File 25

The New York State Sheriffs' Association
Volume 369

March 27, 2015

Thanks to Our Diamond Partners


NYSSA President Sheriff James Voutour Meets Legislators at the Capitol
(l to r): Senator Robert Ortt of the 62nd Senate District and NYSSA President and Niagara County Sheriff James Voutour

Association President and Niagara County Sheriff James Voutour attended meetings with several legislators at the Capitol in Albany on Monday. Assemblyman Al Graf and Assemblyman Joseph Giglio of the Assembly Codes Committee reviewed numerous pieces of upcoming criminal justice legislation with Sheriff Voutour, Executive Director Peter Kehoe and Associate Counsel Alex Wilson, seeking the Association's view on the proposals. Afterwards, the Sheriff was introduced on the Assembly floor as our new Association President by his local representatives: Assemblyman John Ceretto and Assemblywoman Jane Corwin. He was later introduced on the Senate floor by his Senator, Robert Ortt.


NYSSA President and Niagara County Sheriff James Voutour shakes hands with Senator Robert Ortt on the Senate floor.
NYSSA President and Niagara County Sheriff James Voutour (l) with Associate Counsel Alex Wilson (r) on the Senate floor.


Franklin County Sheriff Kevin Mulverhill Testifies Before Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
(l to r): Franklin County Sheriff Kevin Mulverhill, Assemblywoman Janet Duprey of the 115th Assembly District, and Associate Council Alex Wilson on the floor of the NYS Assembly Chamber.

Franklin County Sheriff Kevin Mulverhill gave testimony last week before a Senate Joint Committee formed to explore criminal justice reforms the legislature should address in its current session. Sheriff Mulverhill spoke to the committee about issues that effect all Sheriffs, such as the difficulties of dealing with mentally ill inmates, coordination of 911 services, and reforming the grand jury system. The Sheriff was then went to the Assembly floor where he was introduced on the Assembly floor, along with Associate Counsel Alex Wilson, and met with Assemblywoman Janet Duprey of the 115th Assembly District, among others.


Statewide Media Covers Story of Orleans County Deputy James DeFilipps' Shootout

Early last Saturday morning, a high-speed chase in Orleans County ended in a shootout on Route 31A in Clarendon, NY in which Orleans County Sheriff's Deputy James DeFilipps, after being shot twice in the abdomen area, continued pursuit and returned fire, killing James Ellis, 44, of Wyoming, NY. Deputy DeFilipps, who was wearing a bullet proof vest, continues to recover from the injuries he sustained as a result of being shot by Ellis. He is expected to make a full recovery after which he will return to duty, according to the sheriff's office. Click the pictures above for video of news coverage.


Oneida County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Jonathan Owens Graduates from FBI National Academy
 Oneida County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Jonathan Owens is pictured with the Yellow Brick for successful completion of "the yellow brick road," a 6.1 mile obstacle course, and the Swim Challenge Blue Brick, for swimming 34 cumulative miles, at the FBI National Academy 's 259th session
Oneida County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Jonathan Owens graduated from the 259th Session of the FBI National Academy in Quantico Virginia last week. FBI Director James Comey was the principal speaker at the graduation ceremony and presented attendees with certificates of completion. The graduates included law enforcement leaders of the rank of lieutenant and above from 49 states and 23 countries.  Chief Owens is the 4th member in the history of the Oneida County Sheriff's Office to attend the FBI National Academy. Less than 1% of law enforcement executives are able to attend this prestigious program that has been sponsored and funded by the FBI since 1972.

Monroe County Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn Announces Promotions  

(l to r): Corporal Scott Bevilacqua (jail bureau), Sergeant Don Benedetto (jail bureau), Sergeant Matt Kruezer (police bureau), Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn, Sergeant Nick Ange (police bureau), Lieutenant Scott Alberti (police bureau), and Captain Doug Comanzo (police bureau)

Monroe County Sheriff Patrick O'Flynn conferred new ranks on a number of his officers on Monday. Lieutenant Doug Comanzo was promoted to Captain. Investigator Sergeant Scott Alberti was promoted to Lieutenant. Deputy Nick Ange, Deputy Matt Kreuzer and Corporal Don Benedetto were promoted to Sergeant. And Deputy Scott Bevilacqua was promoted to Corporal. Congratulations to all!


National Crime Victims' Rights Week

April 19-25, 2015 Click here for resource guide.


Sheriffs' Association and Institute
Programs 2015:


Basic Civil Schools

Phase 1 April 13-17

Phase 2 May 18-22

NYSSA Offices, Albany, NY


Victim Notification Conference

April 22

Holiday Inn Wolf Road, Albany, NY


Civil Supervisor Training Conference

May 11-13

Gideon Putnam, Saratoga Springs, NY


Undersheriffs Training Conference

June 8-10

Gideon Putnam, Saratoga Springs, NY

Sheriff's Annual

Summer Training Conference

July 13-17, 2015

Lake Placid, NY


Law Enforcement Supervisors 

Training Conference

September 14 - 16

Gideon Putnam, Saratoga Springs, NY


Jail Administrators' Training Conference 

September 28 - October 1

Gideon Putnam, Sar atoga Springs, NY