Between the Ends is a weekly update from Pastor Mark Congrove and Bethel Baptist Church. it stresses the days between Sunday and Sunday- between one weekend and the next, as a priority for the believer.
What needs done
FEBRUARY 9, 2016
I've been wondering- What is the antidote for a "Happy Church" infection?

My daughter now faces in the Dayton area what many others face, either because of military transfer or career relocation-- establishing a new residence and the circle of acquaintances and connections that are essential to adapting to the "new place."

But if my daughter's most recent experiences with finding a new church are at all representative of the brave new world around us, we have reasons for concern and a better reason for our existence. Consider her most recent visits to mega-churches in the Dayton area; large, burgeoning congregations with coffee shops and athletic facilities, but no motivation or need to help her connect to a small group or interest in her as a person. Maybe that's because, in some churches, its the choreography that matters. In "Happy Churches" as I shall call them, services are created, driven, and enjoyed for their lack of substance-- even at times the Bible itself. 

Can it be, as my daughter discovered, that we've grown so weary of Jesus' tedious instruction at the final supper on earth before His crucifixion, that because of time and logistics, we must streamline the communion service so as to include only one of the elements of the celebration of His death? Have the bland generalities of Grace swallowed up the specifics of Biblical truth? Do Muslims know more of their Allah than we know of Jesus- The author and finisher of our faith? 

We'll speak more about the "Happy Church" infection this Lords, Day, but until then... 

Rejoice in the tedious but thorough Lord Jesus...

Click here to download the FEBRUARY Prayer journal/ worksheet
Men at Work, this week: Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus; chapter 4-5
Are you pursuing your prayer journal?
Are you pursuing a monthly lifestyle of prayer? Check out the January prayer help
Something new is coming
What's coming in March is a new Adult Bible School class specifically for those who are beyond high school, pursuing their careers or attending college. Dean Gilmer will lead this class, but the growth will come from embracing the truth that God wants us to know-- about life, about relationships, and getting the most out of the Christian life.
Join us Sundays, beginning in March
Adult Bible School Class
Join us at the 9:45 hour. Mike Sweet will challenge us with what we know about the world around us-- or should know! What do you know about your Faith?

10- (Wednesday): Missionary, Jim Telman; Uganda
February  13: (Note the change of date)  A Valentine dinner with a fresh version of the NewlyWed Game- Free, and a chance to help us "Play Ball." 

11-12: Christian Workers Conference: Grand Rapids.
TBA- Trivia night
13- Baptismal service
19- AWANA Grand Prix

TBA- Annual Man Up 4 Life Backpacking trip
TBA- How about it girls, should we rent a cabin, invite the guys and hang out in the woods too?

An All american game: VBS sports week. A Fun-filled matchup of VBS and baseball. A first for us...

What talent or skill set do you possess that might be deployed into the lives of others, through our church, that might create an interest or curiosity in peoples' lives, or maybe even lead them to connect with this ministry here to learn more about the Lord we serve?
Offering update
Be on the lookout for the ball field offering poster created by our own Jessica Byers. After some good early innings (offerings), we have rounded first and are on our way toward second base... Can you help us get to third?
Stay at it! The proceeds from the Valentines Banquet will go to the funding of this project.