August 2015
Celebrating local food (and drink) in Southeastern Massachusetts!
©Bay End Farm-stand, Buzzards Bay 

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  Read the Summer 2015
Digital Edition

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at one of our Ad/Partners
including the farm-stands above. 

Hey, You Get Around!
THANKS for sending us your farm-stand photos 

Turns out, some of you make multiple stops a week, at different roadside farm-stands in the area. And, you take nice photos too! Take a look:
1st photo sent!  
Billingsgate Farm, Plympton ©Melanie Harvey

CN Smith Farm, East Bridgewater, ©Stephanie Danielson

Bramhall's Country Store, Plymouth ©Ben Bramhall

  Queen Bee Honey Farm-stand, Pembroke ©Paul Camello

  Freedom Food Farm-stand, Raynham, ©Marie Kaziunas

Cretinon's Farm-stand, Kingston,  ©Michael Hart

Readers wrote to say they visit these farm-stands:

Bay End Farm, Buzzards Bay
Billingsgate Farm, Plympton
Bramhalls, Plymouth
C&C Reading Farm, W. Bridgewater
C.N. Smith, East Bridgewater
Cretinon's, Kingston 
Freedom Farm, Raynham
Gerry's Farm, Brockton
Hanson Farm, Bridgewater
Langwater Farm, North Easton
Peterson's Farm, Bridgewater
Queen Bee Honey, Pembroke

Thanks readers for sharing - please send MORE!  Is your favorite stand not pictured above? Take a photo next time you visit and send it in, click.  

What to Cook, NOW?
There is still time for Paella on the Beach!

Paella may be cooked on the beach, or not.

Readers have written in with poetic memories of making this summertime recipe already this summer. It is ambitious but the results will last long after the final dish has been licked clean, forever in your taste memory. If you try it, please tell us and share a photo too.  

Read the recipe here and enjoy! 

edible SOUTH SHORE & SOUTH COAST celebrates our local food culture. We are committed to promote, publicize, and help to sustain the unique flavors and economic viability of Southeastern Massachusetts; connecting our readers with local growers, fishers, retailers, chefs, and food artisans through engaging stories and compelling photography while encouraging those relationships to thrive.

Eat thoughtfully,
The eSS & SC Team and

Laurie Hepworth and Michael Hart, Publishers 
Hart Design, LLC
15 Evergreen Street, Kingston, Massachusetts 02364  
(781) 582-1726