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Ellison Ballet - Professional Training Program 2015-2016

Year-round program begins September 9, 2015. 


For students 12-19 years of age


Audition Location  

 The Ailey School

405 West 55th Street

New York, NY 10019

 Audition Dates 

 Sunday, July 19

Registration: 4:00pm

Audition: 4:30-7:30pm

Sunday, August 9

Registration: 4:30pm

Audition: 5:00-8:00pm




Applicants should have a strong classical 

foundation in relation to their age and demonstrate 

the physical, mental, and emotional aptitude

 necessary for serious classical ballet training.

Please provide two recent photos:

-1st arabesque 

-tendu a la seconde

Photographs will not be returned. 


Audition Attire


Black leotard, pink tights and ballet slippers. 

Bring pointe shoes as audition will conclude with pointe class. 


White t-shirts and full-length black tights,

 Boys may wear white shoes with white socks or black shoes. 

International Visa Program available

Student Housing available

If you are unable to attend the audition dates and would like to request an audition appointment or submit an audition via video/DVD or  YouTube link,

 please write us at [email protected] or call us at 646.385.8485
Please register online before sending us your video audition.

 Unregistered candidates will not be considered for Ellison Ballet programs.