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September, 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of Heart-2-Heart!
Heart-2-Heart is published on the First Friday of each month by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We offer this as our gift to you with the hopes that our story and the spirituality of the Sacred Heart will touch your heart as you strive to live the Gospel in your daily life.  
Following the Example of Pope Francis
This is an exciting time for the United States! In just a few weeks, Pope Francis will visit Washington, DC, New York, and Philadelphia. During his visit, he will participate in the World Meeting of Families, canonize the missionary Blessed Junipero Serra, meet with President Obama, and become the first Pope to address a joint meeting of Congress.

What could the Pope's visit mean for us? Pope Francis is known for reaching out and inspiring not only Catholics, but many people of goodwill from other faiths or no faith. He presents a broad spectrum of teachings that do not fit neatly into any American political party or ideology, teachings that both encourage us and fearlessly challenge us. He consistently calls us out of indifference into a "culture of encounter." While we are tempted to focus only on our favorite and most comfortable ways of following Jesus, he insists that everything is connected: "It is clearly inconsistent to combat trafficking in endangered species while remaining completely indifferent to human trafficking, unconcerned about the poor, or undertaking to destroy another human being deemed unwanted" (Laudato Si, 91). All of the Pope's authoritative teachings have their source in the Gospel. All affirm that "God's love is the fundamental moving force in all created things" (Laudato Si, 77). Pope Francis insists that God, who is total love, will settle for nothing less than a complete transformation of our hearts.

During his visit, Pope Francis visit will no doubt continue to challenge and encourage us on this journey of transformation. How can we prepare ourselves to hear his message? The USCCB has compiled resources in preparation for the papal visit. Many are short articles that you could read in a few minutes and reflect on throughout the day. You could read the Pope's weekly Angelus address and homilies online, or begin one of the Pope's longer works such as Evangelii Gaudium ("The Joy of the Gospel") or Laudato Si on care for creation.
However each of us chooses to be attentive to Pope Francis, before and during his visit, let us ask: How does the Pope encourage me, and how does he challenge me? How might God be calling me to more faithfully imitate the love of the Heart of Jesus?

Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in You.

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus