Green Oak Ranch Residence Camp 2015
(This camp is for all children who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade.)
Glow in the Dark!
Activities: Spend a week, seven in a cabin, with old and new friends. Participate in great activities such as crafts, swimming, archery, animal and reptile study, petting zoo, hiking, sports, games, outdoor bowling, hayrides, fishing, chapel, Bible study, campfire, & squirt gun water park for everyone; BB Rifle Range for campers 4th - 7th grade; & a beach day & special evening events for those campers who have completed 5th grade.
August 2 - 8, 2015

Donate now!
Help us provide for dozens of children get to Green Oak Ranch camp this August. We are raising $10,000 for "camperships" so kids who are at-risk or who need financial assistance can be there. Please help these children have a life-transforming camp experience this year!!