Finals Week, Spring Quarter 2015
UC San Diego L
Congrats to the Class of 2015!
The LGBT Resource Center would like to thank everyone who volunteered, participated, and joined us on Saturday, June 6th for the annual Rainbow Graduation and Induction into the LGBT Alumni Ceremony.
It was beautiful to come together and wrap up the year with the UC San Diego LGBT community to honor the students who are graduating, our volunteers, our interns, our group facilitators, our staff, and all who have impacted our community over the last year.
We hope you had fun and stop on by this summer! We'll be open from 8:00a-4:30p every weekday starting June 15. If not, see you all in the fall!
-LGBT RC Staff
Yup! You heard that right! We're open during finals week!
Monday, June 8 8:00AM - 2:30PM, 5:00PM-9:00PM
Tuesday, June 9 8:00AM-9:00PM
Wednesday, June 10
Thursday, June 11
Friday, June 12 8:00AM-4:30PM |
san diego lgbt pride parade
San Diego LGBT Pride Parade Sat. July 18th | Hilcrest, San Diego
Join the LGBT RC in San Diego's 41st LGBT Pride Parade
This year's SD LGBT Pride theme is "Liberty and Justice for All." However, through our participation in pride we'll engage the community to critically think about this statement and we'll be asking "Liberty and Justice for Who!?"
Join us in creating awareness about the experiences of those who continue to be marginalized within the greater LGBT movement.
Please register to receive more info and to ensure you get a t-shirt at: http://bit.ly/ucsdpride2015 Also join us for these two other pride events: - Ice Cream Social, Weds, July 1 | 12-2p | LGBTRC - Pride Work Party, Fri, July 17 | 11-3p | LGBTRC |
UCLA-LGBTQ Studies Call for Papers-"Curing the Queer: From Pathology to Resistance" UCLA's 2015 Queer Graduate Student Conference will bring together the innovative and interdisciplinary research of graduate students in LGBTQ Studies. In April 2015, President Obama called for an end to conversion therapies for LGBTQ youth. QGrad 2015's theme, "'Curing' the Queer: From Pathology to Resistance," opens up a critical discussion on the (re)emergence of homo/queer/trans phobic culture under the guise of religious or medical restorative therapies and other queerphobic practices. We invite graduate students fromall fields to contribute and submit proposals. Visit here for more information. |
Femme to Femme: Call for submissions Deadline: 11/1/15 Femme to Femme is a literary non-fiction, varied anthology seeking to explore femme* identity in the 20thand 21st century through poetry, prose, essays, stories/narratives, illustration/art and photography. Femme to Femme seeks to challenge public discourse about and around femmeness because it often has a white, classed, cis-gender woman center, and is only discussed in relationship to masculinity - never each other. It is a project that prioritizes the lives, needs, and desires of femmes of all lived experiences; It is a call to action and celebration of the personal, political, and transformative self. Email submissions to: here For more information visit: here
Alan Turing Memorial Scholarship June 19th, 2015 This is a $10,000 award paid in the 2015-2016 academic year, for undergraduate students who are majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, and who are active in supporting the LGBT community. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated financial need. The online application can be found here! If you have problems, please contact the Financial Aid/Scholarship staff listed below:
Esteban Marquez: (858) 534-1671 |
Are you interested in being a part of the Fall 2015 New International Student Orientation to welcome almost 2,000 new international students to campus? As a volunteer Orientation Assistant, you will: GAIN hands-on experience in a cross-cultural setting ENGAGE in dialogue with people from all over the world SHARE your UC San Diego experience HELP international newcomers adjust to their new environment Learn more about volunteering with the program and/or apply to be an OA by visiting here. |
Dark Sciences: A People of Color Dream Retreat: August 20-24th (Alma de Mujer, TX) This is an opening gathering for a long-term collective process of valuing, honoring, archiving, sharing and listening our/each other's dreams, a ritual educational skill-share where we honor the dreaming practices of our ancestors and deepen our capacity to be present to our own and each other's dreams, a sacred space for queer affirming people of color to trust our intuition and be ourselves. For more information click here! |
Equality Professionals Network Tuesday, June 30 - 4:30p San Diego LGBT Community Center Engage with employers who value workplace diversity and attend breakout sessions dealing with important issues such as Cross-Gender Fiscal Equality, Career Goal Alignment, Transgender Barriers, and Multigenerational Workforce. Check out the flyer here!
"According to My Mother" Kickstarter After the death of his beloved aunt, Daniel, a gay, struggling actor visits his devout Christian, Korean mother. "According to My Mother" will be a short film that examines the personal relationship between Daniel, Korean American gay actor, and Esther, his religious mother. Does this project interest you? Donate to this project here!
Talking Circles: Undocumented Students Weekly Drop-in Thursdays | 4-5p | Undocumented Student Services Office This group is for graduate and undergraduate undocumented students who are looking for community support. Talking circles are safe spaces where undocumented students can gather and discuss their intersecting identities, stressors that stem from being undocumented, and finding healthy ways to cope. For questions, e-mail Susana Martinez. |
UCSD Medical Center Pride Lighting Ceremony Tues. June 30, 7-8p UCSD Medical Center 200 W. Arbor Drive UC San Diego Health Systems is lighting the UC San Diego Medical Center in Hillcrest in rainbow colors for the month of July. Its their way of celebrating the LGBT community and their committment to healthcare equality.
Join us for ETHN 115 Fall 2015 | Wednesdays 5-7:50p The title of this course is called Monsters, Orphans, Robots and is being taught by Professor K. Wayne Yang. |
The Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Foundation Scholarship GAPA is a scholarship that seeks to provide financial assistance to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Asian and Pacific Islanders who are currently in high school or postsecondary school. We award several scholarships of $2000 each to students who have demonstrated outstanding activism and leadership within the API LGBTQ community. For more information visit us here! |
We trust kids to know what gender they are: An article about transgender children This article was posted on the University of California website. Click here to read the full article written by Diane Ehrensaft from UC San Francisco!