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Hilchos Tefillin 48-49 (page 155)
מתחילת סימן מח עד תחילת סימן נ

Why the Parshios of the Korbanos are Recited Daily Before Shacharis
Shukeling (Undulating) When Davening
Reciting Pesukim by Heart

Why the parshios of korbanos are recited daily before Shacharis
There is a universal custom to recite the parsha of the korban Tamid before davening Shacharis (and many recite it before Mincha also). This recitation is regarded as obligatory for men and women alike. Reciting the parsha with comprehension is considered to be like participating in the korban service in the Beis Hamikdash. Since this mindful recitation is considered to be like bringing a korban, it has become customary to recite the parshios of various korbanos and of the general service in the Beis Hamikdash, particularly the ketores which is important to recite with kavana according to the Zohar.
( סימן מח, סעיף א וס"ק א; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 1 ו־3)
Shukeling (undulating) when davening
It is admirable to shukel (undulate) when studying Torah in remembrance of how the Jews shook with fear at the time the Torah was given. Some poskim recommend shukeling when davening in fulfillment of the verse " My entire being will declare 'Hashem, who is like You?'". Other poskim are opposed to this custom because tefilla is to be recited as though standing before a human king when any movement is improper. Practically, a person should do whichever will enhance his payer.  If shukeling will increase his kavana, he should undulate; otherwise he should not. Shukeling should be avoided if it will disturb those nearby.
( סימן מח, סעיף א וס"ק ה; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 7)

Reciting pesukim by heart
It is generally forbidden to recite passages of the Written Torah by heart. The poskim discuss whether this rule is limited to public ceremonies (e.g. kriyas haTorah) or whether it also applies to individuals. According to some, the rule concerns Torah study but does not apply to the recitation of passages as tefillos or praise (e.g. Hallel, Tehillim) or to passages generally familiar to most people (e.g. Shema). Passages should not be read by heart when they are recited in order to help someone else fulfill an obligation.
( סימן מט, סעיף א, ס"ק ב, ג, ו ו־ז, וביה"ל ד"ה כגון; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 2; וראה ס"ק ה)

  • All of Birchos Hashachar, with the exception of hanosein lasechvi vina, may be recited before dawn. If this beracha was recited before dawn, the obligation is fulfilled bedieved.
  • Someone who rises in the middle of the night to study must recite Birchos HaTorah before beginning. If he returns to sleep, he does not repeat the berachos in the morning.
  • Although women are generally exempt from Torah study, the custom is for them to recite the berachos on the Torah. One reason for this is that women are required to study the sections of the Torah that pertain to them and to recite the Torah passages found in davening.

  • Required daily study

  • Pausing between Baruch Sheamar and the rest of Pesukei D'zimra

  • Which berachos do not get an Amen

