Please Help Reject PG&E's Unprecedented PCIA Rate Spike! 
November 19, 2015

Dear CCAs, Prospective CCAs, LEAN Members and Supporters,
As you may already know, PG&E has proposed an unprecedented 100% increase in its Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) a.k.a. exit fees for 2016. Although LEAN Energy, Marin Clean Energy and others have fought this increase and provided the CPUC with alternative strategies, the Administrative Law Judge has published a proposed decision that would adopt the entire increase for 2016. View the proposed decision here.
A doubling of PG&E's PCIA sets a troubling precedent that could be disastrous for the development of CCAs in Northern California, along with the local development opportunities and competitive choices afforded to customers.  Why? Because the PCIA must be added to a CCA's wholesale generation rates to determine cost competitiveness with the utility. A doubling of the PCIA to a proposed 2.3 cents/kwh makes it extremely difficult to compete on cost and achieve the local economic and environmental benefits that we've seen in Marin and Sonoma Counties. 
Bottom line -- if PG&E's PCIA is doubled in 2016, some communities will not have the option to launch competitive CCA programs and existing CCAs may no longer be price competitive in the coming year.  LEAN Energy understands the requirement of departing load charges, but this level of cost increase without any alternative strategy is untenable and anti-competitive.   

We are asking all LEAN members, allied organizations, and community partners to urge the CPUC to reject PG&E's 2016 PCIA proposal. 

Attached are template letters that you may use for this purpose.  All correspondence (e-mail or snail mail) must be received by the CPUC no later than DECEMBER 17, when the Commission is scheduled to vote on this matter. Sooner is better. 

If you are a local government, click here for a sample letter. 
If you are a concerned ratepayer or allied organization, click here for a sample letter.  

Letters should be emailed to all five Commissioners using these email addresses:

We've also included a PCIA information sheet developed by MCE that may be helpful to you and your constituents.
PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO SUPPORT THIS EFFORT.  Even if the 2016 increase goes through, your opposition lays important groundwork for future PCIA negotiations. 

Thank you!
Shawn Marshall

LEAN Energy US
P.O. Box 961
Mill Valley, CA 94941
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