23184 Fraser Highway, Langley  BC V2Z 2V1
604-534-1115   www.edspumps.com

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 A gradual loss in production can occur over time result in a well that's ineffective at meeting supply demands. Production loss is often associated with mineral scale, but can also be a result of a bacterial presence within the well. Screen bridging-the closing off of screen openings by biological slime-as well as heavy growth within the gravel pack can affect production rapidly. A corrosion condition could develop chemically or micro biologically within the lower portion of the well, rapidly degrading screen quality and shortening the life of the well considerably.

well screen  

Why does fouling occur?

This is an often-asked question with many answers. Even though a pump house is clean and the pump runs efficiently with steady production, trouble could be brewing just beneath the surface. Water wells act as a great concentrator, taking on characteristics of multiple aquifer waters, lithology (or rock types) and even the soil present. Ions and various influences, including biology, from throughout the supporting aquifers converge to a central point the well. Here in this great gathering location, subsurface conditions are intermixed with air from the surface as well as the gravel pack material, screen and any other aquifer or rock material disrupted by the well. The concentration effect occurs at this point the convergence of ions, temperatures and bacteria, often with diverse results.


No. 1 culprit

The most common occurrence is precipitation of a mineral scale. Minerals develop within the well such as alkalinity, pH, ion concentrations and temperature are altered to a level when the saturation point is reached and precipitation occurs.  read more  



Water Treatment

Well Head Picture 

Regular maintenance on your pump and water treatment equipment can save you time and money. There is nothing quite as frustrating as having that long anticipated get together with friends and family only to have no water or undrinkable water on  the day of the event. Regular maintenance is a very good safe guard against malfunctioning equipment.

  • Failure to add the appropriate regenerant to your filter may lead to compacted media which will need to be replaced prematurely.
  • Filter Valves should be serviced once a year to clean the injectors and samples of the raw and treated water should be analyzed to detect any changes in the raw water or water that may not be treated properly with the filter.
  • Cartridge filters should be changed regularly. Usually each quarter or when there is a drop in the water pressure.  
  • Reverse Osmosis filters should be changed every six months and 2 to 3 years for the membrane. 
  • Pumps should be maintained on a yearly basis to detect any wear and tear on the pump.  
  • Arsenic levels should be tested regularly depending on the type of filtration you have.  


Contact one of our qualified Water Treatment Specialists for more information on how to maintain your pumps & water treatment system. 604-534-1115


Dave Mellis


What is an artesian well?


An artesian aquifer is a confined aquifer containing groundwater under positive pressure. This causes the water level in a well to rise up the well casing. If there is enough pressure to force the water over the top of the casing it is called a flow artesian well. An aquifer is a geologic layer of porous and permeable material such as sand and gravel, limestone, or sandstone, through which water flows and is stored. An artesian aquifer is confined between impermeable rocks or clay which causes this positive pressure. The recharging of aquifers happens when the water table at its recharge zone is at a higher elevation than the head of the well. Fossil water aquifers can also be artesian if they are under sufficient pressure from the surrounding rocks. This is similar to how many newly tapped oil wells are pressurized.





I would be pleased to answer  any of your questions on pumps and water treatment and can be reached at 604-534-1115 or  [email protected]

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Did you know?
The density of water means that sound moves through it long distances (ask a whale!). In sea water at 30�C, sound has a velocity of 1,545 meters per second (about 3,500 miles per hour).
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