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Hilchos Tefillin 32 (page 110)
מסעיף מה עד סעיף נ

Placement of the Parshios
Writing the Four Parshios of the Shel Rosh on One Klaf
Sewing the Bayis with Sinews

Placement of the parshios
The tefillin scrolls are inserted upright, with the top of the script pointing to the top of the tefillin, similar to the way a sefer Torah is stored in the Aron Kodesh. If they were inserted with the script lying horizontally, they are kosher b'dieved but should be fixed as soon as possible. If they were inserted upside down, they are pasul according to some poskim. The scrolls should be placed with the beginning of the writing (see Shulchan Aruch seif 44) on the viewer's right.
( סעיף מה-מו, ס"ק ריג-רטו, וביה"ל ד"ה יהיה)

Writing the four parshios of the shel rosh on one klaf 
Ideally, each of the four parshios of the shel rosh should be written on a separate piece of parchment. B'dieved, if the parshios were written on one long strip and inserted into the separate compartments the tefillin are kosher, but one should differentiate between the parshios by wrapping a gid or string between them. All four parshios of the shel yad are to be written on one parchment. If they were written on separate pieces and inserted into the shel yad, they are kosher b'dieved. According to the Rama, they can be attached using glue made from a kosher animal.
( סעיף מז, ס"ק ריז-רכ וביה"ל ד"ה אם; וראה ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 252)

Sewing the bayis with sinews
A halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai teaches that the tefillin and titura should be sewn with sinews of a kosher animal. There is a preference to use the giddin from the animal's heel because those are white. Preferably, the sinews should come from a bull. The sinews of kosher species of animals that died without proper shechita can be used. The sinews should be twisted and braided. The poskim discuss whether the braiding must be done by a Jew and lishma.
( סעיף מט וס"ק רכב ו־רכג)

  • There is a halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai that requires each tefillin scroll to be wrapped in the hairs of a kosher animal. If they are not wrapped, the tefillin are pasul.
  • According to the Rambam, the halacha l'Moshe m'Sinai also mandates that each scroll be wrapped with a strip of extra parchment or cloth. The Rama advises wrapping parchment or cloth both over and under the hairs.
  • Chazal darshan that "the nations will see that Hashem's name is upon you" refers to the tefillinshel rosh, specifically the shins that are written on both sides of the shel rosh. The name "shin" is comprised of the first letters of the Hebrew words in the phrase "Shem Hashem Nikra" ("Hashem's name is upon...")


  • Forming Hashem's name through tying the tefillin

  • Forming Hashem's name with the tefillin shel rosh

  • Gluing the tefillin in addition to sewing them


