CHS 4 girls
Your weekly recap of student success
SURVEY: We want your input on informational family events
Members of our Bullying Prevention and Character Education Task Force, which included families, students, staff, and community members, indicated a need for more regular gatherings of our parents and guardians to share insight, knowledge, and information about the most prominent challenges facing youth today. 
The Folsom Cordova Unified School District is planning a series of parent events to address some of these challenges and would like your feedback on how to make these opportunities most valuable to you.
Please take a moment to complete this brief survey by Feb. 1.  Thank you for continuing to be an essential partner in your child's educational success.

To take the survey, click here!
COMING UP! Online school registration begins Monday Feb. 1
Last year, Folsom Cordova transitioned its annual registration process online to a program called Infosnap. Instead of filling out pages of paper each year and returning them to your school, now you can complete registration forms electronically! 
This program is a secure process that allows the District to verify all student information for your child prior to the start of the new school year. The system will also allow you to electronically sign the annual permission forms for school district policies.
Registration opens Feb. 1 . Questions? Contact your school, or visit
Folsom High program helps students stay focused on futures
Get focused
Story and photos by Hla Elkhatib, FCUSD Communication Internship Program

Earlier this year, Folsom High became one of a select few schools in the region to offer a valuable, one-of-a-kind college and career readiness program that helps students stay focused on pursuing their dreams
The program - called "Get Focused, Stay Focused" - is a course tailored to help students think hard about who they are, who they want to be, and how to reach those goals. In the course, freshmen get a head start by creating 10-year Career and Education Plans that help guide their decisions throughout high school.

In 10th grade, students are researching high-demand careers and learning about college pathways that are the best fit. Before they graduate, students have updated resumes, portfolios, completed mock interviews and job applications - and earned a competitive advantage in reaching their post-high school goals.

Laurie Theis, health and life skills teacher at Folsom High and instructor of the "Get Focused" program, said that one of the most notable features of the course is the fact that it "enforces the importance of school in the heads of students and allows them to take what they learn in the class and implement it in their other classes." 

INSIDE LOOK: CHS Ag Academy to grow with grant funds
Story and video by Crystal Linger, FCUSD Communication Internship Program

Within the world of agriculture, a hands-on education is vital for success. At Cordova High School, the Agriculture Academy offers a variety of challenging courses that allow students to learn by doing, ranging from Floral Design to Agriculture Soil Chemistry.
Students enrolled in these classes can prepare themselves for a future career in agriculture science.
This year, the Agriculture Academy will receive a state grant of more than $116,000  to benefit the current courses and expand the academy next year. The grant will provide the academy with new laboratory equipment, supplies, laptops, and much more to help enhance the program for students.
Watch this video to learn more about how Cordova High's Agriculture Academy is preparing students for their futures!
PHOTOS: Cordova Meadows kids get early look at college
Earlier this year, Cordova Meadows fourth and fifth grade students from Eric Anson's and Ben Hillel's classes took a field trip to California State University, Sacramento. 
The Cordova Meadows students had been writing letters back and forth with some Sac State students, and this trip provided them the chance to meet their pen pals. 
The group met in a conference room in the Student Union to work on a campus map activity together.  Then, the Dean of the College of Education, Vanessa Sheared, stopped by and gave a talk to the Cordova Meadows students about college and the opportunities that Sac State has to offer for their future careers. 
They finished off with a tour of the Sac State campus.  This field trip to Sacramento State was an incredible opportunity for students to see the importance and impact of their education on their futures, and that a higher education is within their reach.
To see more pictures, click here!
In other news ...

Oak Chan Bike Bucket
Board Update Logo
Oak Chan 'Bike Buckets' are a hit!
Congratulations to the students, families, and staff of Oak Chan Elementary for stepping up to the challenge of filing their 'Bike Buckets' with generous donations.
Oak Chan was able to donate 50 bikes to Folsom Police Department for their holiday bike event.
This could not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the Student Council Advisors, Susan Woodman and Vicki Morgan, along with the Student Council officers.
Special guests Folsom Police Chief Cynthia Renaud and Elaine Anderson, assistant city manager were present to receive the bikes and speak to the students.
#iSmart: Parents invited to learn about internet safety
The Sacramento County District Attorney's Office, Sacramento County Sheriff's Department and Folsom Cordova Unified are hosting two upcoming internet safety presentations for families to learn more about how they can help their children avoid online dangers.
The first will be held Wednesday, Jan. 27 at Folsom High School in the Library.
The second presentation will be held Wednesday, Feb. 3 at Cordova High School in the Library.
Both presentations will be held from 6:00 -7:15 p.m.
To learn more about #iSmart, click hereFor questions about the upcoming family information nights, contact our Child Welfare Coordinator at (916) 294-9000 or by clicking here .
Board of Education Update: Jan. 21, 2016
The FCUSD Board of Education will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, Jan. 21 at 6 p.m.  in the Education Service Center, 1965 Birkmont Drive in Rancho Cordova.
Agenda items include:
Agendas are posted the Friday before regularly scheduled Board meetings and can be found here.  
Stay Connected
FCUSD Communication and Community Engagement Office: (916) 294-9000 ext. 104530