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Leather shoes on yom kipper
Leather shoes may not be worn on Yom Kippur. Any amount of leather on the shoe is a problem, even leather shoelaces cannot be used. A leather coated metal insole should not be used. If it is very difficult to walk without it some poskim permit its use. Leather shoes cannot be worn even when standing still and there are grounds to avoid standing on leather (e.g. a leather rug).
( סעיף ב וס"ק ו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 7 ו־10 )

Non-leather shoes on yom kipper
Technically, non-leather shoes are permitted on Yom Kippur. There is an opinion that opposes the use of cloth or rubber shoes if they protect the foot from the coarseness of the ground. Thin soled shoes through which the ground can be sensed are permitted. A case can be made to equate synthetic shoes that are acceptable for regular year around use with leather shoes and forbid them.
( ס"ק ה, שעה"צ ס"ק ה וביה"ל ד"ה אפילו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 9 )

Hilchos Tefillin 40 (page 138)
מסעיף ג עד תחילת סימן מא

Sitting on a Box of Sefarim
Eating While Wearing Tefillin
What is Considered a Snack?

Sitting on a box of seforim
The poskim debate whether it is permissible to sit on a bench that has storage for kisvei kodesh beneath the seat. If there is a space equal to a tefach between the tops of the sefarim and the seat, all agree that it is permissible to sit on the bench. On the other hand, if there are tefillin in the box, there are grounds to be stringent even if there is a tefach of space. One should not sit on a bench if there are sefarim resting on the seat, even if they are erect. If the seats are separate (e.g. it is possible to lift one without the other), it is permissible to sit on one seat when there are sefarim on the other.
( ס"ק יג; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 26 ו־28)
Eating while wearing tefillin
Chazal forbade eating a meal while wearing tefillin out of concern that the wearer could become intoxicated and behave disrespectfully towards the tefillin. Someone who wears tefillin all day should remove his tefillin before eating and leave them nearby so that he can replace them immediately after the meal before birkas hamazon. It is permissible to eat a snack while wearing tefillin. It is questionable whether this leniency can be applied to people who wear tefillin for only part of the day (i.e. they remove their tefillin soon after shacharis).
( סעיף ח וס"ק יז-יט; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 31)

What is considered a snack?
The halacha defines a snack in the context of eating outside the sukkah. It is permissible to eat less than an egg's worth of bread or any amount of fruit, meat, fish and dairy outside the sukkah.  According to some poskim, if any of these items is eaten as a main meal, it is considered a 'meal' which requires a sukkah and, by extension, is forbidden when wearing tefillin. Any amount of drink is permitted, although there is an opinion that holds that sitting down to drink wine  b'kvius is treated like eating a meal.
( ס"ק כ; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 32)

  • It is forbidden to hang tefillin from a hook, whether from the actual bayis or the retzuos. Likewise, it is forbidden to suspend sefarim by their pages or binding.
  • There is an ancient custom of fasting for a day if one's tefillin fall to the floor. If a person drops them, it is viewed as a message from Heaven that he must repent.
  • There are situations where the halacha requires kisvei kodesh to be double wrapped. These wrappings are called kli besoch kli (utensil within a utensil). At least one of the wrappers cannot be the standard cover for that item.


  • Wearing a load on the head while wearing tefillin

  • Carrying an oversized or unbefitting load while wearing tefillin

  • Holding items on the arm while wearing tefillin

