June 2015
A monthly newsletter to keep you informed.

From Where I Sit

Hi! Karen Salas here...From my seat, at my desk and in the Body, I have the rare privilege of seeing you lovely people live your lives with HIM. I am in awe of you!  


Most of you know, the LORD is moving our beloved Cropps to Seattle. Steve is already working at his new job up north and Barb and James will be joining him shortly. Steve has been an amazing leader and servant at Los Altos over the years and the Cropp boys are a treasured part of our Body. Barb has been involved in many ways, particularly in the discipleship of our high school girls. This month I invite you to welcome Barb Cropp to our Newsletter cover....   



I'm excited about moving to Seattle with Steve because it's a fun city.  Steve and I went to college (Seattle Pacific University) there and that evokes good
memories of exploring the city ad jogging park trails.  I'm looking forward to spending more time with Steve's family who all live in the Puget Sound.  I'll have coffee with my mother-in-law and shop Pike Place Market with my sisters-in-law and get to know my great nieces and nephews.  I'm looking forward to being used of God through the church we'll attend.  I plan to study the Bible through Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) so I hope to make friends there.  I even plan to join Artists United and paint!  I'm so excited to have Cali friends come to visit so I can show them around.


LAGBC is a very special gathering of God's people which I will miss terribly.  I have grown in my boldness and confidence to be willing to serve God - to 'show up'. . . click here to read more...



Steve and Barb Cropp will reside at 18629 2nd Ave SW, Normandy Park, WA  98166





Celebrate Our Graduates!


College Graduates  
Daniel Cropp              BA Political Science              CSULB
David Cropp               BS Mechanical Engineering   UCLA
Nevada Evers            BA Political Science               CSULB
Matt Higby                  BA Asian Studies                   CSULB
Kyle Kirtz                   BA   Religious Studies            CSULB
Kristina Martin            BS Business                          Cal Baptist University 
        F. Max Ransom         BS Civil Engineering              Colorado School of Mines 
Lauren Starkenburg   MA Public Heath                    CSULB  
Colin Wadsworth       BS Business Management   CSULB
Andy Witbeck
             BA Music                                Biola University

High School Graduates

Kristina Armendariz         Brethren Christian High School

Bronte Everett                  Brethren Christian High School

Hunter Feller                    Valley Christian High School

Hailey Garcia                   Valley Christian High School

Chris Haseltine                Los Alamitos High School

Kayla Jentes                    Los Alamitos High School

Jacob Kent                      Brethren Christian High School

Drake Martes                   Brethren Christian High School

Giovanny Payan              Lakewood High School

Samantha Salas             Brethren Christian High School

Mariah Shope                  Los Alamitos High School

Corrie Wille                     Los Alamitos High School

Middle School Graduates

     Christian Almanzan
     Sam Bass
     Kayla Caeres
     Keena Colamonico
     Logan Colamonico
     Sarah Deaton
     Olivia Duran
     Kevin Jentes
     Sierra Martin
     Faith Negron
     Bethany Parkins
     Daisy Perrigan
     Thomas Segelhorst 
If we missed anyone....please email and we will gladly add you to the list. 
Green Oak Ranch


Green Oak Ranch Residence Camp 2015

(This camp is for all children who have completed kindergarten through 6th grade.)

Glow in the Dark!

Activities: Spend a week, seven in a cabin, with old and new friends. Participate in great activities such as crafts, swimming, archery, animal and reptile study, petting zoo, hiking, sports, games, outdoor bowling, hayrides, fishing, chapel, Bible study, campfire, & squirt gun water park for everyone; BB Rifle Range for campers 4th - 7th grade; & a beach day & special evening events for those campers who have completed 5th grade.



August 2 - 8, 2015


Click here to download the brochure....



  Donate now! Help us provide for dozens of children get to Green Oak Ranch camp this August. We are raising $10,000 for "camperships" so kids who are at-risk or who need financial assistance can be there.  Please help these children have a life-transforming camp experience this year!!






Update from the Bashores
Faith Changes Everything!
Bashore Family Ministry Update, May 2015 When we took our vision trip to Romania two years ago (has it really been that long?!), we felt impressed upon by God through a fellow pending missionary to visit a place I had never heard of before: Giurgiu, a town of about 55,000 (80,000 including villages) south of Bucharest, on the Danube opposite Bulgaria. The fruit that has come out of that visit has surpassed anything we could have possibly imagined.

In planning the trip itinerary, we floated our desire to visit Giurgiu to our host, who was quizzical about it but agreed to try to make it happen. Even talking with one of the heavy-hitters in the Romanian evangelical church about Giurgiu was interesting. He didn't understand why we would want to go there, but he made some calls for us and we were able to make the visit and find out a little more about the situation on the ground there.

The visit itself was extraordinary, and we knew then and there... click here to read more...

Please Pray
We are so blessed to have a church family that prays! Please click here for this month's prayer requests.