The Unigram

Newsletter for December 2015

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

 2425 Sierra Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95825
In This Issue
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Month of Sundays 
10:30 a.m. at 2425 Sierra Blvd.

A Month of Sundays-Plus Christmas Eve
Our December Sunday Offerings are shared with 
Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services
December 6
Miracles- Yours, Mine, and Theirs
Rev. Roger Jones with Rev. Lucy Bunch and Worship Associate Jim Eastman
Special Music by Ross Hammond, guitar
December Birthday Recognitions at the Chalice Lighting
Part 2 of the Advent Story for All Ages by Allison Claire
Soup Sunday after the service!
Allow extra time to get to UUSS during the California International Marathon.
It's the first day of Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights.  It's also the day our kids will hear about the Annunciation by the Angel Gabriel to young Mary-not at all what she was expecting!  It won't take a miracle to get to UUSS, but just come from the north so you don't need to cross Fair Oaks Boulevard (closed for the marathon).  See more below.
December 13
Speaking from the Heart
Rev. Lucy Bunch with Rev. Roger Jones and Worship Associate Charlotte Selton
UUSS Choir; Keith Atwater, Director; Ina Jun, piano
Part 3 of the Advent Story for All Ages by Allison Claire
Soup Sunday after the service!
The Quaker educator and activist Parker Palmer challenges us to "generate a sense of personal voice and agency" as one of his Five Habits of the Heart. We will explore this topic through the lens of the story of Jonah and the whale. 
December 20
Yule Celebration
Rev. Lucy Bunch and Rev. Roger Jones with Worship Associate Molly Stuart
A Service for All Ages with Tree Trimming Participatory Ritual
UUSS Choir; Keith Atwater, Director; Ina Jun, piano, Bob Shebesta, soprano saxophone.
Part 4 of the Advent Story for All Ages by Allison Claire
We come together in community to celebrate the holiday season. 
Bring a favorite ornament or use one of ours to trim our tree (or trees) during the service.
Don't miss the music and the fun of this special big service.
Exploring Unitarian Universalism before service:  Learn about UU approaches to Faith with Mary Howard and Roger Jones. Attend 9:30 to 10:15 in the Fahs Classroom.
Nursery care provided in Room 11.
December 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Rev. Roger Jones, Rev. Lucy Bunch, Allison Claire and Worship Committee
Music Director Keith Atwater, Pianist Ina Jun and UUSS Holiday Brass Ensemble
Welcome home for the holiday-our first "Silent Night" in this renovated sanctuary.  This hour-long service includes favorite carols, silence, candles, spoken reflections, and the conclusion of Allison's recounting of the Advent story. Our shared offering will benefit the River City Food Bank.
December 27
Finding Your Way Home
Rev. Roger Jones, preaching, with Rev. Lucy Bunch
Worship Associate Linda Roth and special music
Newcomers' Orientation, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.--All Welcome
In a distracting world and a busy time, how do you find your way home... to who you are, or your deep gladness, longing, or need for connection to the spirit of life and hope?  We may have one more carol in us to sing two days after Christmas.
January 3
Adam and Eve and the Serpent
Rev. Lucy Bunch with Irwin Rosenblum and Rev. Roger Jones
What is the source and nature of evil? This is one of the questions explored in our adult RE class on Evil last fall.  Today Rev Lucy and Irwin Rosenblum, one of the class participants, will explore ideas of evil through the lens of the story of Adam and Eve.  

Wednesday Choir Practice
You'd be amazed at what you can learn about mindfulness and attention while working with a church choir and an excellent conductor like Keith Atwater. Our weekly rehearsals are an opportunity for fellowship, learning, and growth in your musical abilities. All are welcome! Wednesdays, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the sanctuary, occasionally in the Fahs classroom. Click here to e-mail any questions to Keith.
Office Holiday Closings
The office will be closed at 12:00pm on December 24 and all day on December 25 for the Christmas holiday.  
Community Partners for 2016
By Gordon Gerwig, Secretary, Board of Trustees
The following Community Partners were chosen at our congregational meeting in October. These organizations will receive half of our Sunday morning offerings in the months indicated below. Thank you for your generosity to these community partners.
January- St. John's Program for Real Change (Shelter for Women and Children)
February- Wind Youth Services
September- Mustard Seed School
December- Loaves & Fishes
Senior Minister's Message: Good Grief!
Disappointed Expectations -- What the Holidays Are All About
by Rev. Roger Jones

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you!
                                      -Anne Lamott
No audio! Our conscientious volunteers desperately tried to turn on the speakers in the sanctuary on October 25.  But we had to lead the service the old fashioned way, by "projecting."  I yelled my sermon.  It was about failure! 
Oddly, the microphones picked up the sound, so if you had a hearing assistance headset or were in the restroom, you had audio.  Usually people escape the sermon by a trip to the toilet, but it was just the opposite this time.
This mysterious "fail" provided a barometer of our individual moods on that morning.  We could see our ways of reacting and responding to impediments, confusion, and disappointed expectations.  
Some folks found it funny, and praised how we rose to the occasion.  Some thought it was frustrating, yet had faith that this bug in the system would be worked out with time, just like all the other bugs in the system in our new old home.  Some found it disheartening.  Some were angry--we've spent all this money for a sound system and it's not working!
After the service, volunteers rebooted the system totally, turning off the power.  (This might have made quite a racket in the service, so they waited.)  It worked.  There was sound.  Even so, they could not figure out what had caused it. 
We have learned to come early enough to test the system in case it needs to be rebooted before the service begins.  Thanks to our volunteers for doing this!  Thanks to everyone for showing forbearance and grace with one another.
December's many "joyful occasions" can bring stress, misunderstanding, and disappointed expectations.  They call for grace, ease, and forbearance.
Hence, it's good preventive maintenance to take time out of every day to unplug.  Time to pause, stop, reflect, look inside yourself, say your thanks, or just breathe.  Even five minutes helps. 
If you're with kids, join hands for a silent grace before meals, or go 'round the room to recount your day and count your blessings.  If you have a quieter home, read aloud one poem per day.  Sit at the window and watch the rising or setting sun.  Write a page of reflections.  Go to Yoga, go to church.  Go for a walk.  Remember the magic of unplugging!
Yours in service,
P.S.--  I hope to see you at the Nicholas Dold concerts, December 10, at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., with piano works of Prokofiev and Faure. He offered to bring his San Francisco recital to his UUSS friends and wanted to make it a benefit for our building fund!
Where's Rev. Roger in December?
Find me at UUSS most Tuesdays, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., and Wednesdays and Thursdays 1:30 to 6:30 p.m.  I'm also happy to make an appointment with you for another time.  Indeed, it's good to make an appointment even during office hours.  I'm taking a Monday course on writing religious history this semester at Pacific School of Religion.  I will take time for study leave December 7 to 11 and for vacation December 28 to 31.

Assistant Minister's Message:  Holiday Joy and Peace
By Rev. Lucy Bunch

The concert season for my choral group is in full swing.  During December I have six concerts and five rehearsals.  Last year, a kind person from the group sent out a timetable to help us sing in our group and still accomplish all the Christmas tasks.  She scheduled card signing and mailing, tree decorating, shopping, cooking, etc. - all laid out in a helpful grid.  Follow this, she said, and you can sing in all the concerts and rehearsals and still accomplish all your Christmas tasks!
My response was, OR NOT!  How about not doing all those tasks?  All the focus on the shoulds and the have-to's make me start to resent the holidays rather than enjoy them.  How about focusing on the things that give you and your family joy, and eliminating those things that just take your time? How about celebrating the meaning of the season rather than the "stuff?"
What is your favorite part of the holiday season?  What do you celebrate?  I hope you include spending time with your church community.  Each Sunday in December we will hear the unfolding Christmas story beginning with the Annunciation and ending with the birth of Christ.  We will celebrate the season of lights, and trim our community tree.  We will sing carols and hold hands and light candles.  We will share good will and pray for peace on earth, peace in our hearts and around the world.  I hope you will join us.
Where's Rev. Lucy in December?
I will be with you all four Sundays in December but I will be on study leave during the weekdays from November 23 to December 5. Starting December 7, my regular office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons. If you'd like to meet with me, it's always best to call or e-mail in advance so I can be sure to be available. Monday is my Sabbath, and I try to avoid e-mail on that day (but fail miserably).
O Christmas Tree!  (Got one?)
We are looking for an artificial Christmas tree of 6'-8' for use in the UUSS sanctuary at our ornament-hanging ritual the Sunday before Christmas.  If you have one to lend or donate, let the UUSS Office know.
In Loving Memory
By Rev. Roger Jones

I will officiate at the memorial service for teacher, librarian, puppeteer, activist, and longtime member Gloria Cox at 3:00 Sunday, December 6, at UUSS.  She moved to San Mateo three years ago to be closer to family but they and she called this home.  Donations in Gloria's memory may be made to Sacramento Planned Parenthood, the UUSS Endowment Trust, American River Natural History Association, or Peace Puppets. See Gloria's obituary at this link.  
Our UUSS member Tami Buscho passed away at home on November 10, after living for an extended time with a recurrence of stomach cancer.  Tami was an attorney, often representing defendants on behalf of the government.  Among other volunteer activities at UUSS, Tami was part of our LGBT Interweave and a devoted advisor to the Senior High Youth Group, often attending regional weeklong summer camps as an adult volunteer.  In addition to many friends and colleagues, Tami is survived by a son, daughter-in-law, and grandchild in Wisconsin, and a brother and sister-in-law in Connecticut.  Her service will be at 3:00, Sunday, December 13.  In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Tami's honor may be made to the UUSS Religious Education Fund, in honor of her commitment to RE, especially youth ministry. (Photo by Anna Andrews)
Congratulations to Esther Franklin!
By Rev. Roger Jones
A UUSS member since 1972, Esther Franklin was recognized with top honors at the 2015 Amsterdam Book Festival in the Netherlands.  Her book, Thomas Jefferson: Historical Inquiry for Daring Delvers, won the prize in the History category. Congratulations, Esther!  You can buy a copy from her or in the church bookstore.  She is also the author of The Others at Monticello, vols. 1 and 2.  While in Europe in April, she attended the centennial conference of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.  Thank you, Esther, for being an active and committed UU!
A Global Faith with Global Concerns
Burundi UU Church Attacked
By Rev. Roger Jones

In November, government forces attached the Unitarian Church of Burundi in the capital city. Their building was ransacked and robbed and members were arrested and threatened.  (Burundi has become unstable since their president began an unconstitutional third term.)

The UU minister, the Rev. Fulgence Ndagijimana, was interrogated and threatened with death. See his picture and words for a chalice lighting at this link. I became friends with this deep and gentle soul at an international conference and met his church president at our 2013 General Assembly in Louisville.

The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists asks for our help in these efforts.   Read more at either of the above links, including how you can write letters to US and Burundian government officials and how you can make a donation through their partner church, in Corvallis, Oregon.  Reverend Fulgence will appreciate also knowing that we hold him and his church members in our thoughts and prayers.
UUSS Group back from India
With a blessing in Hindi we sent off our Kids Freedom Club delegation to India at the November 8 service and welcome them back for their debriefing meeting Sunday, December 6.  They posted multipla updates and pictures of their visit to historic sites and partner organizations of Free the Slaves.  See it all at or talk to Petra or Linnea Stanton, Meg Burnett, or Patty Budding.

Let's Visit the Philippine UU Churches in February
By Rev. Roger Jones
Join other UUs on a pilgrimage to city and village churches of the UU Church of the Philippines.  Make friends, learn history, relax and hike, and see the hilltop ocean views on Negros Island.  
On Negros Island, a young preacher discovered the loving message of Universalism in 1954.  He spread it around Negros Island on horseback with his guitar and boundless energy.  The UUCP joined the UUA in 1988.  Young leaders there are eager to grow Unitarian Universalism in their land. In 2011, I met a lovely congregation; they would love for UUSS to be their partner congregation.  Let's check it out!
Itinerary:   Start in a Manila hotel with sightseeing and visiting a UU Church.  Fly to Dumaguete, the City of Gentle People, to visit UUCP headquarters.  Ride to several coastal and hilltop village churches and stay in nearby hotels.  Learn the story, feel the love, and take in the scenery.

Dates: February 11 to 23, 2016.  Cost $1,400 for meals, in-country flight and comfortable van transit, and hotels with A/C.  Flights between USA and Manila are up to you.  I will plan to attend if at least four UUSS adults or youth will go.  The trip is guided by experienced lay and clergy leaders from the USA and the Philippines. 
Deadline December 1.  Learn more and sign up here.
Hearing Devices Available
By Annie Kampees

Some members and friends with hearing loss will appreciate using our Hearing Assisted Devices (HAD) to more fully participate in the services.  You will find the HADs inside the sanctuary, and to the right on a table beneath the AV window.  The table will be staffed by one person.  You will be asked your first name and given the materials you need.
There are three ways for someone with hearing loss to use a HAD:
1. If you know you have trouble hearing the Sunday service and do not wear one or two aids, then check out a set of headphones and a receiver (put in a pocket or attach to the waistband of your pants) from the person staffing the HAD table;
2. If you do have one or more hearing aids and still have trouble hearing certain parts of the service, follow the same process as #1;
3. If you have a T-coil on your hearing aid, check out a loop to hang around your neck and a receiver. 
When the service is complete, return the borrowed materials to the HAD table.  As these materials are costly to replace, please make a point of returning them.  Thank you.  We will try to recruit additional volunteers to staff the table during other gatherings in the sanctuary.
If you like hearing better during the service, then pass along the good news to others who may benefit from the Hearing Assisted Devices.  Than you to our donors for the HAD and loop hearing system at UUSS.
Adult Enrichment Offerings in December
UUSS Book Discussion Tuesday, December 1

On December 1, the UUSS Book Readers will meet at 7 p.m. in the library to discuss At the Water's Edge by Sara Gruen.  The group is meeting a week later due to the Thanksgiving holiday.  For more information, contact Jim Glidden or (916) 649-9697.
The Challenges in Our Aging Years December 3
Occasional group conversations for members age 70+ 
Facilitator:  Ilona Montel, Ph.D., artist, retired psychotherapist, grandmother
Aging includes its own blessings and its challenges... the loss of close friends, partners, or children; lower or slower physical functioning, change in diet, a need to give up driving or to relocate.  
Yet we can challenge these hardships by sharing support, faith, understanding, and humor with one another.  At age 86, Ilona is an "aging challenger" herself, and an experienced facilitator in varied group settings. 
Thursday, Dec. 3, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  Bring a sandwich or other lunch to have during the session. Coffee provided.  No charge; freewill donations to UUSS Adult Enrichment accepted.  Maximum 12 people.  Please register at the Connections table so we can announce the location; if we have a waiting list for a 2nd session, we can do that.

Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices:  1st through 4th Sundays 9:45 AM
A rotating schedule of types of practice: labyrinth walk, Tai Chi, sitting silent meditation, reflecting on poetry. All welcome on Sundays, 9:45 to 10:15 AM. Click here to read more.

Exploring Unitarian Universalism:  3rd Sundays 9:30 AM
All are welcome to explore the source and traditions of our faith. Each 45-minute class includes presentation, sharing, and discussion. Classes are offered the third Sunday of every month, with a rotating schedule of topics. Topic for December 20: Faith in Unitarian Universalism with Mary Howard and Rev. Roger. All are welcome in the Fahs Classroom, from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. Click here to read more.

Orientation to UUSS with Tour:  4th Sundays Noon to 1:00 PM
Join us at the Welcome Table in the Welcome Hall (where we have coffee) for a tour of the campus and an introduction to our religious identity, history and programs for being involved in this congregation.  Next one is December 28 at noon.

Monday Yoga

Fahs Classroom at 10 AM and Yoga with mats in Classroom 7/8 at 7:00 PM.  $10 drop-in fee or $8/week for a two month session.   Page Labrie teaches Yoga with chairs in the 

Wednesday Silent Meditation

Show up at Classroom 6 at 5:30 PM Wednesdays for a few words of introduction and then 20 minutes of sitting together in silence.  No instruction involved, just a simple practice of mindful attention with support from others.

Special Alliance Program, December 10, 11:30 AM

All are invited to join the UUSS Alliance, which will gather a bit later in the morning this month, and end by attending the matinee recital of pianist Nicholas Dold, offering works of Faure and Prokofiev, with spoken introductions of the pieces.  Arrive in the Fahs Classroom at 11:30 a.m., sign in, and mingle.  Enjoy lunch together at noon for a donation of $3, then head over to the sanctuary for the 1:00 p.m. benefit recital.  Ticket prices listed below.  Contact by December 8, to reserve a spot for lunch.

Piano Recital Thursday, December 10 at UUSS
Two Performances! 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Advance tickets on sale at Sunday services:
$10 adults; $5 students up to age 25. Also a freewill offering afterwards.
Nicholas Dold plays the works of Gabriel Faure and Sergei Prokofiev, with an introduction about each of the works, some of which are less well known. 
He's offering these special concerts for the benefit of the UUSS building fund. Now on the piano staff at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Nicholas played at UUSS services in summer of 2013 and at Bob Cornwell's memorial service.  He is eager to see our renovated home and to debut his next recital program for us.
While earning his Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Indiana University School of Music, he was the accompanist for the UU Church of Bloomington.  He has also served on the faculties of Duxbury Music Festival and Crowden Music Center.  Nicholas is generously giving of his time and talent so that all proceeds will benefit the building fund!

Solstice Drum Circle December 19
By Laurie Jones
On Saturday, December 19, please join the UUSS Winter Solstice Drum Circle--"Conga-Nation for the Congregation," with local drumming facilitator Steve Bash. 
We will celebrate the transition of the sun rising back up to brighten our days, and warm our souls in spirit and joy.  In modern culture, we often schedule events using the clock and calendar.  Deeper than that, though, is an inner calling to join the continuous presence of a natural world. 
A cyclical solar timing connects us and in this way, we can approach a more appropriate connection with each other and the earth.  We see the Drum Circle as a communion with this inner calling to Greater Harmony...  sometimes called "The Groove."  The evening will involve playing a few different structured or improvised grooves coming from our spontaneous energies with percussive instruments that you bring. That night, let Steve know of any rhythms, grooves or intentions you might have and he will help you facilitate during our time together. We can always use extra drums. Everyone welcome--genders, races, ages, affiliations.
The evening starts at 5:00 p.m. with potluck from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.  A beginners' warm-up session at 6:30 p.m. is followed by Drum Circle at 7:00 p.m.  We drum until 8:30 p.m., and finish by 9:00 p.m.  We will have some disposables and napkins on hand.  We have ovens, refrigerator, freezer, and one small microwave.

Starting January 5:  Kindness and Wisdom Meditation
Tuesday Evening Class and Saṅgha with Doug Kraft

A two-part offering every Tuesday led by Rev. Doug Kraft, former UUSS Lead Minister, author, and experienced teacher of meditation. 
Class: 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. for seven Tuesday evenings, January 5 to February 16, at UUSS. This class is intended for those who are new to meditation or new to this style of meditation.  Regular attendance is required.
Saṅgha: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.  Tuesday evenings starting January 5.  This gathering is intended for those are already practicing this style of meditation.  Regular attendance is not required.

In the earliest records of what the Buddha actually said about meditation, we find an elegant, nuanced, and amazingly effective practice.  It is a cousin to the Insight Meditation often taught in this country.  And, it has differences.  It rejects one-pointed concentration and emphasizes relaxation, ease, and sense of humor.  It blends the cultivation of ease with cultivation of insight.  As your practice deepens, the instructions shift to take advantage of the experience you have gained.
Commitment for the Class:
Meditation can only be learned through regular practice.  You'll be asked to:
* Meditate every day for at least a half hour
* Read selections from Doug's book, Buddha's Map
* Attend all sessions
If you already have a different meditation practice from what I teach, please be ready to set it aside for the duration of the class so you can give this style a try. Classes will include discussion of issues related to the practice, personalized instruction, and time for questions and discussion.
You are invited to stay for a meditation that starts at 7:00 p.m. immediately after class when others who are already practicing this style will join us.
Beginning as well as experienced meditators are welcome.
Cost and Registration

The teachings are offered freely. Donations (called "dana") are gratefully accepted as you are comfortable.  They help make it possible to offer these classes.  You are welcome just to show up in time for the first class, but sign up at the Adult Enrichment table in December so we can send you a reminder---and so we can plan on enough space.  (Room location to be posted.)
A Christmas Story
By Judy Lane

Mary Davis, a long-time UU, was, with her husband, a member of UUSS up to the 1970s, being particularly active in Alliance. She currently lives at Pioneer House in Sacramento.
Gratitude at Christmas By Mary Davis
December 1, 1928. It was the depths of the Depression in the little town of Orange, California, and it was Mary's 10th birthday. She had no expectation of gifts, since her family was very short of money. With her father an invalid and unable to work, they relied a great deal on charity. She recalls having a hot meal every Wednesday night at the nearby Baptist church.  The family didn't attend that church, but sometimes went to the Presbyterians, also close by.
The morning of her birthday, there appeared on the doorstep a Christmas basket of food; and in the basket, to Mary's shock and surprise, was a store-bought doll! She had never had such a thing, and was delighted beyond measure. The gifts must have come from a church, but she never knew which one. In later years, she often thought of the gift-givers and wished she could thank them now. So her thanks go out to every person who remembers children in need at Christmas and, with a simple gift, gives them cause for long-lasting gratitude.
Religious Education for Children and Youth
2015 Reflections 
by Miranda Massa, Religious Education Coordinator

As a community we made it through another wonderful year.  Every Sunday it is a joy to see families come together.  Religious Education is always a place for laughter and friendships, with each group building connections as they learn and explore topics of our world.  I remain indebted to our passionate volunteers that help me create this magnificent program.
We have four Sundays in December before we say goodbye to 2015.  I reflect on coming home to our new space.  I reflect on the Nursery kids who love to pick their favorite toy each Sunday morning.  And how the Spirit Play group has settled comfortably in Room 10 with the Kindergartners as new participants.  How True Reflections created a place for grades 3 to 5 to explore spiritual practices.  I reflect on how JHYG has grown in attendance and livelihood.  How SHYG is a place our youth can go to enrich their lives with meaningful conversations.
One of my favorite mantras of all time is the simple two-word phrase, thank you.  As I run the California International Marathon on Sunday, December 6 (Please read about road closures and plan your route!), I know UUSS will enter my thoughts more than once.  Each year I am fortunate to get to know you all better and meet new people.  The community I have grown with here is something I am thankful for as we bid farewell to 2015.
Spirit Play and True Reflections 
Please save Sunday, January 10, for Storyteller and Doorkeeper Training.  You are invited to this training for those who currently volunteer, or any would like to volunteer, in our Sunday school program for elementary school-age children.  All volunteers are invited to enjoy soup Sunday after our church service that day, then come to the first hour (noon to 1 p.m.) of the training for an overview of the day, in either Spirit Play (Kindergarten through grade 2) or True Reflections (Grades 3 through 5).  Those who have not previously received Storyteller and Doorkeeper training are invited to stay the rest of the afternoon (1 to 5 p.m.).  We will provide a full training on the Spirit Play method.  If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Miranda Massa.  Otherwise, mark your calendar!  Child care and snacks will be provided.
Re: RE
Sunday, December 6, Traffic Alert!  California International Marathon, Fair Oaks Boulevard will be blocked.  Allow extra time and approach from the north.  If you can come by Highway 99, Business 80, Expo Parkway, etc. and approach Sierra Blvd. by coming south on Howe or Fulton, you will get here, but traffic slows the closer you get, so allow time for that.
  • No scheduled RE on December 20 for our service for all ages.
  • Christmas Eve service will take place at 7:00 PM Thursday, December 24.   It's for all ages.
  • The Nursery in Room 11 is open every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for parents attending Sunday Morning Spiritual Practices with Rev. Roger or Rev. Lucy and other dedicated leaders.  For parents not attending these special events, the regular Nursery opening time is at 10:15 a.m. 
RE calendar details and other information at  Frequent updates are on the home page.
I hope you are able to stay up to date with reading the biweekly email, RE Outreach; it is always a great source for information, events, and other neat things about our wonderful program.
Spirit Play Training January 10--Save the date!
On Sunday, January 10, you are invited to a training for those who currently volunteer, or who would like to volunteer in our Sunday School program for elementary school-age children.  All volunteers are invited to enjoy soup Sunday after our church service that day, then come to the first hour (noon to 1 p.m.) of the training for an overview of either Spirit Play (Kindergarten through 2nd grade) or True Reflections (3rd through 5th grades).  Those who have not previously received Storyteller and Doorkeeper training are invited to stay the rest of the afternoon (1 to 5 p.m.).  We will provide a full training on the Spirit Play method.  Contact Miranda to reserve your spot!
Religious Education (RE) Calendar
December 2015
Sunday, December 6 - Marathon traffic:  allow extra time!
9:30-12:00     Child care available
10:30-11:45    RE for all grade levels, including JHYG
Sunday, December 13
9:30-12:00     Child care available
10:15-11:30    RE
Sunday, December 20
9:30-12:00      Child care available
10:15-11:30    Service for all ages. No RE scheduled.
Sunday, December 27
9:30-12:00      Child care available
10:15-11:30    RE for all grade levels, including SHYG
UUSS Members in Music Events
Some of our so-talented members are in major holiday performances this year. Both of these groups are popular and you will likely see other UUs there. The following items from Mary Howard and Celia Buckley may be of interest.
From Mary Howard The Chanteuses offer another thrilling program of holiday music for you, including the Sacramento premiere of Lana Walter's Magnificat, a stunning arrangement of O Magnum Mysterium, and other classical and traditional favorites that will enrich your soul and your Christmas season.  

Where:   St. John's Lutheran Church, 1701 L Street, Sacramento
When:     7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 5  Ticket details at:

From Celia Buckley: Come hear Celia Buckley, Lucy Bunch and 49 others in the annual holiday concert of the Sacramento Master Singers. Sing We Now of Christmas takes place December 17, 19, 20, and 21, at St. Francis of Assisi Church,1066 26th Street.  Also December 13, at 7:00 p.m. at Harris Center, Folsom Lake College.

The group will premiere pieces by British artists Cecilia McDowall and James MacMillan and sing old favorites, and classic Christmas tunes.  The performance ends with the choir singing and dancing to the Yoruban chant piece, Ogo Ni Fun Oluwa!  Get tickets for the St. Francis concerts on line at, over the phone at (916) 788-7464, or at the door 30 minutes before each concert (if available).
Get tickets for the December 13 performance in Folsom on line at, or call (916) 608-6888.
"Jingle All the Way!," a 45-minute concert for families, is on Saturday, December 19, at 2:00 p.m., also at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.  Tickets for children are $3.00 and for adults, $5.00-on line at, at (916) 788-7464, or at the door 30 minutes prior to concert start.

Stay Connected!
Do you know our Communications Coordinator, Stanton Vedell, sends out the biweekly Minister Message e-mail, with updates as well as Roger's personal note?  Also our Religious Education Coordinator, Miranda Massa, sends out a biweekly RE Outreach e-mail, to families and volunteers? Staff members post updates on our UUSS Facebook page, and many groups can post UUSS updates on the home page at If you are not yet a UUSS member, you may not have seen the UU World magazine.  Much of the content, and weekly or daily updates, are posted at --plenty of food for heart and mind. Printed versions of the weekly Blue Sheet and the monthly Unigram are available. If you still have questions, call the Office.  A friendly voice and helpful spirit will be on the line.
Death and Taxes and Donations for Less in Taxes
By Linda Klein, Vice President, Board of Trustees

Death and taxes, said Benjamin Franklin, are two things we cannot avoid, but Ben didn't live in the days of thousands of pages of tax code.  There are some ways to actually reduce taxes and be generous.  The government has provided techniques to encourage us in our charitable giving. 
First of all, all pledges and other donations to UUSS are tax deductible for those who itemize.
Other ways to reduce taxes that some of us might be able to participate in:
If you have investments and receive a capital gain, you can donate the stock to UUSS for the operating budget, the building fund, or the Endowment. Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds given directly will avoid the capital gains tax, and the gift is tax deductible.  It's an easy process--I've done it.  Call our treasurer, Denis Edgren, or e-mail Michele, our bookkeeper. 

For older folks like me, there's one more way.  If we have an IRA or a 503 B and are over 70½, we have to take a minimum distribution from it, and it will be taxed as ordinary income.  But, if you send that distribution directly to UUSS, you pay no tax on it, plus you can deduct that gift on your taxes. Congress always waits until December to renew this law, but they usually do it.  I plan to take advantage of it when they do.  So as we enter the season when many people think about end-of-year financial decisions--and about supporting our values and our community, please consider these options.

Lastly, if you're revising or making a will or specifying beneficiaries for investment funds, please consider passing your deepest values on to the generations to follow by remembering this congregation in your estate planning. 

If these ideas don't apply to your situation, I hope you will pass them along to others.  In whatever way you support UUSS -- with your donations of money, time, talent, and love -- we thank you for the good work we all do together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.
The UUSS Business Office and RE Office will be closed December 25 and January 1 for the holidays and will close at noon Christmas Eve.  We will have MONDAY deadlines both weeks for the Sunday Blue Sheet Announcements.  See the Ministers' office hours and whereabouts listed earlier to find them. 

Year-end tax-deductible donations . Any contributions made by check or other distributions can be tax deductible for 2015 if the check is dated and mailed on or before December 31.  Yes, this means it's half way through the pledging year for the operating budget!  Thank you for all gifts toward the programs, people, mission and legacy of this congregation. 

We are deeply grateful to our staff members for serving the church and supporting all of us in the past year, as we made one of the most stressful changes any family can make.  We moved-twice!  We renovated the kitchen and bathrooms, redid the landscape, purchased new furniture, and so much more.  Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Serving Our Congregation
          Linda Clear, President                      Linda Klein, Vice-President
          Denis Edgren, Treasurer                  Gordon Gerwig, Secretary
          Carl Gardner                                      Shirley Hines                                      
          Carol Jacobs                                        Janet Lopes                                                         Dennis Pottenger                               Skylar Primavera, Youth Trustee                      
Contact Board members by email:
           JoAnn Anglin                                       Lisa Derthick                                                        Deirdre Downes (Chairperson)       Patricia Johnson
           Linda Roth                                           Carol Jacobs, Board Liaison                                 
     Contact Program Council members by email:
Rev. Roger Jones, Senior Minister
Rev. Lucy Bunch, Assistant Minister
Stanton Vedell, Communications and Facilities Coordinator
Michele Ebler, Bookkeeper
Elaine Cooper, Receptionist
Miranda Massa, Religious Education Coordinator
Keith Atwater, Music Director
Annie Green, Krystal Gollaher, Childcare Providers
Aaron Molina, Sunday thru Thursday Custodian 
Miguel Neri Friday, Saturday and Sunday Custodian