"I love seniors. I think they're funny, smart, and unique. I just enjoy them and I look forward to coming down and visiting them."  - Annmarie Newton, volunteer Ombudsman
Celebrating 40 years of helping elders, persons with disabilities, and caregivers  lead independent lives.

Volume 7 | Issue 4A |  October 2015

Trevor Boeding
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Director 
Did you know that Residents Rights Month is October 2015? This month highlights the importance of listening to residents who live in our country's nursing homes and rest homes.

"Long-term care residents have the right to voice their concerns with facility staff without fear of retaliation and can expect prompt efforts to resolve issues promptly," says Trevor Boeding, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Director. "It is important that residents know that they do not have to be alone in this process." 

We send a big "Thank you!" to our local Ombudsman volunteers for working to make Residents' Rights Month meaningful for all involved!
The next volunteer training for Ombudsman starts next month.
In just two hours a week, you can change lives.
"An Ombudsman is someone that they can feel at ease with, laugh with, and talk to. My goal is to make people feel comfortable, good about themselves, and happier or more content. I hope and pray by the time I leave that they feel better." -Annmarie Newton (left)
Autumn Training for New Volunteers

November 16, 17, & 20
9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
With a break for lunch

Springfield, MA

Trevor Boeding
413-773-5555 x2241
978-544-2259 x2241

"I love seniors," says volunteer Ombudsman Annmarie Newton, who volunteers at Quabbin Valley Healthcare in Athol. "I think they're funny, smart, and unique. I just enjoy them and I look forward to coming down and visiting them."

Like all Ombudsmen, Annmarie listens to residents and assists them by advocating and problem-solving with them in collaboration with the nursing facility staff. Quality of life for the residents is the common goal.

Join Annmarie in making a difference in the lives of long-term care residents in our local community: become a volunteer Ombudsman! Interested parties must successfully complete application process before attending the training. Find application materials and more information on the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program page.
You've been waiting for it! The first installment is ready to read.
Lessons Learned: One man's journey as an Alzheimer's Caregiver
Mo Grossberger
Part 1
"Your wife has been diagnosed with dementia of the Alzheimer's type."Those few words changed our lives forever, but allow me to digress.

My name is Mo Grossberger. I had been my wife, Jeanne's, caregiver for eight years. Although I have been a geriatric social worker since the mid 70's, very little of my training prepared me for the years to come.

These next few weeks, rather than give you a blow by blow, I want to share the many lessons I learned from this experience that reshaped my life forever.

I guess the story began in Ohio in 2000...

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& services for Massachusetts elders, caregivers, persons with disabilities and
their families. 
Here at FCHCC, we offer many different programs and services designed to meet your unique needs.  Think of us as the guide to what you need. We don't know all of the answers, but we know who to ask. If we can't help you, we'll tell you who can. It all starts with the Information & Caregiver Resource Center. Call 413-773-5555 or 978-544-2259 during normal business hours or email [email protected] anytime.

You can read more about our programs at www.fchcc.org




Roseann Martoccia
Franklin County Home Care Corporation

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