Wintix now connects directly to the Help Desk
We hope you know about and use our extensive Help Desk - a knowledge base and blog full of helpful tutorials and how-tos. Now, you don't have to leave Wintix to access it! Our programming team has built in a direct link to the Help Desk. Simply go to Help | Help and you'll be at the Help Desk. Here's a link to the Help Desk. Remember, it's interactive, so you can write questions or comments to posts and we will answer them.
We have new servers to improve your Webtix experience
Center Stage Software is continually upgrading its service and software. To help our Webtix customers increase their speed and customer satisfaction, we have added new servers.
If you encounter any issues with receipts, etc., please contact us to make sure you are accessing the correct server.
Contact Us
Center Stage Software
1191 Luxton St.
Seaside, California 93955
Important Wintix updates |
Here are some of the latest updates in Wintix. Please make sure to update Wintix on a regular basis.
- When customer records are marked for deletion to the inactive table, they get marked with the date, time, computer, and clerk.
- The sales receipt now includes the GL code.
- The daily sales report for one clerk generates a PDF.
- The ticket printing section to send tickets to PDFs has been updated. Ticket sizes, orientation, etc. are removed and data from the receipt printing is put in. This gets rid of the page breaks in between the tickets of the PDF.
- The publicity report supports multiple shows.
- There is also a new password permission to determine whether or not a clerk can edit the publicity codes.
The future of credit card processing - a visit with MerchantPlus
Recently, Center Stage Software visited MerchantPlus in New York City. We have a business relationship with this merchant services provider. Many of our customers use Merchant Plus to process credit cards in Wintix. We got the inside scoop about the structure and schemes of credit card processing, security issues, virtual currencies like BitCoin, and what the future of transactions might hold. Some things change. Some things do not change. It's interesting to see the difference.
Read the full article here.
Be careful with modifying seating plans
There are times when you need to modify a seating plan, but we want to remind you to be careful when you do. Because this is not a task performed often, it can be a bit tricky to remember all the steps. One of our customers had patrons trying to buy seats online that didn't really exist because they had price codes in non-existent seats. You can avoid that by "cleaning up the price codes." Click here to learn how
Americans to be subjects in
credit card security experiment next year
The credit card industry is going to be conducting an experiment in the United States next year. Many countries have already moved to either chip-and-pin cards or chip-and-sign cards to help reduce fraud. But American banks aren't sure which is better, which is why some of us will get chip-and-pin and some chip-and-sign.
While we support anything that keeps our financial data more secure, the results could have some unexpected and costly consequences. And hackers have already found their ways into this system. Read the full article on The
A word from the bird
As you may know, the birds outnumber the humans at our office.
They think our newsletter is too much about software and not enough about them. So we decided to let them get a '"chirp" in edgewise:
Cockatiels are the most attractive birds, without a doubt
Hi, I'm Chirpie-Wirpie. As you see, I'm a handsome bird (like the rest of the cockatiels). I have a prominent yellow crest and a soft gray feathers. My best friend is the loudmouth, Liberace. We sit on a perch together and preen each others feathers. Occasionally, he gets really noisy and I chase him around the aviary until he shuts up. I am the only bird that has been able to teach humans to do anything useful. I have taught one of the humans to massage my neck. It a great thing. Not only does it fluff up my feathers, it helps get rid of the quills I have on my neck.
I will demonstrate:
I have not been able to teach them anything more. It is understandable. After all, they're only human. |