Wayland Middle School
Dear Wayland Middle School Families,

Fitness testing and impact testing will be held from 9/9-9/21.  Wayland Middle School will be testing students on their flexibility, strength and cardio vascular ability. You can find out more information about FitnessGram Fitness testing by clicking on this link: "Who Cares About Fitness Assessments?".
Here is additional information about IMPACT testing as well:

As we move into the new school year, we are excited to announce a new program to help in the safety of healthy active young students and student-athletes. Wayland Boosters has announced that they will fund a program that allows all seventh and eighth grades to have baseline concussion testing.  After this first year testing will occur at the start of 7th grade for each student. The Wayland High School has been using this program to test all students entering 9th grade and again in 11th grade.   

At the beginning of the school year students will be given a basic cognitive assessment by a trained teacher/trainer at a desk-top computer in our school.  This information is stored safely and used in the future should the student have an injury. This testing does not use this information to compare answers with other students. This is an evaluation of the brain prior to any potential impact. The data collected will help professionals assess the student after injury whether during a school athletic event or otherwise. Please understand that this measures information like memory, reaction time, speed and concentration. This is not an IQ test.  
If in the future a concussion is suspected this information will enable professionals to assess any damage and plans for recovery and return to regular daily activities including but not limited to sports. This program and assessment is not invasive. ImPACT offers up to date assessment. The purpose of this testing is to allow for your student to be safer as they participate in fully active lives in and out of school.
The program that Wayland Athletics uses is called ImPACT (Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing). Parents can learn more about the test at  http://impacttest.com/about/background
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Wellness Department.
Thank you!
The Wellness Department