Read how the Kingdom of God is visible in Guatemala!

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." Mathew 13:44

Jesus was teaching us the value of His Kingdom. Selling all he had meant total commitment. This Kingdom is to be sought with everything we are and have. I believe those who give to missions are "buying the field" of His Kingdom! Sharon and I have been looking at our givers through the years and are humbled at their faithfulness. Some have only met us one time and yet give so faithfully. Many are really sacrificing to give. Thank you to all who are and will be giving over the years to come!  "then in his joy, went and sold all..." May you too have His joy as we see His Kingdom come - together.


John Harvey

President Emeritus, ASELSI

Finding the Kingdom!

Tomasa was raised in a family that practiced Mayan rituals, and continues to live with her father who is a Mayan priest with altars for incense and idols in the house.  Recently, she was abandoned by the father of her 18 month old son, her heart was filled with hate, her soul in agony.  And her son was very ill with intestinal parasites.  She looked for help through the ancient rituals practiced by her family, but her son just got sicker.   She had spent a lot of money to receive the Mayan rituals, and had visited the local health center but Juan Daniel just wasn't able to keep food in his stomach.  Desperately she came to her neighbor, Marcella, one of the nurses at the Father's Heart Clinic, asking for help for her son.  Tomasa had a dream about ASELSI, that this would be a place where she would receive Jesus Christ.  She asked Marcella to bring her to ASELSI.  That day, Marcella's family prayed for Tomasa and her son, Juan Daniel.  The next day, they arrived at ASELSI.  Tomasa was brokenhearted, seeking help physically for her son, and spiritually for her soul.  At the clinic she received what she sought:  medicine for her son, and prayers to receive Jesus.  She left that day full of hope, faith and new life. 

But the story continues.  Juan Daniel is a healthy 2 year old now.  Tomasa is being discipled through a small group Bible study at the home of Angel who works at ASELSI. And last week a team from Saginaw visited her home to pray and encourage her.  Tomasa has left the kingdom of darkness and is now a daughter of the  King of Kings!

Practicing Kingdom Principles  

The Maintenance team at ASELSI has been practicing Kingdom principles through various activities this year.  They have visited the home of a family and brought them a basic supply of food, helped a widow, invited the local teens to play soccer after work.  To continue these types of activities to help those in need and build relationships requires some fund raising.  Most recently they made and sold lunches to the ASELSI staff and a visiting team.  A delicious feast of wraps, potato salad, beans and guacamole, was served up with some help from Andrew and Katie.  When one has the heart to practice the Kingdom reign, raising funds will not be an impediment!  Please pray for these guys:  Angel, Tomas, Moises, Manuel, Rene, Bryan and Reinaldo as they continue to "seek first the Kingdom.

The Joy of Mobility!

We first met Manuel, 14, during a wheelchair evaluation patients in early June.  Born with cerebral palsy, Manuel has been unable to walk, so must get around on a family member's back.  Carrying him has become increasingly difficult as he has gotten older.  Often, he remains alone at home.

Manuel's life changed a few weeks ago when his dad woke him up early, put him on his back, and carried him for 30 minutes to a pickup truck, to make the 3 hour journey from his village near Scapulas to our clinic in Chichicastenango.  That day he, along with fifty other adults and children, received his first wheelchair.  As they waited their turn, we overheard his dad sharing with Manuel all the places they could now go in his new wheelchair!

Please pray for Manuel, and others with special needs in our community, and our therapy staff as they bring hope through spiritual and physical healing.

The Kingdom is like...

A youth group in Sacapulas wanted to participate in our 1st fun run this year.  They decided instead of making the journey to Chichicastenango, they would hold their own race.  On Saturday, July 26th, over 50 youth, children and women came out to participate;  a surprising turn out for a  community that doesn't usually run.  They raised nearly $75 for our therapy program, a great gift from people that may only make $100 a month.  We are thankful for their love and support of the work we do for people with disabilities  in Chichicastenango.

You can still plan an informal event in your town to help provide therapy services to those in need.  Click here for all the info!

Bringing the Kingdom of God through...latrines!?

Mike McComb recently got a call from Jose Pichol in Panimache. He said his church is putting what they learned at the Pator's conference in April into practice. They are building 2 new latrines at the local public school. The school director was astonished and said, "I have never heard of an evangelical church doing something like this! Where did you learn this?" Pastor Pichol said that they want to bring the Kingdom of God to their community!

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