MONDAY | September 7, 2015
Late Start Reminder

Boys Flag Football
First Practice TOMORROW, 9/8 @ 3:30pm

Athletic Director, Mrs. Cucullu, is excited to announce our new Flag Football Coach:  Antonio Harrison.  Coach Harrison served as Head Football Coach at Flintridge Prep in La Canada for six years and recently resigned to spend more time with his three young sons and to teach graduate courses in Behavioral Sciences (he's got a Ph.D.!).  Fortunately for us, he really misses coaching and loves middle schoolers. 
The first practice is scheduled for TUESDAY , September 8, at 3:30pm.  At  4:30pm, all parents are invited to come meet Coach Harrison in the gym.  We will be going over the schedule and expectations for the season.
There is a lot of work to do to prepare for our first game, T hursday, September 24, against Glendale Adventist. We will be front-loading our practices for the first few weeks, in preparation for our first games.
Regular practice days will be discussed at the meeting on Tuesday. Practice begins at  3:30pm.  Team members will be supervised between  3:10pm and 3:30pm in the dining room, where they will begin their homework prior to practice.

After School Activities

Bethany Christian School offers a wide variety of after school opportunities for all ages and interests.  Check out the current list, including enrollment information and pricing, on the BCS website.

Thank You Mrs. Kim Shine for organizing these opportunities to enrich our student's afternoons with activities that nurture hearts and minds.
Love is banner
September Chapel Schedule
9/3  - Acts Chapter 1 (Mrs. Cucullu)
9/10- Acts Chapter 2 (Dr. Walner)
9/17- Missions Project Intro/Buddies 
9/23- 7:30am "See You At The Pole"
Special Outdoor Prayer Service
9/24- Acts Chapter 3 (1st grade leads)

September Character Trait:


Kids Zone caution sign
Morning Drop Off Procedures
Safety First

We've made some adjustments to morning drop off procedures to enhance student safety and minimize morning confusion. 

Quick points: 

1. Enter from Montecito or Highland. (Exit on Highland.)
2. Preschool Parents: Park in designated spaces and walk with your children to sign in. 
3. K-8 Parents: Pull forward through the carline to the STOP Sign. Put your car in PARK. Do not use your cell phone. Bless your kids. Students should exit from passenger side. Once doors are closed, move forward to exit onto Highland. 
4. If you are staying for pledges or business in the school office or classroom, please drop your K-8 students off at carline first, then park and walk in. 

Many thanks for your cooperation. Our staff is glad to help however we can.