready to announce by October 2015.  Thanks for helping make our profession great!






Tom A. Taylor, II
2015 President, Association of Fundraising Professionals, Eastern Oklahoma Chapter
Executive Director/CEO at Emergency Infant Services
AFP Eastern OK's Presenting Business Partner
Congratulations, Chapter!

For the first time ever our chapter has achieved the AFP Friends of Diversity designation, thanks to the hard work of AFP Past President Tish Stuart, CFRE, the Board, and all of our members in 2014! This designation

created by AFP International encourages chapters to perform specific activities designed to increase diversity within fundraising and public awareness of the importance of philanthropy in all cultures. Our addition of the Outstanding Diversity and Inclusion in Philanthropy award at the 2014 National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon, and programming throughout the year on topics of diversity and inclusion are examples of how we achieved the Friends of Diversity Designation!


In addition to achieving the Friends of Diversity designation, our chapter has also been awarded Ten Star Gold status for the first time ever! After receiving Ten Star status several times, our chapter went above and beyond last year to secure the advanced achievement of Ten Star Gold! The Ten Star Gold award requires 10 goals (an increase from the four required for the Ten Star award), and six additional optional goals. As a Ten Star Gold chapter, we receive one free webinar, one free AFP membership scholarship to use in our chapter, Recognition at Chapter Presidents Council meeting, a listing in Advancing Philanthropy, a certificate of achievement, and use of the Ten Star Gold logo on our website, in newsletters, and other marketing materials.

Congratulations again, everyone! Together we achieved these awards and should be proud of ourselves!

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Professional Partner

Presenting Partner

NPD Partner


NPD Supporting Partner

Youth in Philanthropy Supporting Partner


Business Partners
In This Issue
Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn 

Job Openings


Director of Development

Family & Children's Services


New Members 


Kelly Hawver
Director of Resource Development
Meals on Wheels of Metro Tulsa

Carissa Lott
Business Office Manager
Price Tower Arts Center

Calvin A. Moore, MBA


Meals on Wheels of Metro Tulsa


Karen Dills

Executive Director

RSVP of Tulsa, Inc.


Juanita Green, BA

Director of Development

Price Tower Arts Center


 Wallace D. Poplin, BS, MS

Director of Development

Rejoice Christian School 

2015 Board of Directors

Tom Taylor, II 


President Elect

Allison Walden


Immediate Past President

Tish Stuart, CFRE

 Steffanie Bonner

Susan Garcia, CFRE

VP of Education
Jane Dunbar

VP of Advancing Philanthropy

Monica Champ

VP of Community Relations
Taylor Shorb

VP of Member Services
Kate Silvey 


VP of Government & Strategic Planning

Drew France


Bartlesville Network 

Kathy Wright


Chapter Administrator

Margaret Wish


Membership Recruiting & Retention Chair

Lindsay Hughes


Membership Services

Chris Miller, CFRE


Membership Services

Hayley St. John


Webconference Chair

Krisann Diaz


Youth in Philanthropy Chair

Kyle Wilkes


e-Communications Chair

Melody Tangyunyong


CFRE Chair

Lindsay Jordan, MNM, CFRE

Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn 
AFP Eastern Oklahoma Chapter | P.O. Box 33103 | Tulsa, OK 74153 | (918) 978-9718