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When to recite selichos
The custom of the Sefardim is to begin saying selichos from the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul and continue until erev Yom Kippur. The minhag of the Ashkenazim is to start from the Sunday before Rosh Hashanah. The ideal is to recite selichos at night, just before dawn, because that period is an eis ratzon. However, there are established customs, dating back several generations, that permit saying selichos in middle of the night (after chatzos) or in the morning after alos hashachar. Someone who did not recite selichos before dawn or early in the morning may say it at any time during the day. According to some poskim, under extenuating circumstances (and on a one-time basis) selichos may be recited in the evening before chatzos.
( סימן תקפא, סעיף א, הקדמת המשנ"ב וס"ק א; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 1)

Hilchos Tefillin 37-38 (page 130)
מסעיף ג עד סימן לח סעיף ד

The Obligation of Chinuch with Respect to Tefillin
May Women Wear Tefillin?
Who Must Don His Tefillin Only After Reciting Ahavah Rabbah?

The obligation of chinuch with respect to tefillin
According to the Mechaber, a father is responsible to educate a minor child to wear tefillin if the child is capable of caring for them. According to the Rama, minors should not wear tefillin because most children are incapable of caring for them properly. Children should begin wearing tefillin only two or three months (one month, according to contemporary custom) before becoming bar mitzva.
( סימן לז, סעיף ג, ס"ק ט, י ו־יב, וביה"ל ד"ה ויש; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 12)
May women wear tefillin?
Women are exempt from tefillin (which are worn only on weekdays but not on Shabbos) as they are from all time-bound mitzvos aseh. Although women may perform other time-bound mitzvos if they wish, they may not wear tefillin. There is an opinion which views the use of tefillin by people who are exempt from the mitzva as a disgrace to the tefillin.
( סימן לח, סעיף ג; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 9)

Who must don his tefillin after reciting Ahava Rabbah?
A person who is incapable of keeping himself clean while wearing tefillin is exempt from wearing tefillin and forbidden to do so. If he is capable of staying clean for just a short span, he should don them (with a beracha) between Ahava Rabbah and Shema and remove them immediately after Shema. If he can wear them longer without becoming soiled, he should keep them on until after Shemone Esrei.
( סימן לח, סעיף א-ב וס"ק ב, ד, ז ו־ט)


  • According to some poskim,tefillin - m'doraisa --are to be worn the entire day (and night, but the Chachamim banned wearing tefillin at night). Other poskim hold that the mitzva is to wear them for at least one second sometime during the day, and preferably throughout the entire day.
  • According to some poskim, the halacha for someone who wore tefillin based on a chazaka that they were kosher but later learned (after an inspection) that they had never been kosher is similar to the halacha in the case of a kohen who served on the mizbayach before it was discovered that he was disqualified:  whatever avoda he had done is considered kosher.
  • Chazal viewed the recitation of Shema without tefillin as akin to bearing false witness. However, a person should not wait for tefillin if it is possible that zman kriyas Shema will pass before he has a chance to put them on.

  • May an avel wear tefillin in public?

  • Why must an avel remove his tefillin when crying?

  • The difference between news of a recent death and an earlier death


