
Virginia Theological Seminary's Center for the Ministry of Teaching has written its annual review of Vacation Bible School resources. GenOn Ministries is excited to have been included in the review for our "All God's Children: The Church Family Gathers for a Very Blessed Summer."


Here's what they said...


"In looking at VBS programs throughout the country, we have not seen many that target an intergenerational audience. The ones that do exist are usually "home-grown." If you want to reach a broader audience, consider looking at the downloadable program offered by GenOn Ministry..."


"Perfect for a small congregation, with little set-up or significant volunteer time."


"Excellent use of Pinterest to offer ideas for decorating, crafts, food, and mission/outreach."


"Take-It-Home Blessings keep the topic relevant for more than the 2 hours of VBS time."


"Each session stands alone so those who attend will be fully included and not feel they have missed content. "Blessing Others" outreach component can extend the entire set of lessons." 


"Strong explanation of purpose of intergenerational faith programming."


Waa hoo!! We love our new "Very Blessed Summer" intergenerational resource and we're glad others do too! It contains all that's great about VBS-summer fun, outreach opportunities, mission component, learning about Jesus! And it's also got what many churches are now shifting to-the whole church together in a more relaxed setting, any number of children, intentional building of relationships among the generations.


Sample available here.

Purchase the downloadable resource here.


GenOn Ministries


 GenOn Ministries