Week 9, Spring Quarter 2015
UC San Diego L
"Despite what you may believe, you can disappoint people and still be good enough. You can make mistakes and still be capable and talented. You can let people down and still be worthwhile and deserving of love. Everyone has disappointed someone they care about. Everyone messes up, lets people down, and makes mistakes. Not because we're inadequate or fundamentally inept, but because we're imperfect and fundamentally human." -Daniell Koepke |
queer and trans self-care workshop
Queer and Trans Self-Care Workshop Weds. May 27th | 5-7p | LGBTRC "Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare." -Audre Lorde How do you take care of yourself as a Queer and Trans Student? How do remember, share, and practice strategies for grounding, support, resilience, transformation, and accountability? Come to this workshop to develop a wellness plan for yourself to meet your needs. We'll also be making: Mind Calming Jars- glittery jars with pretty colors to hold and shake to ease your mind in times of stress. Herbal bath salts Aromatherapy massage oil |
san diego lgbt pride parade
San Diego LGBT Pride Parade Sat. July 18th | Hilcrest, San Diego
Join the LGBT RC in San Diego's 41st LGBT Pride Parade
This year's SD LGBT Pride theme is "Liberty and Justice for All." However, through our participation in pride we'll engage the community to critically think about this statement and we'll be asking "Liberty and Justice for Who!?"
Join us in creating awareness about the experiences of those who continue to be marginalized within the greater LGBT movement.
Please register to receive more info and to ensure you get a t-shirt at: http://bit.ly/ucsdpride2015 Also join us for these two other pride events: - Ice Cream Social, Weds, July 1 | 12-2p | LGBTRC - Pride Work Party, Fri, July 17 | 11-3p | LGBTRC |
Rainbow Gradution Sat. June 6th | 4-6p | UCSD Faculty Club Please join the UC San Diego LGBT community as we come together to honor the students who are graduating, our volunteers, our scholarship recipients and all who have impacted our community over the last year. The event serves as the formal induction of the graduates into the family of the UC San Diego LGBT Alumni. Although many people do get dressed up for the event, it tends to be a queer little get together, with all the trappings of our community, so be yourself. If you are graduating, please complete the form at here. Contact Shaun Travers at for more information or if you have questions!! |
what's happening at the rc
 Fluid Attraction Group Thursday 5/28 | 5-6p | LGBTRC This group is an open dialogue and supportive space for those who identify with bisexual, biromantic, fluid, pansexual, panromantic, queer and questioning experiences. We welcome you to attend, listen, participate, and connect with others as we explore fluid sexualities and/or fluid romantic attractions. This is a community space where confidentiality will be respected. Contact ucsdfluidgroup@gmail.com for more info. |
 Trans* Collective Thursday 5/28 | 4-5p | LGBTRC Trans* Collective is a support and discussion group designed for trans*, gender variant/fluid, intersex folks including individuals who are questioning and/or identify outside of their assigned gender/sex. Contact rainbow@ucsd.edu for more info. |
Preuss High School Intern project presentation Wed. June 3rd | 1p | LGBTRC Come say bye to our Spring Quarter High School interns and check-out their video project aimed focusing on LGBTQ youth. |
 Undergrad...................................147 Graduate Student..........................4 Staff................................................23 Faculty.............................................1 Alumni..............................................0 Guest................................................3 Total.............................................178 |
student orgs & staff announcements
Even Mondays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
LGBTQIA is committed to providing safe spaces for the community. For more information please email lgbtqia@gmail.com.
Men's Group
Wednesdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
Men's group is a social support group that strives to establish a safe, comfortable space for discussions being male and queer.
Queer & Trans People of Color
Thursdays, 7-9p | LGBT RC
Connect with other Queer and Trans* People of Color! Discuss issues around navigating homophobia and transphobia, resisting racism, and fighting misogyny among other things.
12 Step Recovery Group Fridays, 3:15-4:15p | Heritage Room The open 12 step meeting is a safe space for folks who are in, seeking, or have questions about recovery. We meet weekly to support one another as a non-judgmental peer group that respects each individual's privacy and process. Topics include, but are not limited to recovery from substance abuse, eating disorders, sex and love addiction, and codependency. More info: rainbow@ucsd.edu |
3 on 3 Family Feud Cook-Off
Thurs. June 4th | 5-8p | Black Resource Center
Put together a team of 3 to see who can prepare the best meal! Each member of the winning team will receive a $25 Bookstore Gift Card. The meal must consist of Wings, Macaroni & Cheese, and Cake. Submit your team here!
During the Cook-Off, we will also break into teams for a Black Resource Center Family Feud!
brc.ucsd.edu | 858-534-0471
Arts & Crafts Breather Series
Thurs. June 4th | 12-3p | Cross-Cultural Center, ArtSpace
Come to de-stress or take a break from work or school.
Raza Graduation Ceremony 2015 Fri. June 12th | 5-11p | PC Ballroom West Raza Graduation is an intimate, culturally inclusive and festive celebration that highlights the achievements in higher education for Chicano/Latino students here at UC San Diego. At this time we are seeking volunteers for this year's event. We ask that you please share this volunteer sign up form with your organization members. For more information visit here. raza.ucsd.edu | 858-822-0072 |
Women in Comics
Thurs. May 28th | 2-3:30p | Women's Center
Hello fellow comic lovers! Come de-stress with us at the Women's Center to celebrate the new comic section in our library. We'll have a little history about the role of women in comics as well as appreciating some of the intersectional, amazing work being done currently in the comic world. This will be very informal, read a new comic, and enjoy some downtime before finals.
UCLA-LGBTQ Studies Call for Papers-"Curing the Queer: From Pathology to Resistance" UCLA's 2015 Queer Graduate Student Conference will bring together the innovative and interdisciplinary research of graduate students in LGBTQ Studies. In April 2015, President Obama called for an end to conversion therapies for LGBTQ youth. QGrad 2015's theme, "'Curing' the Queer: From Pathology to Resistance," opens up a critical discussion on the (re)emergence of homo/queer/trans phobic culture under the guise of religious or medical restorative therapies and other queerphobic practices. We invite graduate students fromall fields to contribute and submit proposals. Visit here for more information. |
Femme to Femme: Call for submissions Deadline: 11/1/15 Femme to Femme is a literary non-fiction, varied anthology seeking to explore femme* identity in the 20thand 21st century through poetry, prose, essays, stories/narratives, illustration/art and photography. Femme to Femme seeks to challenge public discourse about and around femmeness because it often has a white, classed, cis-gender woman center, and is only discussed in relationship to masculinity - never each other. It is a project that prioritizes the lives, needs, and desires of femmes of all lived experiences; It is a call to action and celebration of the personal, political, and transformative self. Email submissions to: here For more information visit: here |
Criminal Queers screening at UCSD Wed. May 27th | 7-9p | Structural and Materials Engineering Building Criminal Queers visualizes a radical trans/queer struggle against the prison industrial complex and toward a world without walls. Remembering that prison breaks are both a theoretical and material practice of freedom, this film imagines what spaces might be opened up if crowbars, wigs, and metal files become tools for transformation. Follow Yoshi, Joy, Susan and Lucy as they fiercely read everything from the Human Rights Campaign and hate crimes legislation to the non-profitization of social movements. Criminal Queers grows our collective liberation by working to abolish the multiple ways our hearts, genders, and desires are confined. y working to abolish the multiple ways our hearts, genders, and desires are confined. For more information please visit here. |
Are you interested in being a part of the Fall 2015 New International Student Orientation to welcome almost 2,000 new international students to campus? As a volunteer Orientation Assistant, you will: GAIN hands-on experience in a cross-cultural setting ENGAGE in dialogue with people from all over the world SHARE your UC San Diego experience HELP international newcomers adjust to their new environment Learn more about volunteering with the program and/or apply to be an OA by visiting here. |
Dark Sciences: A People of Color Dream Retreat: August 20-24th (Alma de Mujer, TX) This is an opening gathering for a long-term collective process of valuing, honoring, archiving, sharing and listening our/each other's dreams, a ritual educational skill-share where we honor the dreaming practices of our ancestors and deepen our capacity to be present to our own and each other's dreams, a sacred space for queer affirming people of color to trust our intuition and be ourselves. For more information click here! |
Participate in a research project My research project topic is on Latina Bisexuality, ages 21-40 years old, and who have or are pursuing a higher education. It would be an interview research project that would consist of asking questions that cater to understanding the intersection between the Latina culture and bisexuality. It would be strictly confidential and the interviewee's name would be completely anonymous in my research. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to participate as an interviewee. There is the exception of doing a SKYPE interview if we can't personally. |
SPACES Practicum Presents: Representations in the Media
May 7th-May 30th
Explore and deconstruct how identities are shown in media . In this workshop series, we hope to provide college students with an opportunity to learn about the representation of identities- particularly race, gender, ableism, and sexuality in hopes to demonstrate the impact of representation in media further challenging social norms. For more information, visit the facebook page here!
Talking Circles: Undocumented Students Weekly Drop-in Thursdays | 4-5p | Undocumented Student Services Office This group is for graduate and undergraduate undocumented students who are looking for community support. Talking circles are safe spaces where undocumented students can gather and discuss their intersecting identities, stressors that stem from being undocumented, and finding healthy ways to cope. For questions, e-mail Susana Martinez. |
UNIDAS Chicana/Latina Forum Tuesdays | 3-4:30p | Dolores Huerta
This group is for graduate and undergraduate Chicana/Latina women who are looking for a safe space to cultivate support, discuss challenges, and honor individual life stories. Topics for discussion include: self-esteem, responsibility for others and need for self-care, intersecting identities, family, relationships, intimacy, discrimination, academic pressure, mentoring, and the impact that these have on their UCSD experience.
Join us for ETHN 115 Fall 2015 | Wednesdays 5-7:50p The title of this course is called Monsters, Orphans, Robots and is being taught by Professor K. Wayne Yang. |
The Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) Foundation Scholarship GAPA is a scholarship that seeks to provide financial assistance to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) Asian and Pacific Islanders who are currently in high school or postsecondary school. We award several scholarships of $2000 each to students who have demonstrated outstanding activism and leadership within the API LGBTQ community. For more information visit us here! |
GSDBA Scholarship The GSDBACF established the Community Scholarship fund to further its mission of empowering and promoting LGBT businesses, professionals and supportive members of the community. The scholarships are granted to self-identified LGBT students and persons who have shown support and knowledge of the lesbian and gay community. Visit here for more information. |