September 2015
Carrie Williams Executive Director
September  Training Schedule 
What is SIDS/SUID and How Can you Prevent it?
Sept.10  7-9 pm
First-Aid and CPR 
Sept.12  9:00 am-5 pm

Creating a Safe and Healthy Environment 
Sept.17 7-9pm
Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sept. 22 7:00-9:00pm

Reflective Consultation: Building a Supportive 
Environment for Staff and Families 
Sept26  9:00am - 12:00pm

For class description, location and cost information visit our website.

Safe Sleep

September is here and fall weather is just around the corner. With the cooler weather approaching, we thought this would be a great time to discuss an important topic for parents and child care professionals alike, safe sleeping.

According to, "unintentional suffocation is the leading cause of injury-related death among children under 1 year of age." Creating a safe sleep environment should be a top priority at home and at the child care location. 

SafeKids offers several tips to create a safer sleeping environment. Suggestions include:

  • Lay your baby on his/her back.
  • Make sure your crib meets Consumer Product Safety Commission and Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association safety standards.
  • Do not hang anything on or above a crib on a string or cord.
  • Use a wearable blanked on cold nights.

These are just a few tips. Visit to learn more.

I also want to remind child care providers that we are currently accepting applications for the Child and Adult Care Food Program. 

As a sponsor organization through the Oklahoma Department of Education, Rainbow Fleet can help child care providers apply to receive reimbursements from the U.S. Department of Agriculture program for serving meals and snacks that meet the program's nutritional guidelines. Any interested child care providers should contact Jamie England, program coordinator, at (405) 521-1426 for more details.

Thanks for reading. 

Carrie Williams
Executive Director 

PS - We're partnering with our friends from the OU Health Science Center to offer free developmental and autism screenings on Sept. 16. Call us at (405) 521-1426 for details.

Resource Center Item of the Month
These colorful, textured builders make it easy to create amazing 3D structures. Kids will love the magnetic shapes and the awesome things they can build. Find this many other great toys and games in our Resource Center.

  Florencia les envía esta nota:

Florencia Briglie
Estimadas Proveedoras:

¡Felicitaciones a las proveedoras que concurrieron al entrenamiento de Déficit de Atención! Pasamos un grato agradable con la Dra.Pockorny y creo que todas aprendimos mucho.

Ya les voy a avisar cuando tendremos el próximo entrenamiento en español. Sé que a veces es difícil, cansador complicado, concurrir a los entrenamientos pero, es lo que nos va haciendo crecer como personas, como profesionales, como madres... cuanto mayor sea la audiencia de proveedoras a estos entrenamientos, mas variedad tendremos. Por eso es importante que hagamos lo posible por participar. Es una gran ventaja, una gran ayuda, una gran oportunidad de tener entrenamientos en español.

Pensaba que, ya que el calor continua, es una buena idea si planeamos una actividad especial para le: ADIÓS AL VERANO.

Podemos hacer un álbum de fotos con las actividades del verano, podemos hacer un pic-nic para decirle hasta el año próximo a los juguetes de agua, podemos leer libros solo sobre el verano. Pregúnteles a los niños que les gustaría hacer para luego recordarlo.

A los niños les gusta participar, opinar, ayudar, crear, imaginar..., por eso háganlos participar con ideas y sugerencias.
Si gustan comuníquense conmigo al: 405-525-8783. 

Como siempre, no duden de contactarme si puedo ayudarlas con algo: [email protected].

¡Muchas Gracias por su atención!

Notes from a Nurse

By Kristen Millican, RN, BSN, Immunization Nurse at the Cleveland County Health Department 

Kristen Millican
With back-to-school season at hand, we often see an increase in head lice as the kids return to class. Head lice can be extremely difficult to eliminate, especially when incorrect information is shared between parents. At the health department, we often hear old wives tales about treating lice with mayonnaise and other natural remedies. These can actually lengthen and complicate a lice infestation in the long run, because they don't eliminate the lice like the prescribed chemicals can.  In these cases, the battle continues on and on, and can be really frustrating for families!
The two main issues we see in reinfestations are: the environment being improperly treated, and parents not taking the time to remove all the nits. It is imperative to properly treat the environment at home, so lice don't spread to other family members or reinfest an already-treated child. Lice can't jump or fly, so they won't infest everyone in a room unless there is direct contact with an infested surface or head. Even the best lice treatments on the market only kill about 80% of nits, so if any nits remain in the hair after treatment, they can potentially hatch and become a problem again. To make matters worse, the nit combs provided in a treatment kit don't always get them all. Sometimes you just have to get a nice bright light and remove the rest by hand. A properly treated environment and a nit-free head can be accomplished in a few hours. Visit this link to see the complete measures on how to treat head lice, and visit this website for info and handouts on head lice. 

Nits in the hair

Kristen Millican, RN, BSN
Cleveland County Health Department

Helpful Contacts



Center for Early Childhood Professional Development (CECPD): 1801 North Moore Avenue, Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-6383


CECPD offers various programs for individuals in the childcare field, some programs offered are R.E.W.A.R.D. Oklahoma, CDA/CCP Advisement, Environmental Rating Scale, ELCCT training, The Leadership Academy, Literacy Programs, Video Lending Library and Oklahoma Registry.


Scholars for Excellence in Child Care

Program Scholars Coordinators:


Oklahoma City Community College, (South OKC) Bonita Spinner (405) 682-1611


Oklahoma State University OKC, (North OKC) Jeff Rosson (405) 945-9168/1-800-560-4099       

[email protected] 


Redlands Community College, (El Reno) Karen Hewitt (405) 422-1286


Rose State College, (Midwest City) Jennifer Bachhofer (405) 733-7449


The Scholars for Excellence in Child Care program will ensure that eligible child care professionals in the state of Oklahoma have an opportunity to further their education while earning a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential, Certificate of Mastery, Director's Certificate of Completion and/or an associate degree in child development or early childhood education.


Reaching for the STARS (DHS): Central Oklahoma-Jennifer Towell (405)



STARS is a program held by the State of Oklahoma, that has been implemented to improve the quality of child care for children.


Warmline: 1-888-574-5437


Warmline offers free telephone consultation to child care providers and families on numerous topics of concern. Consultants refer providers to appropriate services and resources within their communities.

Rainbow Fleet 
3024 Paseo 
Oklahoma City, OK 73103