Summit Center  


 Summit Center  

January 2015
Summit Center Update
We hope the new year is off to a great start for you and your family. Read on to learn about Dr. Paula Wilkes' new coaching option for gifted children, how our upcoming parent discussion groups can help families, and more.
Dr. Paula Wilkes, Gifted Education Consultant

Focus on Educational Consulting with Dr. Paula Wilkes

Summit Center's Gifted Advocate Offers New Services

After 25 years teaching in the public schools in Eugene, Oregon, I spent the next 10 years developing and coordinating a center for gifted education at Pacific University.  Now that I am an educational consultant at Summit Center, I am able to put to good use all the experiences I have had as a mom, teacher, professor, and consultant in gifted education. Here are some of the services I provide through Summit Center:


Cognitive Coaching. I have created a new option for gifted children in grades K-5 called Cognitive Coaching: Intellectual Challenge for Gifted Brains. Educational therapy has long been an important option for gifted kids who are struggling academically. Cognitive Coaching is different in that it provides intellectual and academic challenge for gifted kids who aren't necessarily struggling in school. Any child signed up for Cognitive Coaching will work with me using games and activities designed specifically for that child in order to engage the brain at the optimal level of challenge and enjoyment. We will use activities such as Sudoku, logic puzzles, visual spatial problem-solving, math challenge problems, and manipulative games. I will also introduce habits of mind designed to help each student be a more successful and engaged learner. 30-60 minutes depending on the age of the student; Saturday sessions available.


Coaching and Mentoring for Gifted Adults. Some gifted and creative adults are looking for someone to help them with issues related to job and/or relationship dissatisfaction, and some are sensitives who are looking for an ally who understands the challenges of being a highly sensitive person. I am not a psychotherapist, but I am a great ally and coach.


Parent Consultations. I am able to interpret a neuro-psych evaluation as it relates to a child's education, and I have also supported parents with in-school advocacy to help teachers understand your child's strengths and challenges.


Workshops. I have more than 30 years of experience in providing workshops for educators in the area of gifted education. My experience as both an educator and as a curriculum designer of resources for gifted children enables me to provide workshops specifically designed to meet the needs of individual schools.


I look forward to meeting many new kids and parents this year. Call (310) 478-6505 to schedule an appointment. Please contact me ([email protected]) if you have a question about your own giftedness or that of your child.

Discussion Group for Parents of Gifted Children in Torrance
Facilitated by Lisa Hancock
Lisa Hancock
Lisa Hancock, Certified SENG Group Facilitator


Are you challenged with parenting a gifted or 2e child?

You are not alone! Parents of gifted or twice-exceptional children are invited to participate in a guided discussion group, led by Lisa Hancock, SENG certified facilitator, about the social and emotional needs of gifted and twice-exceptional children, and the parenting issues related to those needs. Groups meet weekly on Tuesdays, February 10-March 24 (except for March 10), at Summit Center's Torrance office. Choice of 9:30-11:00 am, 4:30-6:00 pm, or 6:00-7:30 pm.

 Register to Reserve Your Space

Articles from Dr. Dan Peters on Parenting and Anxiety

Gifted Homeschoolers Forum, November: Dr. Dan Peters contributes a guest blog on how comprehensive evaluations can find the real cause of a child's anxiety. Read the article


Huffington Post, January 5: Dr. Dan Peters reflects on how to simplify our lives and "Live Purposefully in the New Year." Read the article

Is your bright child having trouble at school, home, or with peers? We offer psychological & educational services for children, adolescents, and families. Our assessments and counseling can help make your child happier, more successful, and moving in the right direction.

Offices in Northern and Southern California.


phone: 310.478.6505