A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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What is the World?
Daily Lesson 241
Sarah's Reflections
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.
In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...

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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


As students, we seek to increase our knowledge of Jesus' words and to deepen our experience of His teachings.

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you Are Not Powerless
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Do you not see that all your misery comes from the strange belief that you are powerless? Being helpless is the cost of sin. Helplessness is sin's condition-the one requirement that it demands to be believed. Only the helpless could believe in it. Enormity has no appeal save to the little. And only those who first believe that they are little could see attraction there. Treachery to the Son of God is the defense of those who do not identify with him. And you are for him or against him; either you love him or attack him, protect his unity or see him shattered and slain by your attack.

What Is the World?  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

  The world is false perception. It is born
   of error, and it has not left its source.
   It will remain no longer than the thought
   that gave it birth is cherished. When the thought
   of separation has been changed to one
   of true forgiveness, will the world be seen
   in quite another light; and one that leads
   to truth, where all the world must disappear,
   and all its errors vanish. Now its source
   has gone, and its effects are gone as well.
   The world was made as an attack on God.
   It symbolizes fear. And what is fear
   except love's absence? Thus the world was meant
   to be a place where God could enter not,
   and where His Son could be apart from Him.
   Here was perception born, for knowledge could
   not cause such insane thoughts. But eyes deceive,
   and ears hear falsely. Now mistakes become
   quite possible, for certainty has gone.
   The mechanisms of illusion have
   been born instead. And now they go to find
   what has been given them to seek. Their aim
   is to fulfill the purpose which the world
   was made to witness and make real. They see
   in its illusions but a solid base
   where truth exists, upheld apart from lies.
   Yet everything which they report is but
   illusion which is kept apart from truth.
   As sight was made to lead away from truth,
   it can be redirected. Sounds become
   the call of God. And all perception can
   be given a new purpose, by the One
   Whom God appointed Saviour to the world.
   Follow His light, and see the world as He
   beholds it. Hear His Voice alone in all
   that speaks to you. And let Him give you peace
   and certainty, which you have thrown away,
   but Heaven has preserved for you in Him.
   Let us not rest content until the world
   has joined our changed perception. Let us not
   be satisfied until forgiveness has
   been made complete. And let us not attempt
   to change our function. We must save the world.
   For we who made it must behold it through
   the eyes of Christ, that what was made to die
   can be restored to everlasting life.
    ~ Original Hand Script
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SonShip Workbook 
 L e s s o n 241
The holy instant is salvation come.   
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio    

   What joy there is today! It is a time
   of special celebration, for today
   holds out the instant to the darkened world
   where its release is set. The day has come
   when sorrows pass away, and pain is gone.
   The glory of salvation dawns today
   upon a world set free. This is the time
   of hope for countless millions. They will be
   united now, as you forgive them all,
   for I will be forgiven by you today.
    We have forgiven one another now,
    and so we come at last to You again.
    Father, Your Son, who never left, returns
    to Heaven and his home. How glad are we
    to have our sanity restored to us,
    and to remember that we all are one.

     ~ Original Handscript of ACIM  
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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 
ACIM Edmonton, CA
This holy instant is salvation come. 

Sarah's Commentary:

We are now looking at the question "What is the World?" (W.PII.Q3) It is so important for us to understand this because our current perceptions are based on the belief that the world is real and is the cause of our difficulties, making us its effect and thus at its mercy, but the world is illusory. Its origin is in the ego's thought system of separation, which contains the belief in sin, guilt and fear. Sin, guilt and fear projected out from the wrong mind becomes a world of time and space. Sin reflects the belief that we have done something wrong in the past. Now we have guilt in the present and fear retribution in the future, believing that we must atone for our sins. This is important for us to understand. More important, Jesus tells us the world can serve a different purpose than the one we gave it. We can see it as a classroom for undoing our false perceptions. Now everything in the world has an important purpose for undoing our misperceptions instead of reinforcing our wrong minded beliefs about ourselves.
"The world is false perception. It is born of error and it has not left its source." (W.PII.Q3.1.1-2) Jesus is teaching us that ideas have not left their source in the mind. So the source of this world is the false idea we hold in our minds that we have left our home in Heaven and are now separate from God, wandering lost and alone in an illusory world of time and space. That is a mistaken thought because we cannot leave the mind of God since ideas leave not their source. As an idea in the mind of God, we cannot leave our source except in dreams. Believing we have left our Source, we have become lost in our dream, forgetting that we are the dreamer. Now everything that arises in our minds is no longer true. Thus, the world projected from our belief in a separated state has no foundation that is real. It is nothing but a projection of the thought system of separation. In reality, the separation never happened. We are still at home in God, only dreaming there is a world where we see ourselves and others as dream figures, playing out make-believe parts. The source of this dream is our own mind, and thus it is an illusion that will not last past the thought that gave rise to it. It reflects our belief in sin and guilt and is healed through the process of withdrawing belief in what was never real. "When the thought of separation has been changed to one of true forgiveness, will the world be seen in quite another light; and one which leads to truth, where all the world must disappear and all its errors vanish." (W.PII.Q3.1.4)
It is not unlike a nighttime dream, where we wake up and realize nothing that seemed to happen in the dream was true. Everything in the dream came from our own minds. When we wake up and are now outside of the nighttime dream, we look at it from another perspective and see we are still as we were before we fell into this dream state. This is a good analogy for how we can look at the dream of this separated world, where we think we are bodies with unique characteristics as individuals, all different and separate from each other and separate from God. When we completely step out of this dream we take so very seriously, the world will vanish. This is then the happy dream of the awakened mind. In the state of the happy dream, we are still in the world, but experience it from outside of the dream. We can step outside of it, as we increasingly withdraw meaning from it, to the extent we see it is an illusion. That is why, as part of our healing, we are called more and more to be the witness of the process of our lives. As a witness, we can go through experiences that are painful, disturbing, distressing, and elicit all kinds of feelings while still watching the experience from above the battle ground. We become the witnesses to our experiences, without judging them or ourselves. We simply watch it. Ultimately the world will vanish for us when we completely awaken from this dream and God takes the last step.

The content of this world is fear, no matter how pretty the illusion can seem to us at times. The ground beneath our feet seems solid, but there is nothing solid about the world. It is a place of decay and destruction, where death prevails and all things ultimately rot and disappear. It is a world where we all believe we need protection through the defenses we erect. It is a world of attack. "The world was made as an attack on God. It symbolizes fear. And what is fear except love's absence." (W.PII.Q3.2.1-3) It is not real. Jesus says, "There is no life outside of Heaven." (T.23.II.19.1) (ACIM OE T.23.III.37) If we accept this, there must be no life in this world! "Life not in Heaven is impossible, and what is not in Heaven is not anywhere. Outside of Heaven, only the conflict of illusion stand; senseless, impossible and beyond all reason, and yet perceived as an eternal barrier to Heaven." (T.23.II.19.6-7)(ACIM OE T.23.III.37)

We take the forms in the world as reality and do not recognize the content of guilt and hate they contain. If we did, would we still want them? Jesus asks us, " Can you paint rosy lips upon a skeleton, dress it in loveliness, pet it and pamper it, and make it live?" (T.23.II.18.8)(ACIM OE T.23.III.36) This is what we apparently do, being fooled by the appearance and losing sight of the content of hate. We try to make believe it is a beautiful world with lovely sentiments in songs like "It's a Wonderful World." Instead we are being told it is a world born of error. The cause of the world is the error in the mind. It is therefore not a creation of God and there is no way of reconciling our false perception based on our guilt with the glory we want to see in the world. The world will simply remain no longer than the thought that gave it birth. When that thought of separation is no longer cherished, the world will be no more. It must then vanish. Healing the guilt in the mind that gave the world birth brings about its end.
The world was born in the choice made by the Son of God for the ego rather than the Holy Spirit. When this choice was made, the memory of God, as reflected by the Holy Spirit, was buried in our minds. Now we feel separate from our Source, and the world that arose from this choice has all the attributes of the thought system of the ego, which is all about self-interest. This means we want our separate, individual self, and fear God will punish us for this. So we continue to hide out in the world, fearing His punishment, but God is only love. Yet we identify with the fear because it keeps His Love out. In fact, we fear love, because we fear the annihilation of our separate self.

Now instead of the Oneness of Heaven, symbolized in the Course by Knowledge where there is nothing to perceive, we have a world of duality instead where "The mechanisms of illusion have been born instead." (W.PII.Q3.3.1) These mechanisms are our senses, which report the world as real. God did not create our bodies nor our bodily senses. "But eyes deceive, and ears hear falsely. Now mistakes become quite possible, for certainty has gone." (W.PII.Q3.2. 6-7) The purpose is to deceive us by witnessing to something not real. It seems real to us because the eyes and ears bring back information to the brain that convinces us what we see is out there rather than a projection or hallucination of our own minds. It seems so very convincing. It seems very solid. "They see in its illusions but a solid base where truth exists, upheld apart from lies." (W.PII.Q3.3.4) The truth now seems like a lie and the illusion feels to us to be real and solid.
Our choice for our mistaken thought system resulted in guilt because of our belief that we have left our Source and made a world of differences. Now we can see our guilt projected onto others and seen outside of our own minds. Very convenient! It keeps us believing in our own innocence at the expense of others. It keeps us thinking we are victims of the world. It keeps us invested in our bodies and our individuality. Thus our mistakes are now elevated to reality and God's love is seen as the illusion.

The Lesson today is all about our responsibility to set ourselves and the world free through forgiveness. It takes faith to accept that through forgiveness we can change the world. In fact, that is the only change possible. That is why Jesus tells us, "This is the time of hope for countless millions." (W.241.1.6) The impact of choosing to forgive our false perceptions is beyond our ability to perceive. It only makes sense from the perspective that there is only One Mind and we are One.
When Jesus says, "For I will be forgiven by you today," (W.241.1.8) my first reaction is to wonder what we are to forgive him for? In effect, with each brother we forgive, Jesus, as part of the one mind, is also being forgiven, as we all are. Every act of forgiveness with anyone brings forgiveness to all. Our function is to overcome the world as Jesus did, not to try to change it. As David Hawkins says, the world is a place of maximum karmic opportunity where we can go all the way to enlightenment. The opportunity is maximum in the world for our awakening, which mean in every event and every circumstance in our lives, no matter how challenging it seems, there is maximum potential for healing. And in the holy instant, when we enter the quiet space within the mind where truth abides, there is no time, there are no demands, there is no body, and there is no world.
The Lesson today is of hope and of release from this belief in victimhood and in karma. We can wake up from this dream now. There is no need to delay as it only causes more suffering. This is a day where we can choose to bring release to this darkened world so sorrows can indeed pass away and pain is gone. Our healing can thus make a tremendous difference in the world. It is up to us to accept the gift of healing and be an example of healing. This is how we come back to God. "We have forgiven one another now, and so we come at last to You again." (W.241.2.1) That is our way back home. And yes, we need not wait. Everything changes when our entire purpose is focused on healing through forgiveness. We choose Heaven or hell in every moment and in every decision. The way out is by forgiving, which is a choice for joy as we release our grievances. It is a decision for peace instead of war. It offers us a profound leap forward.
Accept the gift of healing today. This is the gift we accept for the world. This is the hope for us all. Let's focus on this deep desire for reconciliation today. Who are you having a struggle with? Who do you have grievances with today? Remind yourself, "This holy instant is salvation come," (W.241) because I have forgiven you (name). We remind ourselves today that we hold the desire for peace as more important than any conflict. Each time we choose forgiveness, we bring more illumination to this tired world. We recognize the love we are when we leave the hell made by our belief in the ego story.
Love and blessings, Sarah
TEXT Paused for Weekend
Chapter Twenty One 

VIII. Perception and Wishes            

70 Do you not see that all your misery comes from the strange belief that you are powerless? Being helpless is the cost of sin. Helplessness is sin's condition-the one requirement that it demands to be believed. Only the helpless could believe in it. Enormity has no appeal save to the little. And only those who first believe that they are little could see attraction there. Treachery to the Son of God is the defense of those who do not identify with him. And you are for him or against him; either you love him or attack him, protect his unity or see him shattered and slain by your attack.
71 No one believes the Son of God is powerless. And those who see themselves as helpless must believe that they are not the Son of God. What can they be except his enemy? And what can they do but envy him his power and by their envy make themselves afraid of it? These are the dark ones, silent and afraid, alone and not communicating, fearful the power of the Son of God will strike them dead and raising up their helplessness against him. They join the army of the powerless, to wage their war of vengeance, bitterness, and spite on him to make him one with them. Because they do not know that they are one with him, they know not whom they hate. They are indeed a sorry army, each one as likely to attack his brother or turn upon himself as to remember they thought they had a common cause.
72 Frantic and loud and strong the dark ones seem to be. Yet they know not their enemy, except they hate him. In hatred they have come together but have not joined each other. For had they done so, hatred would be impossible. The army of the powerless must be disbanded in the presence of strength. Those who are strong are never treacherous because they have no need to dream of power and to act out their dream. How would an army act in dreams? Any way at all. It could be seen attacking anyone with anything. Dreams have no reason in them. A flower turns into a poisoned spear, a child becomes a giant, and a mouse roars like a lion. And love is turned to hate as easily. This is no army, but a madhouse. What seems to be a planned attack is bedlam.
73 The army of the powerless is weak indeed. It has no weapons, and it has no enemy. Yes, it can overrun the world and seek an enemy. But it can never find what is not there. Yes, it can dream it found an enemy, but this will shift even as it attacks, so that it runs at once to find another and never comes to rest in victory. And as it runs, it turns against itself, thinking it caught a glimpse of the great enemy which always eludes its murderous attack by turning into something else. How treacherous does this enemy appear, who changes so it is impossible even to recognize him!
74 Yet hate must have a target. There can be no faith in sin without an enemy. Who that believes in sin would dare believe he has no enemy? Could he admit that no one made him powerless? Reason would surely bid him seek no longer what is not there to find. Yet first he must be willing to perceive a world where it is not. It is not necessary that he understand how he can see it. Nor should he try. For if he focuses on what he cannot understand, he will but emphasize his helplessness and let sin tell him that his enemy must be himself. But let him only ask himself these questions, which he must decide to have it done for him:
75 Do I desire a world I rule instead of one which rules me?
   Do I desire a world where I am powerful instead of helpless?
   Do I desire a world in which I have no enemies and cannot sin?

   And do I want to see what I denied because it is the truth? 
76 You have already answered the first three questions but not yet the last. For this one still seems fearful and unlike the others. Yet reason would assure you they are all the same. We said this year would emphasize the sameness of things that are the same. This final question, which is indeed the last you need decide, still seems to hold a threat the rest have lost for you. And this imagined difference attests to your belief that truth may be the enemy you yet may find. Here, then, would seem to be the last remaining hope of finding sin and not accepting power.
77 Forget not that the choice of truth or sin, power or helplessness, is the choice of whether to attack or heal. For healing comes of power and attack of helplessness. Whom you attack you cannot want to heal. And whom you would have healed must be the one you chose to be protected from attack. And what is this decision but the choice whether to see him through the body's eyes or let him be revealed to you through vision? How this decision leads to its effects is not your problem. But what you want to see must be your choice. This is a course in cause and not effect.
78 Consider carefully your answer to the last question you have left unanswered still. And let your reason tell you that it must be answered and is answered in the other three. And then it will be clear to you that, as you look on the effects of sin in any form, all you need do is simply ask yourself,
79 Is this what I would see? Do I want this?
80 This is your one decision; this the condition for what occurs. It is irrelevant to how it happens but not to why. You have control of this. And if you choose to see a world without an enemy in which you are not helpless, the means to see it will be given you.
81 Why is the final question so important? Reason will tell you why. It is the same as are the other three except in time. The others are decisions which can be made and then unmade and made again. But truth is constant and implies a state where vacillations are impossible. You can desire a world you rule which rules you not, and change your mind. You can desire to exchange your helplessness for power, and lose this same desire as a little glint of sin attracts you. And you can want to see a sinless world and let an "enemy" tempt you to use the body's eyes and change what you desire.
82 In content, all the questions are the same. For each one asks if you are willing to exchange the world of sin for what the Holy Spirit sees, since it is this the world of sin denies. And therefore those who look on sin are seeing the denial of the real world. Yet the last question adds the wish for constancy in your desire to see the real world, so the desire becomes the only one you have. By answering the final question "yes," you add sincerity to the decisions you have already made to all the rest. For only then have you renounced the option to change your mind again. When it is this you do not want, the rest are wholly answered.
83 Why do you think you are unsure the others have been answered? Could it be necessary they be asked so often, if they had? Until the last decision has been made, the answer is both "yes" and "no." For you have answered "yes" without perceiving that "yes" must mean "not no." No one decides against his happiness, but he may do so if he does not see he does it. And if he sees his happiness as ever changing, now this, now that, and now an elusive shadow attached to nothing, he does decide against it.
84 Elusive happiness, or happiness in changing form that shifts with time and place, is an illusion which has no meaning. Happiness must be constant because it is attained by giving up the wish for the inconstant. Joy cannot be perceived except through constant vision. And constant vision can be given only those who wish for constancy. The power of the Son of God's desire remains the proof that he is wrong who sees himself as helpless. Desire what you will, and you will look on it and think it real. No thought but has the power to release or kill. And none can leave the thinker's mind or leave him unaffected.

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