How to add form choices
Want folks to pick shows from a package? Want them to place a dinner order?
That is when you use a tool called form choices. It lets patrons pick from a drop down list when they order online.
It does require a bit of HTML coding, but we can do it for you for an affordable fee, if need be.
Learn more about how to add form choices in Wintix.
Survey says!
 The results of the 2015 Ticketing Satisfaction Survey from the AMT Lab at Carnegie Mellon University have been released.
Running a sales report for selected shows
 You know how important it is to run a daily sales report. But what if you don't want a report that includes all the shows on sale during a certain time period?
You can create a sales report that includes selected shows for any time period you wish.
Learn how here.
Please update your Wintix on a regular basis!
It is crucial that you update Wintix on all workstations at least once a month.
- Make updating a recurring event on your calendar.
- To update Wintix, go to Help | About Wintix and click the "Download update" button.
Contact Us
Center Stage Software 1191 Luxton St. Seaside, California 93955 831-583-0641
Support: 831-920-1254 Need help 24/7? Go to the Help Desk |
How to automatically back up Wintix
You remember to back up your data every single day, right? Well, just in case it slips your mind from time to time, you can set your computer to automatically back up Wintix. It only takes a few minutes to do it. There may come a day you'll be grateful you did.
Learn how to automatically back up Wintix.
Are patrons not receiving ticket PDFs? Let us put the tickets in the email receipt |
At Center Stage, our job is dealing with problems. If they are our problems, we are delighted. We can fix them quickly. Problems from outside our control are more difficult.
A couple months ago, four of our customers reported that their customers were getting receipts but there were no PDF tickets attached. This happened over one weekend. There was no explanation. We contacted the ISPs. They had no explanation. We checked with our mail service. They said the receipts had been sent out with the PDF tickets. But, the customers never received the PDF attachments. We concluded the local ISPs were using a service to set spam filter rules that PDF attachments were a security threat and needed to be removed. Of course, no one was told of the change in policy.
Solving this problem meant changing the receipts. We needed to get rid of the PDFs. Now, the receipts have an option to have HTML tickets as part of the receipt. It works. And everyone is happy again.
If you have this problem - or if you just want the tickets to be part of the receipt, let us know. We just need to replace two of your Webtix files and you are ready to go. Click here to see what they look like.
Got readers?
If you use credit card readers, have you purchased new EMV compliant ones yet?
As we've discussed before, October 2015 (which only a few months away!) is when liability for credit card fraud will shift from the credit card processor to the merchant, if the merchant doesn't have EMV compliant readers.
The added security is packed into a small, "smart" computer chip embedded in the card. The metallic microchip, which Visa claims is nearly impossible to counterfeit, stores and safeguards private cardholder data.
While getting the new card readers is voluntary, and the banking industry expects a slow roll out, not getting them can make your organization vulnerable.
At this time, Center Stage Software will not be offering EMV credit card readers. We recommend you
contact your merchant service provider or bank about purchasing EMV terminals.
Here are a couple of articles of interest:
October 2015: The End of the Swipe-and-Sign Credit Card
New Chip Credit Cards Putting Squeeze on Small Businesses
Microsoft to launch Windows 10 this month
Need a new computer for the box office? Microsoft is launching Windows 10 on July 29, which purportedly addresses disliked features in Windows 8 and makes it more like Windows 7.
You can get a free upgrade to 10 if you have 7 or 8.1. That said, we advise you to wait awhile for an upgrade. In fact, we've always preferred 7 to 8, so we won't be upgrading any time soon.
Want to read more about the fuss? One of our favorite tech websites has plenty to say.