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Hilchos Tefillin 26-27 (page 71)

Where On One's Arm Should The Tefillin Be?

Washing Hands After Donning Tefillin 

Someone Who Is Unable To Don Both Tefillin 


Where on one's arm should the tefillin be?

The tefillin shel yad should be located on the muscular part of the arm, the bulge which rises between the elbow and the shoulder. The tefillin should be placed on the down slope of the muscle that leans towards the elbow. Some poskim allow the entire bulge of the muscle. Tefillin that are too large to fit on the slope may be placed on any part of the bulge. It is preferable to put them higher on the arm rather than lower, because the area of the arm below the muscle towards the elbow is not acceptable. It is also important to make sure that the tefillin are not pushed down to this area when pulling a sleeve over them.

(סימן כז, סעיף א, ס"ק ג-ד, וביה"ל ד"ה בבשר וד"ה בראש; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 3

Washing hands after donning tefillin

The tefillin shel yad should be located on the muscular part of the arm, the bulge which rises between the elbow and the shoulder. The tefillin should be placed on the down slope of the muscle that leans towards the elbow. Some poskim allow the entire bulge of the muscle. Tefillin that are too large to fit on the slope may be placed on any part of the bulge. It is preferable to put them higher on the arm rather than lower, because the area of the arm below the muscle towards the elbow is not acceptable. It is also important to make sure that the tefillin are not pushed down to this area when pulling a sleeve over them.

(סימן כז, סעיף א, ס"ק ג-ד, וביה"ל ד"ה בבשר וד"ה בראש; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 3)

Someone who is unable to don both tefillin 

Someone who is unable to don both tefillin (e.g. he has only one) may use whichever one he is able. If he only has a shel yad, he recites just one beracha (lehaniach). If he only has a shel rosh, he recites just one beracha according to the Mechaber and two berachos according to the Rama.  If there is reason to believe that he may obtain the missing tefillin before the end of zman kriyas Shema, he should wait for the second tefillin so that he can don both for Shema.

(סימן כו, סעיף א-ב, ס"ק ג, וביה"ל ד"ה מניח)



  • On days that the Torah is read, the custom is not to remove the tefillin before the Torah is returned to the Aron Kodesh. These days include Mondays, Thursdays, Taneisim and Chanuka.
  • On Rosh Chodesh the tefillin are removed before Musaf. One reason for this is that there are communities that recite the kedusha of Kesser on Rosh Chodesh. It is not appropriate to talk about Hashem's crown when we are wearing our own crown (the tefillin).
  • The tefillin are removed between kadish and the Musaf Shemoneh Esrei. It is customary to remove the tefillin hurriedly in order to minimize the interruption between kadish/Uva Letzion and Shemoneh Esrei.





  • Tefillin on an amputee

  • Position of the tefillin loop

  • Adjoining the yud to the bais







