Summit Center
Summit Center: Helping every child reach new heights
In This Issue
Articles from Dr. Peters
How an adventure with his son taught them both a lesson about overcoming fear and persevering.
Huffington Post: "5 Back-to-School Brain Boosters" Fun things kids can do to bring them back into the mind frame of learning, critically thinking, engaging in dialogue and just plain moving the body.
Parent Discussion Groups Begin 10/21  Walnut Creek
Are you challenged with parenting a gifted or 2e child?
You are not alone! Join other parents of gifted children to discuss the unique challenges that gifted children bring to families. Groups offer a forum for parents to gain insight into how their parenting styles and techniques can impact their child's behavior and development.
Our Fall parent discussion group begins on Thursday, October 1, 11:00am-12:30pm at Summit Center Walnut Creek. Led by Kathleen Crombie, M.A., M.Ed.
"One characteristic I see over and over in the gifted population I work with is a need to be real, true to oneself and others, authentic."

- Melanie Kroon, MA, LFMT
Summit Center Update
August 2015

It's time to head back to school! If you want to better understand your child's learning and development this year, give us a call.
Developing Self Esteem in Gifted Teens
By Melanie Brown Kroon, MA, LMFT
Melanie Kroon provides therapy and consultations at Summit Center's Encino office. She specializes in the emotional needs of gifted and creative adults, adolescents & children. 
Adolescence is difficult for everyone, but it can be incredibly difficult for gifted kids. To understand why, let's first look at some of the profound emotional changes common to all teenagers.
A teen or tween begins to value peer relationships over family relationships. This change in relationship to family members can be confusing for all involved. Teens are trying to locate themselves as separate and unique individuals who can increasingly stand on their own two feet. They need more time alone, more time with friends, and yet they need to know that you are still there when they need support.  A teenager needs to be able to say no to you sometimes and test how safe it is to separate from you without losing your love. Experimenting with where you end and they begin means they feel safe enough to start individuating from you. You may even start to feel rejected; but they still need to know that you are there, that your love is constant, and that their safety is your highest priority.
Cogmed Working Memory Support for Children Now Available
Is your child struggling to stay focused, remember instructions, organize tasks or having difficulty with reading and math comprehension, despite having the necessary foundational skills and motivation?
These skills all take a strong working memory. Summit Center now provides a computer-based intervention called Cogmed Working Memory Training that can strengthen working memory and improve the skills that are needed to be successful in a classroom setting.
To determine if Cogmed Working Memory could be a fit for your child, check out the Working Memory Checklist on our website.
Gifted education consultant Dana Cope has been trained to offer the Cogmed program. For more information please call 925-939-7500 or email [email protected].
New Webinar Series! Organizing Your Gifted Family, with Kathleen Crombie
Living in a gifted family can be chaotic. Overwhelmed with schedule and time management? Exhausted trying to keep everyone on track? Frazzled when you can't find what you need? Professional organizer and gifted parent consultant Kathleen Crombie, M.A., M.Ed., will explore which organizing methods increase emotional connection and functioning within the gifted family. Thursday, Sept. 3, 11:00 AM (Pacific Time).

More webinars follow from Dr. Susan Daniels on Living with Intensity, and Dr. Dan Peters on Navigating Parent-Teen Relationships.