23184 Fraser Highway, Langley  BC V2Z 2V1
604-534-1115   www.edspumps.com

JUNE  Newsletter





In a properly constructed well with appropriate selections of gravel pack material, even though no sand is produced, induced turbulent flow causes migration of very fine sand particles to move toward the well. When restrained by the gravel pack, mechanical blockage occurs that resists normal chemical and mechanical cleaning methods. This results in the permanent loss of capacity and increased pumping costs.

As a well ages, sand pumping can increase above the original "normal" amounts. When sand is removed from the formation there is damage to the pump, as well as gradual erosion of the well screen, which then allows more sand to enter the well. Even relatively small concentrations of sand production can eventually add up to significant volumes of sand excavation. For example, "acceptable" levels of sand, even 5 ppm or less, can add up to several cubic meters of material within a few months. This can accumulate in the well, thereby blocking off part of the producing zone, which increases the demand on the remaining sections. Sand pumping can also cause cavern formation behind the screen, ground subsidence, gravel pack settling and can

eventually result in catastrophic collapse of the well itself.

Click Here To Read this interesting article " Sand & Sediment in Water Wells " From New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

Water Treatment


Tannins are large molecular weight organic compounds. They are formed through the decomposition of plants and, to a much lesser degree, animals. These organics are generally found in surface waters or shallow wells. There are two primary categories in which tannin fall: Humic acid and Fulvic acid. The structure of the tannin varies from location to location, depending on the vegetation in the area. Tannins can cause a yellow to dark tea color in water and may impart taste and odor. Tannins are not directly regulated by a governmental agency, however there is a secondary drinking water standard of 15 alpha units for color. A secondary drinking water standard is not federally enforced. Tannins are not a health issue; however, they are aesthetically displeasing.Tannins can be difficult to remove from water. One treatment method may be effective in one area, but may be totally ineffective 10 miles down the road. It is dependent on the vegetation in a given area.   

 Click here to read more excerpts from: " Tannins"
Mike Keller with Sybron Chemicals Inc. Published

December  2000.  


Contact one of our qualified Water Treatment
Specialists for more information on how to remove tannins from your water. 604-534-1115


Dave Mellis



by Dave Mellis


Chlorine is a common disinfectant. It's cheap, readily available and can be used from kitchen cleanup to cleaning your laundry. However properly applying as a disinfectant for your well is a little trickier. To start we need understand the pH of our water. Ph is a scale from 0 to 14 which measures how acidic or basic our water is. A high pH, over 8.5, is usually alkaline water which is corrosive to fittings and fixtures. A low pH, under 6.5, is on the acidic side. Ideally we have our water somewhere between 6.5 and 8.5 ph ranges according to the Canadian Drinking Water standards.

We see many people who want to disinfect their well by just adding chlorine (bleach) to their water, wait for 24 hours and hope that it done its job. The owner gets his water test back after a week or two and finds the bacteria is still present. What does he do? Well, if a litre of chlorine didn't do the job maybe a gallon will and he will add more chlorine.

After another test the bacteria is still present and he throws up his hands. Like everything else, Chlorine has to applied properly to be effective and only then recent studies have shown that this works only 70% of the time. To be really effective at disinfecting wells we have to understand the various environments that exist in your well.  Suffice it to say that just throwing chlorine down the well will usually not give you the results you are looking for. In addition, there are a few other issues you should be aware of. Chlorine is really alkaline and when mixed with water will raise the pH of the water. The higher the pH the less effective chlorine is at disinfecting the water. Here's where it gets tricky. If the water pH can be adjusted to an optimum level of 5.5 while the chlorine is added, the active biocidal ingredient in chlorine, Hypochlorus Acid, will be 95% effective to attack the bacteria. If the pH is notadjusted the effect can be as little as 5% effective for a ph of 8.5. So by adding more and more chlorine down the well we are really making it less and less effective!  Read more: 

Call or stop by to get more information on this great product. Dave Mellis Owner/President 
I would be pleased to answer  any of your questions on pumps and water treatment and can be reached at 604-534-1115 or  [email protected]

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Did you know?
Henderson Lake, in British Columbia, receiving the most annual precipitation in Canada, gets
6,655 millimeters of precipitation each year.

The location in Canada that receives the least amount of precipitation is Eureka, Nunavut,where only 64 millimeters of precipitation fall each year.
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